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A Heated Conversation about Marijuana with Senator Molly Kelly

Started by FTL_Ian, April 10, 2008, 12:04 PM NHFT

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A Heated Conversation about Marijuana with Senator Molly Kelly

Keene area Senator Molly Kelly called me back for the very first time ever today. I originally called to ask for her opinion on the marijuana decriminalization bill that the Senate will be hearing soon. I wish I had recorded the call. Allow me to break it down for you:

I first thanked her for her return call and asked how she felt about the legislation. She gave the standard politician answer that she had not yet read it. I then summarized the bill for her (<1/4oz possession would no longer be an arrestable offense) and asked not for a response on the legislation but for her thoughts on the issue of marijuana decriminalization. She responded that she was not familiar with the legislation.

I once again clarified for her that at this point I was just curious as to how she felt about marijuana users being arrested and put into jail cells. She responded that she did not believe that actually happens!

I explained to her that over 750,000 Americans per year are arrested for marijuana with a supermajority of those arrests being for simple possession. I also told her I was standing in the room with someone who was arrested and kept in a jail cell for 18 hours for marijuana possession. Still disbelieving, she told me she would need to research the issue.

Upset by her continued dodging of my simple question, I pressed again and asked her if she supports arresting and jailing marijuana users. Then she told me she did not want to answer my question and expressed to me her offense at being subjected to an "attack call" unlike any she has ever experienced. (To be fair, I had lost my composure at this point out of frustration over her political dodging and doublespeak.) I pointed out that this was not an "attack call" and I was asking a simple question that she refuses to answer. I told her that it seems to me that she doesn't care about people getting arrested for marijuana possession. She responded that she cares very much about her "constituents", then again refused to answer the question.

I asked her if she knew anyone who smokes marijuana and she took offense that I would ask such questions. She also attempted to threaten me by suggesting that my demeanor would not be helpful in swaying her vote. I told her I didn't care how she voted; I just wanted to know how she felt and told her that I would be letting other people know.

So there you have it. Molly Kelly does not believe anyone is arrested or jailed for marijuana possession. (In fact, she did not know that everyone who is arrested is taken to jail!) In one breath, she claims to care about others, even claiming that's what she's all about, while in another breath she proves she doesn't care enough to answer how she feels about marijuana smokers being imprisoned!

Somehow, I doubt she'll ever return my calls again.

In case you would like to get in touch with her and ask her about this issue, here's her contact information:

Office: (603) 271-7803
Home: (603) 352-5605

Home Address:
89 Colonial Drive
Keene, NH 03431


Nice work Ian.

You should have told her with her attitude and ignorance, she could be jobless in the future.


K. Darien Freeheart

Good job Ian.

I'm often a bit pissed at the political doublespeak. If you don't want to answer, that's your choice, just say so. On the other hand, perhaps she really is just fucking clueless. I've personally been a victim of my own predjudices sometimes because I didn't have the information. Perhaps if she were confronted (in a video, perhaps?) with the number of constituents in her district that had served time for possession, the number of hours taken at gunpoint from peaceful people's lives, the number of tax dollars squandered in her district alone this might serve as education for her.

Do you think something like that would sway her, or do you think you were being told to fuck off in Newspeak?

Kat Kanning

How can it be an attack call when she called you?

If Denis were here, he could have told you how what you really needed to do was kiss her ass and try and use her.  ::)


Quote from: Kevin Dean on April 10, 2008, 12:29 PM NHFT
Good job Ian.

I'm often a bit pissed at the political doublespeak. If you don't want to answer, that's your choice, just say so. On the other hand, perhaps she really is just fucking clueless. I've personally been a victim of my own predjudices sometimes because I didn't have the information. Perhaps if she were confronted (in a video, perhaps?) with the number of constituents in her district that had served time for possession, the number of hours taken at gunpoint from peaceful people's lives, the number of tax dollars squandered in her district alone this might serve as education for her.

Do you think something like that would sway her, or do you think you were being told to fuck off in Newspeak?

I don't know, but I can tell you I won't do that kind of work to attempt to influence some politician!   :o

I already told her it happens and she had no opinion about it.  She's a heartless bitch (I'm being nice with that word), and now everyone knows.


She chooses not to accept the truthful info you presented. Therefore she doesn't have to respond. And then her next step is to attack you personally and call you a loonie.

Even though you think you didn't do well, rattling the cages is always a good thing. When these
bureauo-goons go to bed at night it often comes back to haunt them.

I think ol' Dave Ridley is very good at being "sweet" but firm when he deals with these types of pinheads.



I just wrote a long letter to Ms. Kelly talking about how after only a few years of smoking marijuana, that my depression has basically been put in check.  I went on about how I should not be spending time in jail for my crime of self-medication.  I discussed with her all of the goals I have in life, including my accomplishments of Eagle Scout, Ambassador's Award (BPA), and Vigil Honor (order of the arrow)

I just hope she reads it.

Tom Sawyer


I was listening to this on the show last night and the impression I got was she was being a typical politician wanting to put up a BULLSHIT front that makes everyone like them and vote for them without taking a strong position on anything that might alienate some voters until they absolutely have to or until they're confident it's going to help them win an election. If anyone ever has any crazy notion pop into their head that a politician is ever serving anyone but herself, this is an example of why you should banish that notion from your mind. They are the sleaziest and most efficient and effective crooks on the planet.

Ask me how I really feel about politicians.  ;)


I put up a poll question on the Merrimack forum about this and shockingly nearly everyone who responded at the very least supported lessening the punishment as the current bill being discussed does.


There's a good mix of "average joes" who read that forum so I think that says a lot.


A politician that doesn't give a fuck?!
Who would have thought?