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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Ridley Report: View tax battle heats Keene meeting

Started by Dave Ridley, November 14, 2007, 06:02 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley



Ridley, this is SUPERB...and shows what we are doing INSIDE the system to get some of these crooks and questionable organizations OUT of the business of having an influence over our taxations process.

Post the URL to this to as many NH bulletin boards and forums as you can.

Thanks to the hard work of some of our cohorts, we already succeeded in getting a few 'important' people to step down.

It is a lie that there is no VIEW assessment: it is clearly marked on the assessment card with the letters VU.

VU taxes have been used punitively against those who would expose it.

Be aware: The NHMA, or New Hampshire Municipal Association, is like the UN of NH -- it's NON-governmental but we pay their membership dues and for many of their junkets. They are a powerful influence on what goes on in the statehouse.

They have deceptively renamed themselves "Local Government Center" and often post WRONG information and interpretation of NH law on their website.

Once again, THANK YOU DAVE.

:-* :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*

Pat K

Russell Kanning

interesting .... if you could have only added a wookie to that meeting ;)

Dave Ridley

jane could you forward this video to your CNHT mailing list and post it on your CNHT website?

I asked him all 4 of your questions by the way, that full interview airs on the 17th

Quote from: CNHT on November 14, 2007, 11:39 PM NHFT
Ridley, this is SUPERB...and shows what we are doing INSIDE the system to get some of these crooks and questionable organizations OUT of the business of having an influence over our taxations process.

Post the URL to this to as many NH bulletin boards and forums as you can.

Thanks to the hard work of some of our cohorts, we already succeeded in getting a few 'important' people to step down.

It is a lie that there is no VIEW assessment: it is clearly marked on the assessment card with the letters VU.

VU taxes have been used punitively against those who would expose it.

Be aware: The NHMA, or New Hampshire Municipal Association, is like the UN of NH -- it's NON-governmental but we pay their membership dues and for many of their junkets. They are a powerful influence on what goes on in the statehouse.

They have deceptively renamed themselves "Local Government Center" and often post WRONG information and interpretation of NH law on their website.

Once again, THANK YOU DAVE.

:-* :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*


Good work Dave. It is nice to start backing these monkeys into a corner. They do not like it huh? 

If they can't answer questions prsented by the public they need to be shitcanned.



Quote from: kola on November 15, 2007, 10:54 AM NHFT
Good work Dave. It is nice to start backing these monkeys into a corner. They do not like it huh? 

If they can't answer questions prsented by the public they need to be shitcanned.


We got rid of Gary Roberge so now it's time for Betsey Patten to go.


Oh I already did send it to the board, all 30 of them.
I will wait for part II and post both on the front page.
I'm working on a big project right now, deadline tonight, so ping me when you're ready!


I especially love the part where Dave asks the bureaucrat a question about the morality of what he is doing...the look on the guys face before refusing to answer was precious.  8)


I WISH somehow the Manchester one had been filmed. I hope to get back to doing this once the primary is passed as well as my radio shows.

THAT is the one where our OWN ED NAILE demanded Patten's resignation.

Dave Ridley

Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 15, 2007, 04:00 AM NHFT
interesting .... if you could have only added a wookie to that meeting ;)

I think you should do that!

Dave Ridley

jane i would say the better video to embed is the current one, part 2 will just be talking head.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 15, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT
jane i would say the better video to embed is the current one, part 2 will just be talking head.

What do you mean talking head? I thought you said it was going to be their answers to all the questions?
I just looked at it again and I can't post it on the website because it has commercial ads in it, but believe me all the members saw it.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 15, 2007, 11:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 15, 2007, 04:00 AM NHFT
interesting .... if you could have only added a wookie to that meeting ;)

I think you should do that!

ZING! Score one for the Dave-meister!
;D ;D ;D

You're right, Russell is about Wookiee height. Maybe he can hire Dreepa or Rocketman as his proxie.