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Gambling Disobedience (Military Veterans + the public?)

Started by FTL_Ian, January 30, 2008, 11:54 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

I'm trying to avoid any arrests until after my election

Dave Ridley

So....do we have two people besides me who can commit to gambling until arrested on March 3 at 10 a.m. in Concord?   We'll need that in order to move forward, and I would say we'll need it by Feb. 26.  Otherwise we'll need to postpone or cancel the event.   


It's rather early notice for me.
My bosses won't be at work next week and I don't know if I can get the time off.

Russell Kanning

does it have to be on a weekday and in Concord?
I think some of the Keene boys would like some weekend action.

Dave Ridley

OK I just got off the phone with one of the VFW people, and although they were appreciative they didn't like this idea.  I did ask what we *could* do to help, and it appears the most effective thing would be a donation to the VFW.  I will try to post that contact info later.

Obviously this does not throw the entire gambling dis idea out the window but it means there's no benefit in tying it in with this case, and no benefit in rushing to do it on March 3.


There was some opinion at Social Sundays that more people would be willing to participate if the event were in Keene and not so "in your face" to the government people.  (IE: part of a larger event like Freedom Fest)

We were planning on doing this at Freedom Fest in addition to your event, Dave, so if you're canceling then it will definitely be at Freedom Fest.  In fact, there was even some gambling going on at Social Sundays!


Quote from: DadaOrwell on February 25, 2008, 11:06 AM NHFT
OK I just got off the phone with one of the VFW people, and although they were appreciative they didn't like this idea.

Honestly, Dave, did you think they would be supportive of the idea? Most veterans are "law and order" types and don't hold to civil disobediance.


Too bad I heard about this on such short notice because I would be glad to help out normally.

Kat Kanning



I am willing to participate in the gambling civ dis at Keene Freedom Fest.

I am not at all interested in the idea of directly alerting the prevailing crime syndicate.  There are two reasons for this: 1) I do not recognize their fraudulent claim to authority over me.  They are no different from generic thiefs and kidnappers, and I would not seek to communicate with such scumbags -- so why them?
...and 2) By making this a natural, integrated part of a larger freedom-oriented event, you have the spectacle of normal, peaceful folks engaging in their normal activities, with the cops swooping in to attack.  You are not provoking them, or at least not obviously.  That makes it much more obvious to the audience who the real agressor is.

If I am going to risk jail time, and place my very income source on the line, I want to at least conduct my activism in such a way that it has the greatest possible impact.

Lloyd Danforth

I'm guessing that if you spent the afternoon sitting around a card table on Railroad Square tossing cash around someone would alert the Crime Syndicate for you

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on February 25, 2008, 09:56 PM NHFT
I'm guessing that if you spent the afternoon sitting around a card table on Railroad Square tossing cash around someone would alert the Crime Syndicate for you
... and that isn't very normal activity is it ... but I still like the idea


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on February 25, 2008, 09:56 PM NHFT
I'm guessing that if you spent the afternoon sitting around a card table on Railroad Square tossing cash around someone would alert the Crime Syndicate for you


Not only that, if it is advertised as part of the planned venue for Freedom Fest, no one should have to notify them directly :)

That is the point exactly.  Do your own thing, leave them completely alone, and capitalize on the inevitable spectacle of them initiating unprovoked aggression.  That is much more powerful than overtly creating an artificial situation, where the message that actually gets through to the average individual is: "Don't be stupid and notify the government if you are planning to do something like that".