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This is hypothetical but I'm curious, what would you do if...............

Started by Raineyrocks, August 09, 2008, 05:06 PM NHFT

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Sorry Lex!  It's been a while since I've posted an ambigious post. ;D

you saw somebody smacking their kid really hard, like in a store or a parking lot?  What would you do if you saw somebody not just hitting their kid hard but beating the crap out of them?

I'll get involved more after I read some posts because I do have a reason for asking this but it really is a hypothetical question.


I think it is imprtant to speak up for the child so that he or she will realize that not everyone in the world wants to abuse him or her.


Quote from: MengerFan on August 09, 2008, 06:06 PM NHFT
I think it is imprtant to speak up for the child so that he or she will realize that not everyone in the world wants to abuse him or her.

Me too, but how would you do that?  Would you go up to the parent, if so how do you think you would word it?

Pat McCotter

"Hi there. Can I help you? I learned how to  beat kids real good - three boys! They're grown now. One is in prison but the other two just got out last week! I'll show ya real good how to do it! Hey! Where ya goin'?!"


Quote from: Pat McCotter on August 09, 2008, 06:45 PM NHFT
"Hi there. Can I help you? I learned how to  beat kids real good - three boys! They're grown now. One is in prison but the other two just got out last week! I'll show ya real good how to do it! Hey! Where ya goin'?!"

That's a good idea Pat!   I frequently think of what I would do and I'm not sure but I thought about maybe asking the parent if they needed help and maybe they'd start talking to me and it might get rid of their temper.  I don't know if that would work though.   

Pat McCotter

It doesn't hurt to ask if you can help -seriously. They will either ignore you, bitch at you or be grateful to you. Whichever happens their anger has been removed from the child - for now.