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Woo hoo! Keene Wal-Mart officially accepts Liberty Dollars

Started by Dave Ridley, July 06, 2005, 04:52 PM NHFT

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Pat McCotter

Quote from: mikefam on July 25, 2005, 02:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 13, 2005, 05:26 PM NHFT
Like the gas station I mentioned, stores can state two prices for their goods/services; one in FRN and one in pre-65 silver coins.

Remember when gas stations had different prices for cash & credit because credit card netowrks charged so much for processing.

this is now an illegal practice outlawed by strong lobbying by the banking industry.

What is the specific law for this? Is it federal or state? Is it for credit cards or is it general for any type of dual pricing?



Quote from: patmccotter on July 25, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: mikefam on July 25, 2005, 02:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 13, 2005, 05:26 PM NHFT
Like the gas station I mentioned, stores can state two prices for their goods/services; one in FRN and one in pre-65 silver coins.

Remember when gas stations had different prices for cash & credit because credit card netowrks charged so much for processing.

this is now an illegal practice outlawed by strong lobbying by the banking industry.

What is the specific law for this? Is it federal or state? Is it for credit cards or is it general for any type of dual pricing?


I don't know the specifics, i just remember asking gas stations back in the early 90's or whenever about why there was no more "cash price for gas" and i was told by a few different gas stations that it was now against the law to have a seperate gas price for cash/ credit. I am pretty sure that its a federal law.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on July 25, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
As a Liberty Associate, I can say yes there is a discount for the paper LDs.? It's the same discount as is on the Silver Liberties. Don't know what makes you think there is not, mikefam.
as a liberty associate myself I would challenge that statement as I personally called norfed to get paper reciepts and was told that they cost face value because it cost norfed too much to produce the paper reciepts due to anti counterfitting measures.
upon further review it seems that norfed does offer paper reciepts at a discount.? maybe the phone call i made to them like 2 years ago had some effect..
upon further investigation (i just ordered 2 $20 currency packs) it cost me $44 and change to get $40 worth of liberty reciepts  (over $7 for shipping)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: patmccotter on July 25, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: mikefam on July 25, 2005, 02:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 13, 2005, 05:26 PM NHFT
Like the gas station I mentioned, stores can state two prices for their goods/services; one in FRN and one in pre-65 silver coins.

Remember when gas stations had different prices for cash & credit because credit card netowrks charged so much for processing.

this is now an illegal practice outlawed by strong lobbying by the banking industry.

What is the specific law for this? Is it federal or state? Is it for credit cards or is it general for any type of dual pricing?

It's not a law as far as I am aware.  It's only a violation of contract with credit card companies to unveil their fees by charging more for credit card transactions.

Gun shops still do it.  I'm probably going to start rejecting credit cards altogether for my business.  I reject their policy of allowing chargebacks 6 months after a transaction.


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 26, 2005, 08:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 25, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: mikefam on July 25, 2005, 02:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 13, 2005, 05:26 PM NHFT
Like the gas station I mentioned, stores can state two prices for their goods/services; one in FRN and one in pre-65 silver coins.

Remember when gas stations had different prices for cash & credit because credit card netowrks charged so much for processing.

this is now an illegal practice outlawed by strong lobbying by the banking industry.

What is the specific law for this? Is it federal or state? Is it for credit cards or is it general for any type of dual pricing?

It's not a law as far as I am aware.? It's only a violation of contract with credit card companies to unveil their fees by charging more for credit card transactions.

Gun shops still do it.? I'm probably going to start rejecting credit cards altogether for my business.? I reject their policy of allowing chargebacks 6 months after a transaction.
it you really think about it credit card companies are charging an illegal interest rate this is how : i use my card to buy $10 worth of anything  the credit card company remits $10 less a %age  the difference is "interest" paid to the bank depending on the day related to the closing of my credit card statement for the month the interest rate varries sometimes to a percentage in the criminal rate area

Michael Fisher

Quote from: mikefam on July 26, 2005, 09:33 AM NHFT
it you really think about it credit card companies are charging an illegal interest rate

Do not take this offensively, but I really do not care much about the legality of what they charge.  If I don't like them, I just won't use them.


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 27, 2005, 12:59 AM NHFT
Quote from: mikefam on July 26, 2005, 09:33 AM NHFT
it you really think about it credit card companies are charging an illegal interest rate

Do not take this offensively, but I really do not care much about the legality of what they charge.? If I don't like them, I just won't use them.
non taken, I was just trying to make the point that big banks break the law daily and noone seems to notice or even care


Quote from: mikefam on July 26, 2005, 09:33 AM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 26, 2005, 08:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 25, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: mikefam on July 25, 2005, 02:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on July 13, 2005, 05:26 PM NHFT
Like the gas station I mentioned, stores can state two prices for their goods/services; one in FRN and one in pre-65 silver coins.

Remember when gas stations had different prices for cash & credit because credit card netowrks charged so much for processing.

this is now an illegal practice outlawed by strong lobbying by the banking industry.

What is the specific law for this? Is it federal or state? Is it for credit cards or is it general for any type of dual pricing?

