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Michelle Malkin - race baiter

Started by jaqeboy, May 31, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

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I'm for Rachel Ray! - buzz off, Michelle Malkin!

Dunkin' Donuts pulls Rachael Ray ad after complaints

BOSTON (AP) -- Dunkin' Donuts has pulled an online advertisement
featuring Rachael Ray after complaints that a fringed black-and-white
scarf that the celebrity chef wore in the ad offers symbolic support for
Muslim extremism and terrorism.

The coffee and baked goods chain said the ad that began appearing online
May 7 was pulled over the past weekend because "the possibility of
misperception detracted from its original intention to promote our iced

In the spot, Ray holds an iced coffee while standing in front of trees
with pink blossoms.

Critics, including conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, complained
that the scarf wrapped around her looked like a kaffiyeh, the
traditional Arab headdress. Critics who fueled online complaints about
the ad in blogs say such scarves have come to symbolize Muslim extremism
and terrorism.

The kaffiyeh, Malkin wrote in a column posted online last Friday, "has
come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser
Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in
beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed
by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities,
and left-wing icons."

A statement issued Wednesday by Canton, Mass.-based Dunkin' Brands Inc.,
however, said the scarf had a paisley design, and was selected by a
stylist for the advertising shoot.

"Absolutely no symbolism was intended," the company said.

Dunkin' spokeswoman Michelle King said the ad appeared on the chain's
Web site, as well as other commercial sites.

Amahl Bishara, an anthropology lecturer at the University of Chicago who
specializes in media matters relating to the Middle East, said
complaints about the scarf's use in the ad demonstrate misunderstandings
of Arab culture and the multiple meanings that symbols can take on
depending on someone's perspective.

"I think that a right-wing blogger making an association between a
kaffiyeh and terrorism is just an example of how so much of the
complexity of Arab culture has been reduced to a very narrow vision of
the Arab world on the part of some people in the U.S.," Bishara said in
a phone interview. "Kaffiyehs are worn every day on the street by
Palestinians and other people in the Middle East -- by people going to
work, going to school, taking care of their families, and just trying to
keep warm."

While some extremists and terrorists may wear kaffiyehs, "To reduce
their meaning to support for terrorism has a tacit racist tone to it,"
Bishara said.

Malkin, in a posting following up on last week's column, said of
Dunkin's decision to pull the ad, "It's refreshing to see an American
company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic
jihad and its apologists."

Ray, host of the Food Network television program "30 Minute Meals" as
well as a syndicated daytime talk show, began appearing in ads for
Dunkin' Donuts in March 2007. When Dunkin' announced the partnership, it
said Ray would be featured in TV, print, radio and online spots in a
campaign running through 2010.

I say we boycott Michelle Malkin! Oh, you wouldn't be caught dead reading or viewing her anyway? OK, cool.


That's pretty damn stupid.
I bet some terrorists wear glasses too!

Yes, I do realize that DD took the ad down on their own...no need for debate.

Becky Thatcher

Definitely a terrorist  ::)

What a bunch of fascist idiots.  :P

Jim Johnson

It is more than 3 oz. of liquid... which all terrorists carry.

In the movie, when the TSA agents are chasing the terrorists, one of the terrorist will pull out 4 oz. of water and spill it on the floor... then all the TSA agents slip and fall on each other.  It will be a running joke through the movie.
At one point all the TSA agents will be female and all the terrorist will have left is 6 oz. of baby oil.


Is that seriously the ad? After reading Malkin's article, I thought she was wearing a turban or something. It's just a friggin scarf!

Pat K

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on May 31, 2008, 02:50 PM NHFT
It is more than 3 oz. of liquid... which all terrorists carry.

In the movie, when the TSA agents are chasing the terrorists, one of the terrorist will pull out 4 oz. of water and spill it on the floor... then all the TSA agents slip and fall on each other.  It will be a running joke through the movie.
At one point all the TSA agents will be female and all the terrorist will have left is 6 oz. of baby oil.

Funniest post I have read in a while. ;D


I realized Malkin was completely out of her gourd when she ranted about Ron Paul's "association" with 9-11 truthers. Or rather, I knew she was nothing but a propaganda tool. I think she knew full well how full of shit she was just as she must realize now.


Chicago Trib article: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/chi-donuts-terror-perspective,0,7609756,print.story

Good lines:
"Can you hear the world's laughter? The blogger is Michelle Malkin, author of the universally ridiculed book, "In Defense of Internment.""

"But let's not kid ourselves. Malkin's anti-Palestinian message, by itself, is not newsworthy. It is only effective when coupled with a climate that is highly receptive to fear-mongering. Only then can it wreak havoc."

"Luckily most Americans know better than to drink Malkin's Kool-Aid."

The Colbert Report covered it tonight, too.

Dave Ridley

not long after 9/11 my boss once questioned me for eating at an arab restaurant.

they served mostly hamburgers.
and they went belly up within a few months of the attack. 

but i kept bringing their burgers to the office until the end.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 31, 2008, 07:54 PM NHFT
not long after 9/11 my boss once questioned me for eating at an arab restaurant.

That's pretty fucked up right there.


Rachel Ray is a terrorist?

That's hot!!!!!

;D ;)


Gotta watch out for those sexy chefs.... They could be cooking up an eeeevillll plot!


Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 31, 2008, 07:54 PM NHFT
not long after 9/11 my boss once questioned me for eating at an arab restaurant.

they served mostly hamburgers.
and they went belly up within a few months of the attack. 

but i kept bringing their burgers to the office until the end.

reminds me of the poor French's Mustard company. . . had to put out a press release during the whole "Hate France" period. . .reminding Americans that they were not a french company so that they wouldn't lose business.   Stupid American tricks.


I grew up in Lybia and Saudi Arabia, and the fact is, that is a man's headdress (though it's called a ghutra there), and the fact that she was wearing it as a scarf would have driven most Arabs I knew back then apoplectic. My mom got one for me as a souvenir (it makes a fantastic scarf in winter) but I couldn't wear it in Saudi, for fear of reprisal. That Malkin bitch doesn't know shit.