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Hidden Mystery of the US 1 Dollar Bill

Started by Raineyrocks, April 29, 2008, 10:37 AM NHFT

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I wasn't sure if I should put this link in this thread but I kind of had fun with it and the whole page full of stuff like this so maybe it is funny even though it's strange.  I always thought there were too many weird things drawn on money, haven't you?


Russell Kanning

normal people would never put so many strange symbols on a piece of paper


It only took Jordan 20 seconds to make his first glaring error - Annuit Coeptis- does not translate to what he says. There are numerous ones that follow.


Quote from: grolled on April 29, 2008, 10:49 AM NHFT
It only took Jordan 20 seconds to make his first glaring error - Annuit Coeptis- does not translate to what he says. There are numerous ones that follow.

That sucks, I thought he knew what he was talking about, sorry!

Russell Kanning

Quote from: grolled on April 29, 2008, 10:49 AM NHFT
It only took Jordan 20 seconds to make his first glaring error - Annuit Coeptis- does not translate to what he says. There are numerous ones that follow.
what are the correct translations .... I didn't even watch the video


Same with novus ordo seclorum,

The word seclorum does not mean "secular", as one might assume, but is the genitive (possessive) plural form of the word saeculum, meaning (in this context) generation, century, or age. Saeculum did come to mean "age, world" in late, Christian, Latin, and "secular" is derived from it, through secularis. However, the adjective "secularis," meaning "worldly," is not equivalent to the nominative plural possessive "seclorum," meaning "of the ages."

Thus, it is not "new world order," its is "new order of the ages," referring to representative government.

The pyramid was a recognized symbol of might for millenia. The unfinished pyramid has symbolized great unfinished worksin symbology used in the western world for quite some time, no "egyptian connection" necessary.

The eye of providence is a modern deistic representation of god, not specifically horus. Keep in mind, with so many deists in the early US govt, the desire to represent the divine, but in a very abstract way, would be expected.

So there's the 1st of 5 minutes......


Ok now starting with the second minute, this guy is so ignorant of Egyptian myth, he continues talking about Horus, assuming the image he's showing is of Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Wrong!

It's Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and children under the rays of Aten, a piece of artwork done during the 18th dynasty heresy, altogether a completely different religion than that of Horus (And likely the ancestor of the Abrahamic religions, but I digress).

Followed by a statue of Akhenaten (who he seems to assume is Horus), once again a man who rejected worship of Horus!

13 steps on the pyramid: Conspiracy! Ahem, could it perhaps be the same reason there's 13 stripes on the flag? The whole "13 states" thing?

- End of 2nd minute -


Now the guy talks about time travel. Apparently, this evil group, in 1774, came up with the design with the number 1776, because that is when they formed. Got that? This group somehow existed 2 years before its own existence. Ridiculous.

Columbia was a name for the American continents at least as early as the early 18th century. Some cartographers called it, Columbia after Christopher Columbus, some called it America after Amerigo Vespucci.

Columbia later became a personification of the Americas, before Uncle Sam recently became more popular.

CBS unveiled its Eye Device logo on October 17, 1951. Prior to that, from the 1940s through 1951, CBS Television used an oval spotlight on the block letters C-B-S. The Eye device was conceived by William Golden based on a Pennsylvania Dutch hex sign as well as a Shaker drawing.

- End of minute 3 -


"Annuit Cœptis" has 12 letters, not 13. Œ is a Roman script grapheme, a ligature of o and e. In medieval and early modern Latin, it was used to represent the Greek diphthong ??, a usage which continues in English and French. Ligatures were considered single letters until falling out of use with modern English spelling.

More 13 woo-woo. There were 13 original states, no further explanation necessary.

The 13 stars in the configuration that resembles a Star of David is topographically the most efficient layout. any other configuration would take up more space. Also, as it is centered in the seal, symmetry is important.

He says the number 32 and 33 are based on 13. Quite an argumentum ad posterior.

- End of minute 4 -


He claims the owl symbolizes the bohemian society, despite the fact the owl on the bill predates it. It is most likely the designer's personal mark. Most bills worldwide have a mark included, which is essentially the artist's signature.

More Bohemian Grove stuff, best left to another thread.

The owl is also a symbol of the National League of American Penwomen, Mensa, and countless colleges and universities. By his logic, If you use an owl, you're associated with bohemian grove. Once again ridiculous.

Thus concludes my review. Any questions?


Wow!  I'm impressed and the only question I have is where did you learn all this stuff? ;D


I have 2 more questions too.  Is that your real name with initials and all are just your forum name?  Also if it is your real name what does it all mean? :)


I tend to retain trivial knowledge. Couple that with just a few minutes on google, and you can figure it out.

I was born Ryan Robert Marvin. When Catholic, I took the name John (the baptist) at baptism and John (the evangelist) at confirmation. I prefer to use the anglicized Hebrew Yohanan, just because "John" is boring.

Right Reverend (ULC)
Doctor (Hon. Doctorate of Divinity)
Pope (Discordian Church)
Sir (Order of St. Michael)
SC (Secular Celebrant)
MAAS (Hon. Master, Apathetic and Agnostic Studies)
OCP (Ordained Clergy Person)
OSP (Order of St. Paul)
OSM (Order of St. Michael)

Thus, The Right Reverend Doctor Pope Sir Ryan Robert Yohanan Yohanan Marvin, SC, MAAS, OCP, OSP, OSM.


Quote from: The Right Reverend Doctor Pope Sir Ryan on April 29, 2008, 03:17 PM NHFT
I tend to retain trivial knowledge. Couple that with just a few minutes on google, and you can figure it out.

I was born Ryan Robert Marvin. When Catholic, I took the name John (the baptist) at baptism and John (the evangelist) at confirmation. I prefer to use the anglicized Hebrew Yohanan, just because "John" is boring.

Right Reverend (ULC)
Doctor (Hon. Doctorate of Divinity)
Pope (Discordian Church)
Sir (Order of St. Michael)
SC (Secular Celebrant)
MAAS (Hon. Master, Apathetic and Agnostic Studies)
OCP (Ordained Clergy Person)
OSP (Order of St. Paul)
OSM (Order of St. Michael)

Thus, The Right Reverend Doctor Pope Sir Ryan Robert Yohanan Yohanan Marvin, SC, MAAS, OCP, OSP, OSM.

That is very cool!  Thanks for answering! :D  I would probably never win any kind of debate with you, I'm sure. :)