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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Delta Airlines crushes NH puppy, gets your tax dollars

Started by Dave Ridley, April 08, 2008, 10:45 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Enron was allowed to fail...but some airlines are like the living dead!   Accidents happen, of course, and forgiveness is honorable. But would this airline even exist in its sloppy form without the millions in taxpayer bailouts you were forced to fork over?




Dugg, but I didn't rate the video, and I have a criticism.

The WBZ article not only shows, but plainly says that it was a West Highland Terrier. Not at all like the poodle you show in the video.

Speaking as a Ridleo fan: this was not up to your usual level of reporting. It was a re-report from another source, with unrelated editorial content, and the basic story was inaccurately relayed.

The new graphic is great, though!


I kinda have to agree with KB (oh my god!) ;)

and the airlines took full responsibility in the case.

i dont have all the specific details but shit happens.
