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Avoid hospitals unless true emergency!

Started by David, May 09, 2008, 10:37 AM NHFT

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I realize that modern medicine is in part responsible for the amazing addition to life expectancy, lower death rate during birth for the baby and mother, etc.  But they are not clean.  This is an eyeopening article, particularly if it is at all true.
Read this. 
Got the link from here.

The first article said that the bacteria normally lives in the body, but is not a problem most of the time.  One theory as to why it sometimes becomes infectious, is when the normal bacteria levels in the body become 'disturbed', such as when an anti biotic is used.  This makes sense, because the C diff is resistant to almost all antibiotics, so it thrives, whereas the competition for food (other bacteria) is wiped out. 

I was raised in a very religious family growing up led by my mother.  One of the religions tenets is for healing from God due to diligent prayer.  I was aware as I got older that even though we almost never received any medical care, (a few exceptions,) we were generally healthier than many of our neighbors.  I wonder if this is largely why.  My dad once told me that every year in the last several that he has had the flu shot, he has had a mild flu.  The last year he did not take the shot, he didn't get it.  I know that is anedotal, and the skeptics will prolly call me a luddite, but there is major problems in the medical community.  They think they can drug everything up, and everything will be wonderful after that. 


Getting the flu is actually a side effect of the flu shots.  However it *usually* is much more milder than if you caught it for real.... and generally prevents a major injection. 

If you aren't in a situation where you have a higher chance of getting the flu it is better to not get it.  I've never had the shot.  I received a case of bronchitis from a GF when she had bronchitis and the flu.  I gave it back to her once she was over it and life was good....for me.

There are lots of evil things in hospitals.  Microbes tend to build up immunities to all the anti-bacterial stuff we use; and even if you use anti-bacterial stuff at home....hospitals use about 1000 times more.


I tell people to stay the hell away from me if they recently got a flu shot. They can spread it to others.
It has mercury still in it and is most often not even the correct viral strain.

Flu shots, it's one of the biggest forms of pure quackery.



Quote from: doobie on May 09, 2008, 04:16 PM NHFT
Getting the flu is actually a side effect of the flu shots.  However it *usually* is much more milder than if you caught it for real.... and generally prevents a major injection.

Not true. the influenza vaccine is DEAD. You can get flu-like symptoms, but that's just the body's natural reaction to that type of foreign substance. The entire point is to jump-start your immune system, so of course the system will be a little overactive.



Dr. R. Neustaedter

The flu vaccine gets the most-useless-vaccine-of-all-time award. Now the CDC is recommending the vaccine for children under two years old and all adults over 50. Don't fall for it. The following article is from Dr. Randal Neustaedter's new edition of The Vaccine Guide, North Atlantic Books 800-337-2665

Everyone knows about the flu and the flu vaccine. What people do not know is that flu vaccines are nearly useless in preventing flu, they will cause the flu, and they often result in nervous system damage that can take years for the body to repair. Other nations chuckle at Americans' infatuation with the flu vaccine. The joke would indeed be funny, if it weren't for the damaging effects caused by the vaccine

The history of the flu vaccine reads like one stumbling fiasco after another. Take an example. Ever wonder how the particular viruses are chosen for next year's vaccine? The answer could be drawn from a 1930s film noir of Shanghai villainy. Scientists kill migrating ducks in Asia, culture the viruses and put those in next year's vaccine, because they have seen an association between bird and pig viruses and the following year's human flu epidemics. Perhaps this desperate guesswork is responsible for so many years when the flu vaccines viruses had nothing in common with circulating viruses. According to a CDC report of the 1994-1995 flu season, 87 percent of type A influenza virus samples were not similar to the year's vaccine, and 76 percent of type B virus were not similar to the virus in that year's vaccine. During the 1992-1993 season, 84 percent of samples for the predominant type A virus were not similar to the virus in the vaccine.

Here is a list of the most common side effects of the flu vaccine as stated by the CDC - fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and headache. Sound familiar?

The primary targeted population for flu vaccine is the elderly, yet the vaccine is notoriously ineffective in preventing disease in that population. According to the CDC, the effectiveness of flu vaccine in preventing illness among elderly persons residing in nursing homes is 30-40 percent (CDC, 2001b). Other studies have shown an even lower efficacy of 0-36 percent (averaging 21 percent). The CDC proudly notes that for those elderly persons living outside of nursing homes, flu vaccine is 30-70 percent effective in preventing hospitalization for pneumonia and influenza. Yet the Department of Human and Health Services found that, with or without a flu shot, pneumonia and influenza hospitalization rates for the elderly are less than one percent during the influenza season. Regardless of vaccination status, 99 percent of the elderly recover from the flu without being hospitalized. The ineffectiveness of flu shots in the elderly led the CDC in 2000 to begin recommending the shots for all persons age 50 years and older. The rationale being that one third of Americans have a risk factor or chronic disease that puts them at risk of increased morbidity from the flu.

Annual flu vaccination is recommended for those individuals with asthma and other chronic respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. However, those people with impaired immune systems are the most likely to suffer adverse autoimmune reactions.

Children are the next frontier for the lucrative flu vaccine campaign. Vaccination is currently recommended for children over six months of age with high-risk medical conditions, but is not recommended for healthy children. Experts in the field suggest that parents of children age six months to two years "be informed that their children are at risk for serious complications of influenza, and allowed to make individual informed decisions regarding influenza immunization for their children" (Neuzil et al., 2001). This statement was made by Marie Griffin (and others), the same author who was implicated in the flawed study that supposedly exonerated the pertussis vaccine of nervous system damage. She is also a paid consultant to one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers, Burroughs Wellcome. The children's market is the next big hope for vaccine campaigners. A 1998 working group began investigations to not only support, but also to "recommend" flu vaccine for young children.

