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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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How many here are atheists?

Started by kola, April 27, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT

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just curious.... it appears there are several.



No, I worship the Amphibious Rotini Monster.

J’raxis 270145

Short answer: I am.

Long answer: I completely believe that gods that possess self-contradictory properties, according to the rules of logic, do not exist, because they cannot. This writes off the Abrahamic gods and many others. (Any god that is both omnipotent and omniscient, for example.) Additionally, as for gods that could theoretically exist, I do not believe in them on account of there being no evidence of their existence: I take the approach that scientists do, of placing the burden of proof on the positive, not the negative.

firecracker joe


J’raxis 270145

Three who answered. I can think of at least 3–4 more I know.

Maybe you should attach a poll if you want quick numbers.


I'd rather see WHO as well as how many are atheists. If they do not want to post then thats ok too.

my guess who be jim, lauren, ian, ryan, menno, maybe tom and becky?

just a guess...no offence i hope.





they burn crosses on a christian's front lawn.
what do they burn on an agnostic's front lawn?

a question mark!
bahhhh haahahahahah
get it?


I'd tell Kola he should have just set up a poll, but he has me on ignore because the truth hurts.  >:D


What does it matter?

"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."


I believe in all those gods.  :)  Since the dawn of time, man has struggled to deal with the infinite, and has come up with complex mythologies to express something that is beyond human ability to even conceptualize, let alone put to words.


Quote from: Caleb on April 27, 2008, 08:05 PM NHFT
What does it matter?

"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

Caleb, as you know I respect peoples freedom to choose...a;though I may not agree with them.

I would like to know because I like spending time (and ideas and thoughts) with people who have similar interests as mine. It is readily apparent that some posters here have problems with my beliefs and have noted so. But anyway,its no different than me choosing people to hang out with who like baseball or hot rods or certain foods.

I am in no way saying people who are atheists are wrong or bad people. It is very clear many folks here who are atheists are very good people.

I happen to believe quite strongly in a "spiritual" manner that is based on NA Indian tradition. It appears the freestarter crowd is mostly atheists and this would definitley turn me away from ever considering moving to NH and hanging out with folks. Then again, most here dislike me anyways as we often disagree on just about everything.    

Now go ahead, ammo up and start firing.
