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Did Kira REALLY travel the world?

Started by Caleb, March 16, 2008, 01:27 AM NHFT

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Well, what say you? Kira's been awful defensive about this whole subject. What does she have to hide?

Pat K

I would like to add to the poll:
If Kira has gone to these places
she gets to kick Caleb in the spot of
her choosing.

Russell Kanning

Does Caleb still exist ... or is he bill grennon's latest celebrity name?


Hmm, suspicious

Looking thru Kira's extensive collection of the 'places she's been' I noticed these photos...

Kat Kanning

LOL, she's really been to the middle one.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 16, 2008, 09:29 AM NHFT
LOL, she's really been to the middle one.

Well, she SAYS she's been there....

Russell Kanning

she is the only one with a jacket in that last one .... call the bomb squad!



Are there a lot of fake people in The Shire?  Would I be wrong to infer it?

Russell Kanning


In a way, it's only possible to prove your own existence. Everyone else's existence must be inferred....  >:D

Kat Kanning

She must have been on the Mordor cruise package.


Har har very funny Calob. You lucky I'm not in California anymore or I might just find you and kick you. >:D ;)


Quote from: kira_jane on March 17, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
Har har very funny Calob. You lucky I'm not in California anymore or I might just find you and kick you. >:D ;)

this Calob guy sounds like a jerk. I, Caleb, am with you, Kira. Let's hunt him down and kick him in the shins!  :P

Jim Johnson

Quote from: kira_jane on March 17, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
Har har very funny Calob. You lucky I'm not in California anymore or I might just find you and kick you. >:D ;)

Don't kick him!  Bonk him with your tin hat.   :hammer: