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Has anyone ever had abdominal hernia surgery?

Started by Raineyrocks, July 10, 2008, 08:33 AM NHFT

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I'm asking because it's been 2 years since I've had my hernia surgery and it still hurts, that can't be normal, right?  I've googled it but usually I come up with other types of hernia surgeries not abdominal.

I've been back to the doctors for the pain but he has no idea why it still hurts and I can't afford to pay for all kinds of doctor visits just to hear, "I don't know."

Also, after abdominal hernia surgery can your stomach ever go back to being flat again?  The place the doctor put the mesh feels really hard but as much as I diet or exercise that part of my stomach doesn't change, the rest of my stomach does but that part still looks big and feels hard. ::)

I'd love to hear some real life experiences with this if anybody has any. :)


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on July 10, 2008, 10:29 AM NHFT

I thought I only asked 2 questions, what was the 3rd that you answered no to?

John Edward Mercier


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on July 10, 2008, 10:43 AM NHFT
The title of the post.

:duh:, Sorry! :)   So then it's normal to still be sore and my stomach will always protude where the mesh is, great! :P  Thanks for answering though! ;D



Quote from: grasshopper on July 14, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT
not good, Maybe he cut a nerve?

Oh great!  What should I do?  I mean 2 years and it still hurts?   ::)


sometimes that mesh stuff causes adhesions and when you stretch it feels like a pulling sensation.

sometimes they have to go in and redo it and other times it heals by itself.

and other times those adhesions need to actually tear thus relieving the pain.

I was stabbed (deep)from the right side of my stomach to the back side of my kidney.. 50 some stitches worth internal and external). I developed these adhesions and often when I moved just right it would really hurt. Finally I felt some of them actually tear loose and never had problems again.

and yes your stomach can go flat again but the muscles need to be toned and the overlying fatty tissue needs to be reduced. It is tough for the mommas (pregnancy) and the beer bellied guys.

rememebr youre talkin to a guy who likes big butted women so a little tummy on a girl is ok too. we cant all have 6 pak abs and supermodel bodies. thats only for the hollywood freaks who cannot find real happiness.



Quote from: kola on July 14, 2008, 05:16 PM NHFT
sometimes that mesh stuff causes adhesions and when you stretch it feels like a pulling sensation.

sometimes they have to go in and redo it and other times it heals by itself.

and other times those adhesions need to actually tear thus relieving the pain.

I was stabbed (deep)from the right side of my stomach to the back side of my kidney.. 50 some stitches worth internal and external). I developed these adhesions and often when I moved just right it would really hurt. Finally I felt some of them actually tear loose and never had problems again.

and yes your stomach can go flat again but the muscles need to be toned and the overlying fatty tissue needs to be reduced. It is tough for the mommas (pregnancy) and the beer bellied guys.

rememebr youre talkin to a guy who likes big butted women so a little tummy on a girl is ok too. we cant all have 6 pak abs and supermodel bodies. thats only for the hollywood freaks who cannot find real happiness.


Yikes, you were stabbed! :o   Sounds like an interesting story if you ever want to talk/write about it, I'm glad you lived and I bet you are too! ;D 

I don't think I'll ever have a supermodel body or want one, (they are way too skinny), but I can't stand this gut!  :P   Ever since the surgery it seems no matter how hard I try I can't reduce the area that the mesh is covering.  Do you recommend any special exercise for that?  It's about 4x4 inches of mesh around by belly button, that's the part that feels real hard, not like flab that I can tighten up.

I've done pilates and sit-ups and it just makes it hurt worse.   :(   My uncle had 3 abdominal hernia surgeries and he told me to give it up, I'll be stuck like this forever but I'm reluctant to settle for his advice.


Quote from: raineyrocks on July 10, 2008, 08:33 AM NHFT
I'm asking because it's been 2 years since I've had my hernia surgery and it still hurts, that can't be normal, right?  I've googled it but usually I come up with other types of hernia surgeries not abdominal.

I've been back to the doctors for the pain but he has no idea why it still hurts and I can't afford to pay for all kinds of doctor visits just to hear, "I don't know."

Also, after abdominal hernia surgery can your stomach ever go back to being flat again?  The place the doctor put the mesh feels really hard but as much as I diet or exercise that part of my stomach doesn't change, the rest of my stomach does but that part still looks big and feels hard. ::)

I'd love to hear some real life experiences with this if anybody has any. :)

I never had a hernia but I thoroughly enjoyed getting checked for them by a quite attractive female doctor... I guess that doesn't really help...


Quote from: ByronB on July 14, 2008, 11:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on July 10, 2008, 08:33 AM NHFT
I'm asking because it's been 2 years since I've had my hernia surgery and it still hurts, that can't be normal, right?  I've googled it but usually I come up with other types of hernia surgeries not abdominal.

I've been back to the doctors for the pain but he has no idea why it still hurts and I can't afford to pay for all kinds of doctor visits just to hear, "I don't know."

Also, after abdominal hernia surgery can your stomach ever go back to being flat again?  The place the doctor put the mesh feels really hard but as much as I diet or exercise that part of my stomach doesn't change, the rest of my stomach does but that part still looks big and feels hard. ::)

I'd love to hear some real life experiences with this if anybody has any. :)

I never had a hernia but I thoroughly enjoyed getting checked for them by a quite attractive female doctor... I guess that doesn't really help...

Perv! ;D  I wasn't talking about one of those hernias anyway!

John Edward Mercier


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on July 15, 2008, 11:34 AM NHFT
Maybe he likes his tummy rubbed (smiley)!

If she was supposed to only rub my tummy she failed in that ;D


Byron, I heard that she had trouble finding  "things" to rub. She finally located a couple dried up jellybeans..so the story goes.. heehee.

Rainey..can't help ya out on the pouchy tummy issues other than recommending basic ab exercises and dietary changes. I would also be careful of OVERdoing it too.

A saggy belly or butt ain't too bad..but when your boobs drag on the ground then you can panic...or pose for National Geographic magazines.



Quote from: kola on July 15, 2008, 02:46 PM NHFT
Byron, I heard that she had trouble finding  "things" to rub. She finally located a couple dried up jellybeans..so the story goes.. heehee.

Rainey..can't help ya out on the pouchy tummy issues other than recommending basic ab exercises and dietary changes. I would also be careful of OVERdoing it too.

A saggy belly or butt ain't too bad..but when your boobs drag on the ground then you can panic...or pose for National Geographic magazines.


Well looking on the brighter side my boobs don't drag on the ground! :D    A saggy belly would be easy to take care of once I lost all the weight I want, it's called plastic surgery! 8)    I just don't know what they'd be able to do with the hard part of my stomach.  Oh well I'm sure other people have a lot of bigger problems so I'm thankful for something, just can't remember what right now. ;D