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What would you do if someone called social services on someone in your family?

Started by Raineyrocks, November 11, 2008, 12:19 PM NHFT

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Can't your grandson just come live with you until whatever this issue is blown over or did they kidnap him already?


Quote from: Defender of Liberty on November 13, 2008, 09:19 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on November 12, 2008, 11:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: Defender of Liberty on November 12, 2008, 04:21 PM NHFT
I understand what you're saying.  They use lies and intimidation to get people to cooperate.  I suspect that may be partly why my wife filed an order of protection against me from NY, even though I didn't know that she was even there.  My mom told me that my wife's mother had told her that the CPS people in NY had claimed that if she didn't file the order of protection against me, they would probably charge her with child abuse (even though they didn't have jurisdiction).  She also said that they told her that she was not allowed to contact me or she would get into trouble.  I don't know for sure if those things are true, but I wouldn't put it past them.  From what I've heard, it sounds like my wife let CPS workers take our children many times for questioning and "therapy".  The accusations that were made were extremely vague, and in court they admitted that (on the 22nd day of their "investigation") they didn't have any evidence of wrongdoing, but they said they needed more time with the children to complete the "investigation", and that if I were allowed to see them it might affect the outcome.  I haven't seen my children since June, and it's been over 3 months since I've talked with my wife or children.  The court hearing (where I wasn't allowed to present evidence because the court didn't have jurisdiction (but was exercising it anyway)) was on September 16th.  I'm not allowed to have any contact with them until January 30th, unless I file something in NH before then and a judge decides to allow communication.  I need to sell more of my stuff so that I can pony up the cash to start the process.  I miss them terribly.

Oh man, that really, really sucks!  :'(    Son of a bitches!   Can your wife just move to NH from NY with the kids?   I don't know the way it works with just leaving state once they have their creepy tentacles around your life.
She could just move away from NY, but I don't think she knows that, and I'm not allowed to tell her.

I hope everything works out, life sure does seem pretty crappy sometimes, doesn't it?  :hug:  Maybe somebody you know can tell her, I could if it wouldn't be too weird.   :-\




warn your friends and family to have no contact with her


Quote from: doobie on November 13, 2008, 10:32 AM NHFT
Can't your grandson just come live with you until whatever this issue is blown over or did they kidnap him already?

They didn't take him which is a good sign so far anyway. :-\  I can't take him because it is an open investigation they want to see him when they come out for the 45 day evaluation, (?), and his mother has to take him to his Mass. doctor for a skin problem and I can't keep running to Mass. everytime they need Little Jonny there.

This might sound mean and I hope you don't get me wrong.  I'd take my grandson if he was going to foster care however I don't want to take care of another baby.  I raised 5 kids and I'm still not done with my last 2.   My son and his girlfriend have to learn to handle certain things without me and Rick running to the rescue all the time as we've done in the past.   However if it comes down to foster care, which I hope it doesn't because he's fine with his parents and that's where he belongs, we will definitely take him.   

I know you wrote take him if we could for a little while but I think it would cause more problems than anything even if we were allowed to.  Not a bad idea under different circumstances though, thanks!  :)


  The Mass dss has more power than God, my brothers x wife worked for them for 7 years.  They can do anything they want. 
  I bet it was the doctor who called for the dss to check oup on the child if the skin resh was Impatigo.  If they missed a appointment, they brought this on themselves, though highly I doubt it.
  If your son was seen or the neighbor smelled something green and leafy, this might have caused it.  I don't know the circumstances of the case but if your Son does not cooperate, the child WILL be taken.  Tell him to get rid of anything the dss might not like, like any stupid magazines, bunji ropes, anything they might not like, AND tell him to always smile and be obsequious.


Quote from: neggy on November 13, 2008, 05:56 PM NHFT


warn your friends and family to have no contact with her

Wow, why would he get arrested?  What if it wasn't on his behalf but somebody just talked to her about stuff?  Gosh, this stuff is truly frightening!


Quote from: grasshopper on November 14, 2008, 11:23 AM NHFT
  The Mass dss has more power than God, my brothers x wife worked for them for 7 years.  They can do anything they want. 
  I bet it was the doctor who called for the dss to check oup on the child if the skin resh was Impatigo.  If they missed a appointment, they brought this on themselves, though highly I doubt it.
  If your son was seen or the neighbor smelled something green and leafy, this might have caused it.  I don't know the circumstances of the case but if your Son does not cooperate, the child WILL be taken.  Tell him to get rid of anything the dss might not like, like any stupid magazines, bunji ropes, anything they might not like, AND tell him to always smile and be obsequious.

