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Ever Dine With A Waitress Abuser?

Started by Lloyd Danforth, November 13, 2008, 07:22 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

I was reading the 'tipping' topic and it occurred to me to ask this question.  I had a friend in Maine years ago who was downright abusive to waitresses.  I found that really embarrassing!  I had to turn down free! dinners because of this. :'(
While I have never run into another  as bad as her, I find that many people have a cold, curt, attitude with Waitstaff, right from the start.
I'm thinking that this is worse than being an otherwise decent human being and paying only, the advertised price.


My mom is like that sometimes, to waitresses, bus drivers, etc.  One time when I was a teenager, we were in McDonald's, and the teenaged girl taking our order asked if we wanted fries with that (which, if you've ever worked in a fast-food place, you know you are *required* to ask), and my mom said snottily "If I'd wanted fries with that I would have said so."  I was so embarassed, not only because of her rudeness, but because it just so happened that the teenaged girl was in my class at school, and her big sister was the one who picked me up every morning to carpool.   :-[

Another time we were getting off a bus and I said "thank you" to the driver.  Not only did my mother not say thank you, but she asked me "What did you thank him for??"  I had trouble coming up with a response to that.  I think I said "um, he's a human being, and he just provided a service to us?"


Quote from: Friday on November 13, 2008, 07:35 AM NHFT
I think I said "um, he's a human being, and he just provided a service to us?"

Good answer.

Kat Kanning

Yes, I have. I don't want to talk about it...all part of the thankfully forgotten past.  ;)

Lloyd Danforth

I seem to remember it happening in a little place just north of the Square in Keene one morning.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 13, 2008, 07:22 AM NHFT
I was reading the 'tipping' topic and it occurred to me to ask this question.  I had a friend in Maine years ago who was downright abusive to waitresses.  I found that really embarrassing!  I had to turn down free! dinners because of this. :'(
While I have never run into another  as bad as her, I find that many people have a cold, curt, attitude with Waitstaff, right from the start.
I'm thinking that this is worse than being an otherwise decent human being and paying only, the advertised price.

Totally worse.  The people that are like that are people who don't understand or care to appreciate others and what they do.  They are sad people.

I think Nick did a great job of appreciating those providing real service:


Thank you for thanking the bus driver  ;) They appreciate it.


I've never personally experienced it, but I've heard from lots of women that going on a dinner date is the first true test: if someone is rude to the waiters, they'll be an inconsiderate jerk in other settings too.

I guess I always passed the test, since they felt free to tell me about ex-jerks who didn't.


does anyone thank Toll Booth Operators?  I always do for some reason.  If it were a free market, I wouldn't even think twice about it, but as it is now, I thank them, and then think "why did I thank them?"

NH is different than MA. .  in MA I'm pretty sure to be a toll booth operator you have to

1)  Like to be given $70,000 a year for taking money
2)  Be related to a congressman/state senator

Lloyd Danforth


there's a radio guy, Howie Carr, that has admitted to spitting on the coins as he hands them over.


Quote from: AntonLee on November 13, 2008, 02:59 PM NHFT
does anyone thank Toll Booth Operators? 
I always say thank you to them. I am happy to pay a use fee, as opposed to a tax.


I have developed a habit, since most places teach there people to say "Welcome to XXXX, how are you doing?" I always reply back "I am XXXX, how are you" just to show that I am acknowledging them as a person. Sometimes they don't notice that I ask and they just go into there little pre-programmed thing, and most of the time they say "I am good, or I am great" and then continue. But I just think it's nice as one time the lady said she was having a bad day, and I got a chance to wish her well.

Also since I use to work as a Cashier I always tell everyone who assists me, or takes my money as I am leaving "thanks, have a nice day". Just something I got programmed into me by working in a family store were we tried to provide good service.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: AntonLee on November 13, 2008, 07:17 PM NHFT
there's a radio guy, Howie Carr, that has admitted to spitting on the coins as he hands them over.

I've only heard him deny it.  I would love it if someone  Tasered his ass!


Once, when the cashier at the grocery store said "Hello, how are you doing?" and I replied "Good, thanks; how are you?", she replied "Thank you SO much for asking!"   :-\