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No Halloween fun for you!

Started by lildog, October 31, 2007, 10:40 AM NHFT

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What a crock.  Some guy comes up with a way to have a little fun on Halloween and someone goes running to the police complaining.


Give me a freaking break!!!  >:( ::)

QuoteMERRIMACK, N.H. -- A Merrimack man's Halloween hijinx has some people calling the police.

David Williams has a scarecrow tied up on the front lawn of his Baboosic Lake Road home.

During the day, Williams dresses up as his scarecrow and waves at passing cars.

Some people driving by called police about the scary scarecrow. They complained that the prank was dangerous.

Police said Williams can only pull his scarecrow stunt on Halloween as long as he stays in his yard.

Williams said he has always been careful when doing his stunt, but will obey the ruling handed down by police.

How exactly is it "dangerous"?? Of course, first thing to do when you're upset is get the government involved and then the guy does what the police say, "obeys their ruling".  >:(


Quote from: Porcupine_in_MA on October 31, 2007, 10:45 AM NHFT
Some people driving by called police about the scary scarecrow. They complained that the prank was dangerous.


I actually feel sad for people like that.


He has an awesome costume, it reminds me of Jeepers Creepers.   

He said he was being careful so what's the big deal, I think it was a neat idea!  I probably would have ran the poor guy over or pissed myself. :)


omg! a man in a mask waving at cars! omg! he waved at MEEEE! omg! call the police!


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 31, 2007, 11:29 AM NHFT
He has an awesome costume, it reminds me of Jeepers Creepers. 

I didn't even think of that but yeah he does.

Quote from: raineyrocks on October 31, 2007, 11:29 AM NHFT
He said he was being careful so what's the big deal, I think it was a neat idea!  I probably would have ran the poor guy over or pissed myself. :)

That's just it, if he caused any accidents I'm sure there is at least one law he could be charged with but since he's being careful where's the problem.  People are enjoying it and having fun on both ends so I don't see the big deal.

Heck if you go to one of the major haunted houses like Spooky World they have monsters out in the parking lots that chase the cars while they are looking for spots and jump out at people walking up to wait in line.


Quote from: lildog on October 31, 2007, 12:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on October 31, 2007, 11:29 AM NHFT
He has an awesome costume, it reminds me of Jeepers Creepers. 

I didn't even think of that but yeah he does.

Quote from: raineyrocks on October 31, 2007, 11:29 AM NHFT
He said he was being careful so what's the big deal, I think it was a neat idea!  I probably would have ran the poor guy over or pissed myself. :)

That's just it, if he caused any accidents I'm sure there is at least one law he could be charged with but since he's being careful where's the problem.  People are enjoying it and having fun on both ends so I don't see the big deal.

Heck if you go to one of the major haunted houses like Spooky World they have monsters out in the parking lots that chase the cars while they are looking for spots and jump out at people walking up to wait in line.

I guess having fun is against the law now. ::)  Damn it this crap is really starting to get to me worse than ever. :angry4:  Everyday it's something stupider and more laws, laws, rules, rules, asshole people, ass kisser's helping the cops become more militant.  Don't these people realize pretty soon the tables will be turned on them too?  Don't they have anything better to do but than to rain on someone else's parade?




Quote from: mvpel on October 31, 2007, 12:40 PM NHFT

I would have thought that anyone who knows anything about what happened during nazi Germany can't see what is happening now.  Didn't neighbors inform the SS about Anne Frank's family being hidden too?  If they weren't turned in her family probably would've survived.  How could those people that told on them live with themselves?
I know 100% that I'd rather die than to be responsible for anyone else being tortured and murdered.  It doesn't just stop with "as long as my family is safe" with me, sure that's important but I'm also aware that other people's lives and family matter too.

The picture you posted says it all, doesn't it? :'(


Quote from: lildog on October 31, 2007, 12:48 PM NHFT
And it seems like other towns across the country have party poopers too...


Wow, some people really get into some scary decorations!  I can't believe somebody called it a lynching. ::)

At least they weren't made to take down their decorations.

"  With no crime, deputies could not force the Dolatas to take it down. They asked them to, but the Dolatas refused.

"We don't want to turn this into a big deal," Chantal Dolata said Tuesday afternoon. "This is NOT a racial issue."

You know the scariest Halloween costume these days would be to dress up like a cop. >:D


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 31, 2007, 12:55 PM NHFT
Wow, some people really get into some scary decorations!  I can't believe somebody called it a lynching. ::)

Here in NH, one of the scariest costumes we have is dressing up as John Lynch.



|lin ch | verb [ trans. ]
(of a mob) kill (someone), esp. by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.

That's what it looks like. Isn't a halloween decoration supposed to be such things? I guess some ignorant folk only think about things like the KKK when the word "lynch" is used.

This PC culture of ours just keeps getting more and more out of control.  >:(



anyone else see the poll...

Halloween decor, or racism?
What do you think of the hanging body in the Halloween display outside the tavern in Crystal River?
1-It's clearly racist.
2-It's a bad idea, but not racist.
3-It's a Halloween decoration, nothing more.

i was wondering if someone would call out the race card.

(i'm surprised the ACLU wasn't called....)