Damn, so it is that bad!  They didn't miss any appointments, no weed involved, or anything like that, just an anonymous call. Is there any way you can think of that they could get an affordable lawyer?  Do you think they need one?  :-\

My cousin worked as a child's advocate in Connecticut and I talked to her about this.  She said if the baby wasn't removed from the home and it's been a few weeks that's good because they don't believe the baby is in danger.   She told me they could get a court appointed lawyer right now, but that's not what I read for Mass. anyway.  I read they could get a court appointed lawyer if dcf was going to take the baby and if it went to court.  I also read that dcf lawyers usually work on behalf of dcf not their clients so it would be harmful to get one.   My cousin also said that my son/girlfriend would probably be made to go to parenting classes just because it's "routine" even if someone called in with a bogus complaint.  She also told me dcf would be involved in their lives for about 2 years and if the baby got hurt, even by falling down as he was learning to walk, they could take the baby in a snap.


Quote from: raineyrocks on November 14, 2008, 04:50 PM NHFT
Quote from: grasshopper on November 14, 2008, 11:23 AM NHFT
  The Mass dss has more power than God, my brothers x wife worked for them for 7 years.  They can do anything they want. 
  I bet it was the doctor who called for the dss to check oup on the child if the skin resh was Impatigo.  If they missed a appointment, they brought this on themselves, though highly I doubt it.
  If your son was seen or the neighbor smelled something green and leafy, this might have caused it.  I don't know the circumstances of the case but if your Son does not cooperate, the child WILL be taken.  Tell him to get rid of anything the dss might not like, like any stupid magazines, bunji ropes, anything they might not like, AND tell him to always smile and be obsequious.

Damn, so it is that bad!  They didn't miss any appointments, no weed involved, or anything like that, just an anonymous call. Is there any way you can think of that they could get an affordable lawyer?  Do you think they need one?  :-\

My cousin worked as a child's advocate in Connecticut and I talked to her about this.  She said if the baby wasn't removed from the home and it's been a few weeks that's good because they don't believe the baby is in danger.   She told me they could get a court appointed lawyer right now, but that's not what I read for Mass. anyway.  I read they could get a court appointed lawyer if dcf was going to take the baby and if it went to court.  I also read that dcf lawyers usually work on behalf of dcf not their clients so it would be harmful to get one.   My cousin also said that my son/girlfriend would probably be made to go to parenting classes just because it's "routine" even if someone called in with a bogus complaint.  She also told me dcf would be involved in their lives for about 2 years and if the baby got hurt, even by falling down as he was learning to walk, they could take the baby in a snap.

Well once this crap is over, find them a way to move to NH even if it is just over the border.


  I hate them (well hate is not good, even if they kidnap children ::))
  I suggest they thy say yes mam.. yes mam  because they (the man hating freedom hating, children hating, jack booted clip haired unadjusted freak shows) like their power.


Quote from: grasshopper on November 22, 2008, 08:29 PM NHFT
  I hate them (well hate is not good, even if they kidnap children ::))
  I suggest they thy say yes mam.. yes mam  because they (the man hating freedom hating, children hating, jack booted clip haired unadjusted freak shows) like their power.

I hate them too and I know hate isn't good but I don't give a crap when it comes to screwing with kid's lives.

What do you think will happen if I just take my grandson for a couple weeks?  I wonder if I'd be allowed to because they just can't wait to do their home investigation.   ::)    I guess my son could say he's visiting with me and ask to set up an appointment for a different week, right?

There's certain reasons why I'd be taking him for a little while but I can't write about it. The only thing I can say is that it would be helping my son/his girlfriend out with something they are going through and I'd love to take him for a little while anyway. :)


if there is no court order limiting the parents rights grab the kid.

Tell your son and GF to dummy the EFF UP when DSS shows. Deny them entry. say nothing.

Make sure that their apartment, car, etc are squeaky clean. When the cops show up anything in plain sight is evidence.

As far as anyone is concerned the kid is spending the holidays with you.

That's the story and stick to it.


Quote from: neggy on November 30, 2008, 05:01 PM NHFT
if there is no court order limiting the parents rights grab the kid.

Tell your son and GF to dummy the EFF UP when DSS shows. Deny them entry. say nothing.

Make sure that their apartment, car, etc are squeaky clean. When the cops show up anything in plain sight is evidence.

As far as anyone is concerned the kid is spending the holidays with you.

That's the story and stick to it.

Cool, thanks!  :)