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Here's a bunch of conspiracy theorys rolled into one, it's got pretty colors

Started by Raineyrocks, May 02, 2008, 06:28 PM NHFT

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Holy shit. What's even worse is they believe it.

I would post another point-by-point correction, but anyone who believes that is too far gone to bother with.


Quote from: The Right Reverend Doctor Pope Sir Ryan on May 02, 2008, 07:13 PM NHFT
Holy shit. What's even worse is they believe it.

I would post another point-by-point correction, but anyone who believes that is too far gone to bother with.

Yup, I would agree with you there!  That one was a blast but colorful, wouldn't you agree?  At least no one was speaking through the video so I mainly sat there and enjoyed the different colors. :)


Quote from: kola on May 02, 2008, 11:18 PM NHFT
you up very late rainey!

u ok?


Thanks for asking Kola! :)  I'm okay, Rick went to Maryland to bring some of my 23 yr. old daughter's things up here for her so I'm kind of just floating on the net.  Then I've been searching all day on how to write my book, I think I want to go the ebook way but every site I've been on wants $$ to tell me how to do it.

Funny I was just thinking of going to bed soon.  I'm starting to mess up on spelling words and everything.  Did you ever read the post to you about my strange necklace?   If not I think it's under the shire heading, I'd love to get your feedback on it.  Gosh I think I've corrected about 30 words in just this post. :P


Somewhere deep in an underground lair there is a super villain watching this video thinking: "This just might be doable!  Just one thing, what good is GPS tracking in space money?"