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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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High Standards

Started by John, March 20, 2008, 01:40 PM NHFT

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I always thought that my fellow libertarians (maybe) held high[er] personal standards (than I).
:-[ :-[ :-[

When things are crazy, PLEASE REMEMBER TWO THINGS:  GIVE FORGIVENESS & ALSO, ASK FOR IT!  Please let's don't let personal stuff get out of control.

We are proving ourselves to be quite HUMAN/imperfect.

If enough people in our group act BADLY, others will judge the group by that standard and . . .  :-[ . . .


Quote from: John on March 20, 2008, 01:40 PM NHFT
I always thought that my fellow libertarians (maybe) held high[er] personal standards (than I).
:-[ :-[ :-[
When things are crazy, PLEASE REMEMBER TWO THINGS:  GIVE FORGIVENESS & ALSO, ASK FOR IT!  Please let's don't let personal stuff get out of control.
We are proving ourselves to be quite HUMAN/imperfect.
If enough people in our group act BADLY, others will judge the group by that standard and . . .  :-[ . . .

Yep.  Nothing will destroy group as effectively as a Witch Trial.  We've seen a lot of that lately.  Whether this group can save itself, and the individuals within it can meet higher standards, remains to be seen.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks for the analysis.  ::)



i must admit, there has been quite alot of "challeneges" as of late.

i think this stuff strengthens groups tho' and brings out character...but also shows the weaknesses.

hey man, this is just life happening. it happens everywhere.



Quote from: kola on March 20, 2008, 02:20 PM NHFT
hey man, this is just life happening. it happens everywhere.

Yep.  Shit happens.  But how you CHOOSE to handle it defines your status as an honorable man.



hey, all is quiet in my neighborhood! 


Quote from: malcolm on March 20, 2008, 02:12 PM NHFT
Yep.  Nothing will destroy group as effectively as a Witch Trial.  We've seen a lot of that lately.  Whether this group can save itself, and the individuals within it can meet higher standards, remains to be seen.

"this group" seemed just fine when they were working hard at the state house this week.....

"this group" seemed just fine when they were at Murphy's on Tuesday night.....there were actually more people than I have seen in a while.....

"this group" is just fine.....

porcupine kate

The only thing I can hope for is people is to learn from this and grow. 
I would hate to see good activists stop working toward Liberty because can't seem to get past what now is a big public mess.
People screw up there lives all the time and the only thing that counts is what you do after the fact. You need to pull yourself together, move on, and learn from your mistakes.
If people work really hard to get their act together I will be impressed. Most people don't have the strength to go down that road.  It is hard path to travel.  It is a worthy one.
If you can be a more responsible and considerate person to your self and those around you everyone will be better off. 
Working towards being a better person is hard.  It is a long road.

If we are to get a world we want accepting responsibility for everything you do is critical.
Petty, vindictive, defeatist behavior works against us.  It makes us look like politicians. :puke:

This is the road I've been slowly traveling down since I was a teenager and I still have a long way to go.  I was given good advice years ago that thankfully I listened too.  I've had help along the way.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.  If you can't see what you are messing up and have no idea how to fix what doesn't work, get help.  If I hadn't started down this path I wouldn't be in New Hampshire now. 


Well said Kate. 
"Petty, vindictive, defeatist behavior works against us.  It makes us look like politicians. "


Quote from: porcupine kate on March 21, 2008, 09:08 AM NHFT
Petty, vindictive, defeatist behavior works against us... 

So true! :)


Quote from: porcupine kate on March 21, 2008, 09:08 AM NHFT
The only thing I can hope for is . . . [etc. etc.]
. . .  If I hadn't started down this path I wouldn't be in New Hampshire now. 

Good words.  8)


I'm recalling these words from some guy named Thomas Jefferson:  "Always act as if the whole world is watching."


I'm also recalling "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."
Out comes the sun and dries up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climes up the spout - again.  ;)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: John on March 20, 2008, 01:40 PM NHFT
I always thought that my fellow libertarians (maybe) held high[er] personal standards (than I).
:-[ :-[ :-[

When things are crazy, PLEASE REMEMBER TWO THINGS:  GIVE FORGIVENESS & ALSO, ASK FOR IT!  Please let's don't let personal stuff get out of control.

We are proving ourselves to be quite HUMAN/imperfect.

If enough people in our group act BADLY, others will judge the group by that standard and . . .  :-[ . . .
