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Right Brain or Left Brain? Fun Test

Started by dalebert, March 22, 2008, 08:13 AM NHFT

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Once again, (big  breath) I wasnt stressing about "being correct"

Many of them just did not "feel right".

I think Becky probally feels the same way.



I finally got the Right Brain/Left Brain test to download... @$#^! slow computer.

That is an absolutely fascinating test! My experience was especially weird... as soon as I got there, my eyes were naturally drawn to the spinning silhouette, and the first second or two it appeared to spin clockwise. Then I focused on it, and it started spinning counterclockwise... and I couldn't get it to spin clockwise again, even when I tried to relax my focus.


Gotta say, though, that is one lovely dancer! ;D


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 24, 2008, 07:24 AM NHFT
our Brain Usage Profile:

Got Dissociative Identity Disorder there, um... Lloyd? ;D


Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 47%
Visual : 52%
Left : 57%
Right : 42%

I'm with you, Kola... most of the time none of the choices seemed to fit very well... and could almost as easily have gone with one of the other choices :-\

Hey, maybe you and I are just good at seeing things from all angles ;D

John Edward Mercier

The ones that don't 'feel right' are the ones that don't fit your neural pattern. Your conscious mind is trying to determine 'correct', but it can't because none of the answers are incorrect.

So everyone that takes the test whether right dominant, left dominant, or balanced feels a little unsettled.

Becky Thatcher

I  don't think it left me feeling "unsettled".  But, for example, on the question which shape do you find most appealing, I thought all three were boring so I just 'einy meeny miny moed' it.  (not sure on the spelling there, but you get the idea)  :)


Quote from: kola on March 23, 2008, 12:19 PM NHFT
I am not sure how they figure the test shows that a person is "auditory" when there are no actual hearing type questions. 

From my test:

Of the three choices below, which seems to better reflect the relationship I:M?

   A.         1:1000
   B.         U:R
   C.         9:13

I'll guess if B seemed right, it was because the reader "heard"  "I am" and "You are" as a "better" answer than some Roman numeral conversion or some ordinal assignment of the alphabet.  This might indicate an auditory response, or that the test taker reads out loud.

It also occurs to me that if this is the auditory question, it could be skewed by someone picking B because of the vowel:consonant pattern. 

Also, am I alone noticing that Becky is the only one to use 100% of h[er|is] brain for Auditory/Visual purposes?  All other posters max at 99% on the combined scales.  I have a hunch where my missing 1% is allocated.   :)


Quote from: srqrebel on March 24, 2008, 10:25 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 24, 2008, 07:24 AM NHFT
our Brain Usage Profile:

Got Dissociative Identity Disorder there, um... Lloyd? ;D

I was going to write something about that but then I said, nah it's probably a typo. :D


Maybe I'm retarded.  The girl only spin clockwise.  The shadow of her foot only goes from right to left.  That's an incontravertible fact.  The ONLy way I can interpret the foot shadow, is that she's spinning clockwise.  Otherwise, the shadow would originate on the left and move to right, right?

Pat K

Auditory 26 %
Visual     73 %
Left        55 %
Right       44 %


I showed this to a real world friend of mine, and couldn't convince him that she spins both ways.  I finally had to draw him a picture.  I downloaded the gif, split out the frames, used frame #12 (arbitrary on my part), duplicated it, and touched up both copies of the same frame.  Since I went to all that trouble, I figured I'd share here to help the people that don't understand what's wrong the rest of the people here.

Verify for yourself that all three images are exactly the same except for the gray clothing I added.  Cover one of the clothed images to better see the match of the other two.  Notice that her left arm could just as well be her right arm depending on if she faces you or is turned away.  Without the clothing, you don't know if she's spinning clockwise or counter clockwise since you aren't sure which way she faces.


John Edward Mercier

I can perceive the silhouette turning in either direction, but for some reason have trouble imagining it as a dancer... looks more like someone taking a sobriety test.



Quote from: kola on March 26, 2008, 04:57 AM NHFT
whats with da granny-pants?

Yeah, if you must draw clothing, couldn't it have been a thong?


Quote from: dalebert on March 26, 2008, 05:04 AM NHFT
Yeah, if you must draw clothing, couldn't it have been a thong?

She started out nude, but I thought I should sanitize it.