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Cannon fire within earshot - Two day notice

Started by coffeeseven, June 02, 2008, 09:38 PM NHFT

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Ready set go.


"We don't want anyone thinking that there's an invasion happening when we declared martial law or something like that." -- Debbie Fletcher, Indianapolis Emergency Management Agency -- The Indianapolis Star, May 29, "Marines bringing combat training to Indy"

Kat Kanning



Marines to Train in Central Indiana
By Eric Berman

2,200 Marines invade Indiana this week.

The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit is training for two weeks at the former Muscatatuck State Developmental Center, which now is an urban-combat simulation center.

But the Marines have also scouted locations in Indianapolis and other cities for mock raids, complete with simulated bombs and sniper fire. A Hollywood special-effects company will arrange roadside explosions, fake rocket-propelled grenades, and actors to play local sheiks for Marines to interact with.

The now-closed Eastgate Mall, Bush Stadium, and several city parks are among possible Indianapolis locations for the exercise. Lieutenant Timothy Patrick says commanders will pick final locations just two days in advance, to ensure the troops get a feel not just for combat but the uncertainty of not knowing what to expect.




Marine drills will include Hollywood-style effects
By Vic Ryckaert
Posted: June 4, 2008

The Marines have landed, but don't expect any choppers swooping into your neighborhood just yet.

You'll get a warning before that happens.

The 2,300 Marines of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based at Camp Lejeune, N.C., will be in the area for the next two weeks to train for urban combat at sites such as the old Eastgate Consumer Mall, Brookside Park, Bush Stadium and nearly two dozen other Indianapolis locations.

The Marines said they would warn residents in advance of activity. The unit's commander promised to try to keep noise to a minimum.

The training has been cleared by state, federal and local authorities.

And if you want to see the Marines and their gear up close, the unit will put on a display for the public at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on June 12.

Humvees and light armored vehicles will be on display. Four different Marine helicopters will land in the parking lot, dropping off troops.

An infantry squad will demonstrate patrolling techniques, a Marine sniper will be decked out in camouflage and Marines will show-off their martial arts skills.

A special effects company will create realistic explosions in a mock Middle Eastern village at Camp Atterbury, Marine spokesman 1st Lt. Timothy Patrick said in a written statement.

Arabic-speaking actors have been hired to play villagers and hostile insurgents, Patrick said.

"We will patrol through a mock village, interact with the villagers, determine enemy threats (and) meet with village leaders," Patrick said. "There will also be simulated improvised explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades on strings providing explosions — all courtesy of the special effects production company."


and more depressing events.

never in my wildest dreams would I think shit like this would happen here.
