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What do you think of all of these abbreviated medical conditions "they" invent?

Started by Raineyrocks, August 09, 2008, 05:53 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 12, 2008, 05:41 AM NHFT
Rainey has a hard time keeping on the subject.  Tends to wander.  Probably due to an acronym.

Totally true! ;D   What's an acronym?


Quote from: Jan on August 12, 2008, 07:54 AM NHFT
Maybe she's ADHD!

Just kidding Rainey.  We should try and get together....maybe after the kids go back to school.  Are you still going to homeschool Ricky?

You know that is funny because I do always go around saying I have ADD, not the hyper part that's for sure  :P, and then I say it doesn't exist.  Hmmm, maybe I am skitzo too! ;D   
Here's a joke:

Why did the schitzophreniac have trouble shaving?

Answer:  He couldn't trust the fucker with the razor. ;D

I am still homeschooling but Rick is working at home for 3 days so I can still get away. :D   That would be awesome just let me know a good time for you.


Quote from: CSAnarchist on August 12, 2008, 08:35 AM NHFT
question: I am from SC can I still post stuff on here despite its irrelevance??  :D

Sure, I don't see why not! ;D


having been diagnosed with ADD (read: no "h") and depression. . . I'd like to say that these diseases are not real.  I'd like to dismiss them as nothings having been invented by pharmaceutical companies to sell more product.  I think a lot of people are diagnosed but a fraction of them actually have these disorders.  Unfortunate ones are those who do have the disorders, since they can't have an opinion. . . they've been TOLD the FACT that they have the disorder.

I do not trust doctors when it comes to these drugs. . . some do more harm than good. . . I can tell you that from experience. 

I hate this, because I truly hear where you are coming from, and see it literally everyday.   I can also tell you that if I do not have ADD then how would I ever know. . . I explained the way I felt years ago to a doctor, who summed it up as ADD.  What else would I have to go on? 

That doesn't mean you give over all control to your doctors. . . as one once told me. . . "you're guinea pigs for future people's well being"

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: raineyrocks on August 12, 2008, 11:59 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 12, 2008, 05:41 AM NHFT
Rainey has a hard time keeping on the subject.  Tends to wander.  Probably due to an acronym.

Totally true! ;D   What's an acronym?


Look it up!

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: CSAnarchist on August 12, 2008, 08:35 AM NHFT
question: I am from SC can I still post stuff on here despite its irrelevance??  :D

Sure, but you might want to realize the FDA doesn't manufacture drugs. Its a regulatory agency.


Quote from: raineyrocks on August 09, 2008, 05:53 PM NHFT
I'll start with ADHD:

1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:  I think it doesn't exsist at all and it's just crap made up to try to make people, especially kids, docile and robot like, to stifle their imagination, close off that part of the brain. 

but mostly just to sell more drugs.

When the treatment is discovered before the disease you have to wonder...


Quote from: AntonLee on August 12, 2008, 05:08 PM NHFT
having been diagnosed with ADD (read: no "h") and depression. . . I'd like to say that these diseases are not real.  I'd like to dismiss them as nothings having been invented by pharmaceutical companies to sell more product.  I think a lot of people are diagnosed but a fraction of them actually have these disorders.  Unfortunate ones are those who do have the disorders, since they can't have an opinion. . . they've been TOLD the FACT that they have the disorder.

I do not trust doctors when it comes to these drugs. . . some do more harm than good. . . I can tell you that from experience. 

I hate this, because I truly hear where you are coming from, and see it literally everyday.   I can also tell you that if I do not have ADD then how would I ever know. . . I explained the way I felt years ago to a doctor, who summed it up as ADD.  What else would I have to go on? 

That doesn't mean you give over all control to your doctors. . . as one once told me. . . "you're guinea pigs for future people's well being"

Yup, I try very hard not to give doctors any control over me anymore.  I've "been there" too with psychiatrist and they write out prescriptions not caring if they are addictive or not, of course they never told me at the time.  Then the patient is left dealing with addictions on top of the same problem they came in to discuss and get help for.  :-\

That all happened when I was younger before I knew the way it works, I have anxiety, oh okay you want to give me pills to help it go away, sure I'll take them.  20 years later I'm fighting to get off the damn pills!  Sure they help with anxiety but there is a price I pay for that and that is not totally being myself, (lethargy), and also staying reliant on doctors and pharmacies. ::)


Quote from: mackler on August 13, 2008, 02:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on August 09, 2008, 05:53 PM NHFT
I'll start with ADHD:

1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:  I think it doesn't exsist at all and it's just crap made up to try to make people, especially kids, docile and robot like, to stifle their imagination, close off that part of the brain. 

but mostly just to sell more drugs.

When the treatment is discovered before the disease you have to wonder...

Good point! :)