It's not a law as far as I am aware.? It's only a violation of contract with credit card companies to unveil their fees by charging more for credit card transactions.

Gun shops still do it.? I'm probably going to start rejecting credit cards altogether for my business.? I reject their policy of allowing chargebacks 6 months after a transaction.
it you really think about it credit card companies are charging an illegal interest rate this is how : i use my card to buy $10 worth of anything? the credit card company remits $10 less a %age? the difference is "interest" paid to the bank depending on the day related to the closing of my credit card statement for the month the interest rate varries sometimes to a percentage in the criminal rate area
except that I am sure it is all legal in the fine print.
Stores don't HAVE to take credit cards.
People don't HAVE to use credit cards.

I rarely carry cash.  I pay for everything with Creditcards.  and pay the things off at the end of the month... no fees or interest charges to me.


Quote from: mikefam on July 27, 2005, 07:31 AM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 27, 2005, 12:59 AM NHFT
Quote from: mikefam on July 26, 2005, 09:33 AM NHFT
it you really think about it credit card companies are charging an illegal interest rate

Do not take this offensively, but I really do not care much about the legality of what they charge.  If I don't like them, I just won't use them.
non taken, I was just trying to make the point that big banks break the law daily and noone seems to notice or even care

If it's against the law to charge high interest rates, then the law is stupid.

There should be nothing illegal about charging high interest rates, as it completely volentary. If a person lends me money on the condition that I pay him back 20% interest, then I can either voletnarily accept or decline the offer. If I accept it, it's my own stupid fault, if it hurts me.


Kat Kanning

Ooops.  From friday's sentinel:

Liberty Dollar offers consumers an alternative

To The Sentinel:

While the Keene city government works toward a massive tax increase, there is one piece of good ?money news? to report.

Management at Keene?s Wal-Mart has decided to begin accepting Liberty Dollars as payment. For those who are not yet aware, the Liberty Dollar is a private, silver-backed currency distributed nationally by NORFED and designed to enhance the economies of cities in which it circulates.

Basically, it is a one-ounce silver piece with a face value of $10. Unlike the fiat currency in your wallet, it tends to go up in value against the greenback and gives you some of the same powers that our Federal Reserve used to reserve for itself.


It only took about 10 minutes for Wal-Mart folks to make this cool decision, and believe you me I rewarded them with a silver shopping spree! I'll be back many times.

Special thanks to Correy (Wal-Mart manager) and also to Angela at the service desk. Mention them if the cashier doesn?t know whether to take the silver.

Other stores in town who have accepted Liberty Dollars from me include City Tire and Cheshire Village Pizza. Thanks, all of you!

Liberty Dollars are good for Keene because they tend to circulate locally and because they have intrinsic value. Those who are really serious about them can do what the Federal Reserve does with greenbacks: buy them in bulk at a slight discount and spend them at a slight profit. They increase your net buying power, and they soar in value when there is an economic or monetary crisis.

So, if you already own Liberty Dollars, I urge you to reward the stores above by spending them there. If you want to start using Liberty Dollars, just visit www.norfed.org or call them at 800.NEW.DOLLAR.

A random net search should give you independent background information you need to decide whether you can trust this currency as I do. I certainly trust it more than the federal dollar, which has lost 98 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was founded.


88 Sparrow St.



Quote from: katdillon on August 01, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT
Ooops.? From friday's sentinel:

Liberty Dollar offers consumers an alternative

To The Sentinel:

While the Keene city government works toward a massive tax increase, there is one piece of good ?money news? to report.

Management at Keene?s Wal-Mart has decided to begin accepting Liberty Dollars as payment. For those who are not yet aware, the Liberty Dollar is a private, silver-backed currency distributed nationally by NORFED and designed to enhance the economies of cities in which it circulates.

Basically, it is a one-ounce silver piece with a face value of $10. Unlike the fiat currency in your wallet, it tends to go up in value against the greenback and gives you some of the same powers that our Federal Reserve used to reserve for itself.


It only took about 10 minutes for Wal-Mart folks to make this cool decision, and believe you me I rewarded them with a silver shopping spree! I'll be back many times.

Special thanks to Correy (Wal-Mart manager) and also to Angela at the service desk. Mention them if the cashier doesn?t know whether to take the silver.

Other stores in town who have accepted Liberty Dollars from me include City Tire and Cheshire Village Pizza. Thanks, all of you!

Liberty Dollars are good for Keene because they tend to circulate locally and because they have intrinsic value. Those who are really serious about them can do what the Federal Reserve does with greenbacks: buy them in bulk at a slight discount and spend them at a slight profit. They increase your net buying power, and they soar in value when there is an economic or monetary crisis.

So, if you already own Liberty Dollars, I urge you to reward the stores above by spending them there. If you want to start using Liberty Dollars, just visit www.norfed.org or call them at 800.NEW.DOLLAR.

A random net search should give you independent background information you need to decide whether you can trust this currency as I do. I certainly trust it more than the federal dollar, which has lost 98 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was founded.


88 Sparrow St.

OK who is going to call and confirm this one?  NOT ME!!!

Kat Kanning

This was sent in before Walmart changed their mind about accepting them.