The next big change in flu vaccines will be the introduction of a live intranasal flu vaccine, a dose that is actually sprayed into the nose. This vaccine has already been tested on young children. Live intranasal vaccine was found 93 percent effective in preventing influenza in children age one to six years old (Belshe et al., 1998). Unanswered questions about the live vaccine include the possibility of transmitting other, more dangerous viruses through the vaccine, the possibility of enhanced replication of the attenuated virus in individuals with compromised immune systems, and the possibility of bacterial super infection if the replicating live virus disrupts nasal membranes (Subbarao, 2000). This vaccine waits in the wings for its chance as the next big gun in the vaccine arsenal aimed at our children

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

In 1976 the flu vaccine was dealt a near fatal blow when reports appeared that the vaccine caused Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), an autoimmune nervous system reaction characterized by unstable gait, loss of sensation, and loss of muscle control. A mass vaccination program was mounted that year by the US Government, and 45 million Americans received the swine flu vaccine. Statistical studies have confirmed a causal relationship between the vaccine and GBS. During that year the rate of GBS in Ohio was 13.3 per 1,000,000 in vaccine recipients compared to 2.6 per 1,000,000 in nonrecipients (Marks & Halpin, 1980). A follow-up study also showed a significantly increased incidence of GBS during the first 6 weeks following receipt of the vaccine in patients residing in two other states. The rate of GBS was 8.6 per million vaccinees in Michigan and 9.7 per million vaccinees in Minnesota (Safranek et al., 1991). This episode, which became known as the swine flu catastrophe, left doctors extremely reluctant to administer flu vaccine, and shattered the public trust in the flu vaccine campaign.

The association between GBS and flu shots was not unique to the swine flu. Earlier reports had also summarized cases of nervous system disorders occurring soon after the flu vaccine (Flewett & Hoult, 1958; Horner, 1958). More recently, an increased risk for GBS occurring in patients during the six weeks following the flu vaccine was revealed in the 1992-1993 and the 1993-1994 flu seasons (Lasky et al., 1998).


One of the most bizarre twists on the flu vaccine saga is the CDC recommendation of 2001 that all pregnant women receive the vaccine in their second or third trimester. This recommendation even has doctors confused, since the vaccine remains a category C drug (unknown risk for pregnancy). No adequate studies have been conducted to monitor safety of the vaccine for mother and fetus. The only studies of adverse effects in pregnancy were conducted in the 1970s (Heinonen et al., 1973; Sumaya & Gibbs, 1979). Some flu vaccines still contain mercury as a preservative, despite a 1998 FDA instruction to remove mercury from all drugs. According to the CDC, two groups are most vulnerable to methylmercury¾ the fetus and children ages 14 and younger. An article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1999 stated, "the greatest susceptibility to methylmercury neurotoxicity occurs during late gestation" (Grandjean et al., 1999). How did CDC committee members determine that flu vaccines were safe for pregnant women? They did not. The committee, despite its own recommendation, states, "additional data are needed to confirm the safety of vaccination during pregnancy" (CDC, 2001b).

Flu Facts

Flu vaccine manufacturers are notoriously inaccurate at predicting the appropriate viruses to use in an individual year's vaccine, rendering the vaccine ineffective.
Flu vaccine is relatively ineffective in those patients most at risk of flu complications.
The vaccine has caused GBS in recipients during several different flu seasons.
Those most at risk of flu complications probably share a higher risk of adverse reactions to the flu vaccine as well.

Randall Neustaedter OMD


Wow, I though for just once there could be a thread about medicine without Kola regurgitating bullshit. Well, live and learn.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: David on May 09, 2008, 10:37 AM NHFT
I realize that modern medicine is in part responsible for the amazing addition to life expectancy ...

This isn't exactly true. Humans have always had a natural life span of about 70–75 years. Living conditions (diet, lifestyle, &c.) crashed during the mediæval period and resulted in the incredibly short lifespan (30–40 years) that modern medicine, starting in the nineteenth century, slowly helped us recover from.

Now, I wonder how long human beings would be able to live if we had modern medicine and actually fixed all of these dietary/lifestyle problems at their source...

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: The Right Reverend Doctor Pope Sir Ryan on May 09, 2008, 05:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: doobie on May 09, 2008, 04:16 PM NHFT
Getting the flu is actually a side effect of the flu shots.  However it *usually* is much more milder than if you caught it for real.... and generally prevents a major injection.

Not true. the influenza vaccine is DEAD. You can get flu-like symptoms, but that's just the body's natural reaction to that type of foreign substance. The entire point is to jump-start your immune system, so of course the system will be a little overactive.

I stay away from the flu vaccines because I don't trust the source. There have been far too many examples of the State using things like this to do clandestine experiments on people. These aren't "conspiracy theories," but have been openly admitted to by the government.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on May 09, 2008, 09:17 PM NHFT
Now, I wonder how long human beings would be able to live if we had modern medicine and actually fixed all of these dietary/lifestyle problems at their source...

It is hard to say, though I would think it wouldn't be unreasonable for it to be in the area of 120-150 years since people live to be 115 now...but that is purely conjecture on my part.

As for flu vaccines, I avoid them as well.