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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Massachusetts opportunity for next 2 weeks: hiring workers for liberty

Started by dawn, October 28, 2007, 05:17 PM NHFT

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Passing this on:

Hello small government advocates of New Hampshire,

We have a major Small Government Opportunity right over the border from
you - the Massachusetts ballot initiative to END the income tax. If it
passes, it will take $11 billion - 39% - out of the state budget and put it
back in the hands of the taxpayers who earned it!

To make the 2008 ballot, we need to collect 66,593 certified petitions this
fall - and we're just 2-1/2 weeks away from the deadline. We've come a long
way, but we're still short about 5,000 signatures from where we want to be.

We're looking for people who can petition - as a volunteer or paid (we're
paying $1.50/signature) - to help us get over the threshold we need with a
comfortable margin.

Unlike New Hampshire, Massachusetts is an "access" state - meaning
petitioners can petition at stores and other public places. It's much easier
than petitioning in New Hampshire.

Are you - or is anyone you know - available in the next few weeks to do some
petitioning? To help us make this amazing bold, small government initiative
a reality?

Or -- do you know anyone who simply wants to make some extra money over the
next few weeks?

If you can drive over the border to get some signatures from your New
Hampshire location, that would work fine!

If you live a greater distance from the border and want a place to stay
within Massachusetts - we currently have a place that can house one person
(or a couple) near our headquarters in Wayland, MA for this purpose over the
next few weeks. There are a wealth of stores accessible for petitioning
within a few miles of here.

Please call or email me immediately if you are interested or know someone
who might be.

I imagine many of you are affiliated with the Free State Project and know
people who would like to make a few extra bucks while working for a great
liberty cause. Please send us the names and contact info for people you know
who may be interested - and also please let them know about this

We need to act fast! Please RSVP now if you see a possibility for you or
someone you know participating.

Thank you!

Carla Howell
Chair, The Committee For Small Government
President, The Center For Small Government

Sign the Petition today! Give voters in Massachusetts the Choice
to End the Income Tax: http://www.smallgovernmentact.org/sign_petition.html

Dave Ridley

i'm glad carla wasn't too put off with the apparent ill treatment she got when she spoke to free staters a couple years ago.

sounds interesting... maybe i'll give them a shout


Quote from: DadaOrwell on October 29, 2007, 08:48 PM NHFT
i'm glad carla wasn't too put off with the apparent ill treatment she got when she spoke to free staters a couple years ago.
If you're referring to the poor reaction to the speech she gave at the MVP meeting at Bickford's, I don't think she realized how unimpressed we were.

Personally, I think she could be an extremely effective political liberty activist, if she
a) were not living in Communist Massachusetts, and
b) will listen to NH natives who have been successfully doing in NH what she has unsuccessfully trying to do in MA

Anyway, she's one of the speakers at NH Liberty Forum 2008


Quote from: DadaOrwell on October 29, 2007, 08:48 PM NHFT
i'm glad carla wasn't too put off with the apparent ill treatment she got when she spoke to free staters a couple years ago.

sounds interesting... maybe i'll give them a shout

Which ill treatment was that?