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Saw Caleb in a Porno Movie Today

Started by Kat Kanning, November 14, 2008, 07:55 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Other things drove this out of my mind....Patty brought it back.  Caleb was in this porno movie we saw today...Zack and Miri Make a Porno Movie.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1007028/

(When that main character shaved his beard, he looked just like Caleb.)


Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 14, 2008, 07:55 PM NHFT
Other things drove this out of my mind....Patty brought it back.  Caleb was in this porno movie we saw today...Zack and Miri Make a Porno Movie.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1007028/

(When that main character shaved his beard, he looked just like Caleb.)

I saw previews for that movie, did you like it?


This letter was printed in the Wichita Eagle (Kansas) today:

Comedy about porn is not funny

I agreed wholeheartedly with the headline "Too bad Zack and Miri didn't make a good movie" (Nov. 9 Movie Maniac), but probably from an entirely different perspective from what writer Rod Pocowatchit intended.

I am shocked to see a movie about making pornography for profit elevated to the mainstream by our local theaters. This is totally out of line for the standards of our community or -- dare I say -- any community.

Shame on those who are in charge of the theaters for allowing this movie to be shown. It's just comedy, you say. Try telling that to the thousands of women and children who are caught and held prisoner in the sex-trafficking business all across this nation, including Wichita. Try telling that to the children of families torn apart by pornography addiction. How about the women who will be raped this year right here in our city? It is indisputable that porn fuels sex crimes. It is no laughing matter.

I believe that owners and managers of businesses that promote public entertainment have a high level of responsibility to our community, families and kids. I beseech them to do what is best for our community, even at risk of losing money, and use their influence for the betterment of all.




Quote from: Vitruvian on November 14, 2008, 10:45 PM NHFT
This letter was printed in the Wichita Eagle (Kansas) today:

Comedy about porn is not funny

I agreed wholeheartedly with the headline "Too bad Zack and Miri didn't make a good movie" (Nov. 9 Movie Maniac), but probably from an entirely different perspective from what writer Rod Pocowatchit intended.

I am shocked to see a movie about making pornography for profit elevated to the mainstream by our local theaters. This is totally out of line for the standards of our community or -- dare I say -- any community.

Shame on those who are in charge of the theaters for allowing this movie to be shown. It's just comedy, you say. Try telling that to the thousands of women and children who are caught and held prisoner in the sex-trafficking business all across this nation, including Wichita. Try telling that to the children of families torn apart by pornography addiction. How about the women who will be raped this year right here in our city? It is indisputable that porn fuels sex crimes. It is no laughing matter.

I believe that owners and managers of businesses that promote public entertainment have a high level of responsibility to our community, families and kids. I beseech them to do what is best for our community, even at risk of losing money, and use their influence for the betterment of all.



My opinion is that if people watch a movie and think sex-trafficking, raping, etc. is okay after watching that movie they were butt head sickos to begin with.  Since when are owners and managers of businesses dealing with public entertainment responsible for people's moral character and life choices?

I know you only posted the article so I'm not lashing at you or anyone inparticular just the way society is changing for the "weird".   I mean I remember alot of theaters wouldn't play the movie V, it's their choice but it should be people's choices if they want to watch any movie in a theater that's playing it.
I find it ironic though that this letter was disgusted with the theater for playing this movie but V got basically ignored if theaters didn't play it.  Do you know what I mean?

What about these Disney movies where there is always a tragedy or evil villian?   When I saw The Lion King it didn't make me want to be evil to my sister like the one lion was evil to his brother and nephew. 

Kat Kanning

I thought the movie was cute and funny. 

Pat K

Feel free to use=Screw you Caleb=as the title for any
porno's you make .  ;D


Seth Rogan would look like Caleb without his ever present beard.

I like all of Kevin Smith's films. I don't go to the cinema anymore though, so I'll have to wait until it's on video.

But, I do find it ridiculous all the "outrage" this film is causing b/c of the word porno in the title. In America a film esx in any form is considered the worst. (To some idiots.)
Yet another type of pornography, in this case violence and torture, is on it's 5th fucking iteration.
Those goddamned Saw movies are beyond retarded. Yet no one has any problem with a shit-ton of violence.

A comedy about sex though? BURN THE HERETIC!

Whew, bit of a rant there.  :-\

Kat Kanning

We almost never go to the movies...but Russell and I were out on a "date" for our 4th anniversary.  :D


Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 15, 2008, 06:52 AM NHFT
We almost never go to the movies...but Russell and I were out on a "date" for our 4th anniversary.  :D


Kat Kanning

Hey thanks :)  When people heard we got married on the day we met, they predicted it wouldn't last a month  ;D


Perfect for you.  Shania Twain You're still the one. 
Congrats, I hope you had a great anniversary. 

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: raineyrocks on November 14, 2008, 11:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: Vitruvian on November 14, 2008, 10:45 PM NHFT
if people watch a movie and think sex-trafficking, raping, etc. is okay after watching that movie they were butt head sickos to begin with. 

Jenny's just one of those people who want universal control over everyone because she knows how she would behave given half a chance to . . .

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 15, 2008, 07:54 AM NHFT
Hey thanks :)  When people heard we got married on the day we met, they predicted it wouldn't last a month  ;D

Sounds like I'll have some great stories to listen to soon . . .


Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 15, 2008, 07:54 AM NHFT
Hey thanks :)  When people heard we got married on the day we met, they predicted it wouldn't last a month  ;D

I think the statistics actually contradict that myth. Short engagements seem to often be followed by long marriages.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Vitruvian on November 14, 2008, 10:45 PM NHFT
This letter was printed in the Wichita Eagle (Kansas) today:

Comedy about porn is not funny

I agreed wholeheartedly with the headline "Too bad Zack and Miri didn't make a good movie" (Nov. 9 Movie Maniac), but probably from an entirely different perspective from what writer Rod Pocowatchit intended.

I am shocked to see a movie about making pornography for profit elevated to the mainstream by our local theaters. This is totally out of line for the standards of our community or -- dare I say -- any community.

Shame on those who are in charge of the theaters for allowing this movie to be shown. It's just comedy, you say. Try telling that to the thousands of women and children who are caught and held prisoner in the sex-trafficking business all across this nation, including Wichita. Try telling that to the children of families torn apart by pornography addiction. How about the women who will be raped this year right here in our city? It is indisputable that porn fuels sex crimes. It is no laughing matter.

I believe that owners and managers of businesses that promote public entertainment have a high level of responsibility to our community, families and kids. I beseech them to do what is best for our community, even at risk of losing money, and use their influence for the betterment of all.



Lol. ::)