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Started by keith in RI, December 31, 2007, 07:40 AM NHFT

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keith in RI


Monitor endorsements: McCain, Clinton
Submitted by Primary Monitor on Sat, 2007-12-29 17:19.

This morning's Monitor editorial endorsed John McCain in New Hampshire's Republican primary. It concludes:

    Earlier in the campaign, when McCain was being counted out, a consultant might have urged a makeover: Lose the moral compass on torture and immigration, ditch the vision for a turnaround in Iraq.

    Not a chance. John McCain held on to his principles and defended them with dignity. New Hampshire residents who vote in the Republican primary should reward that integrity with their votes.

Tomorrow's editorial will endorse Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire's Democratic primary. Here is an excerpt:

    Clinton's ambitious to-do list for her first few weeks in office gives us confidence that her priorities are right and that she would act swiftly to make a positive difference. She is the Monitor's choice in the Jan. 8 Democratic primary.

    New Hampshire Democrats and independents are blessed with a strong field of presidential candidates at a time when a change of course is desperately needed. We have been impressed by Joe Biden's pragmatic foreign policy and by John Edwards's insistence that we pay attention to the poorest Americans.

    Barack Obama, more than most, has the power to inspire. The positive tone of his campaign is not a gimmick. He is a serious candidate with sober ideas. For reasons symbolic and substantive, he would also be a nominee Democrats could feel proud to vote for.

    But Hillary Clinton's unique combination of smarts, experience and toughness makes her the best choice to win the November election and truly get things done.

UPDATE: The full Clinton endorsement is here.


Russell Kanning

someone was thinking we should do an endorsement for the Keene Free Press
I was thinking we could endorse "Nobody"
as in
nobody has convinced us they would be a great president
nobody has showed us that the government is great and we should follow them
nobody has really impressed us
nobody is the overwelming choice
We therefore endorse Nobody in the primary


Ya, you should do an official front-page endorsement of nobody.

J’raxis 270145

Russell Kanning