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"National Heritage" area coming soon to your town?

Started by CNHT, November 12, 2007, 02:43 AM NHFT

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I just wrote to both Sununu and Gregg about this considering I read about how they are going to make an 'area' in Mass/NH that falls under the "national heritage" tag.
Once they do that, forget it...it won't be long until it's a "world heritage" area like what happened to the WMNF.

I also asked them both to please vote NO on L.O.S.T

This has to do with PRIVATE PROPERTY which is not even listed as an issue on Gregg's drop down menu. Eminent Domain is not there either.


Here is the article that explains how it has international implications:

Freedom's Way National Heritage Area [MA/NH] (H.R.1297, S. 827   WHAT A DECEPTIVE TITLE



HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) - The U.S. House of Representatives has approved legislation that would designate a new national heritage area in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

The Freedom's Way National Heritage Area would include 37 towns and cities in northern Massachusetts and eight towns in southern New Hampshire.

The measure, which also designates five other national heritage areas in other parts of the country, now goes to the Senate. The bill authorizes $10 million in federal matching grants to establish the heritage areas.

OK people, we're screwed! HODES was one of the sponsors and I'm sure CS Porter voted YES.
Both of them should be tarred and feathered in the town square!!!!!!!!!!!


I wrote to Porter for an explanation. I may have to CALL Hodes.

Hodes cannot be contacted easily because 1) his web designer sucks and half the page won't load in my browser; and 2) he makes it so you have to be in Dis 2 to even get the form. With Porter you can at least bitch even if you are not in Dis 1 because she has a form.

I am demanding more info.

What towns are included?
Does she understand the international implications of this?

Reading: http://www.freedom.org/news/200708/14/morrison.phtml

Write to: mailbox@sununu.senate.gov and mailbox@gregg.senate.gov