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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Kat Kanning, August 23, 2005, 03:51 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: katdillon on August 24, 2005, 09:12 AM NHFT
I think shunning is an excellent response to junk like this.? Say a restraunt owner rails about blacks and wont have any in his store.? Any thinking individual can then refuse to frequent his store, and refure to invite him into polite society.

And, organizing a Boycott!


Quote from: katdillon on August 23, 2005, 03:51 PM NHFT

Hate fliers disgust residents

If FSP was mentioned in conjunction with this, the only thing you can do is put out a press release stating that you are not supporting these people and they have nothing to do with you. I did not think that you said FSP was mentioned, but you could still denounce the perpetrators publicly.

It could also be 'agent provocateurs' just trying to sabotage you in Keene...people who are not really supremacists but otherwise trying to cast doubts. I've seen the tax and spenders stoop to lower than this to discredit people they don't like.

Russell Kanning

This doesn't have anything to do with the FSP and noone has said that but the president in jest. 8)


Quote from: russellkanning on August 24, 2005, 01:05 PM NHFT
This doesn't have anything to do with the FSP and noone has said that but the president in jest. 8)

OK well good on that. Sometimes it's crackpots and sometimes it's just kids with nothing to do.

Kat Kanning

Government-school socialized kids.

Kat Kanning

Quote?I think this is something that needs to be addressed from the pulpit,? said Statz, a Catholic priest.

Yes!  Social pressure rather than political pressure.

Outrage over hate material
Keene?s leaders blast fliers

Nika Carlson
Sentinel Staff

At Keene?s only synagogue, under a glass ceiling designed by a Russian Orthodox and a floor laid by a French Catholic, local leaders gathered in solidarity Tuesday night to stand against the white supremacist fliers distributed over the weekend.

The fliers, which railed against Israel, African Americans, Arabs, homosexuals and liberals, where found early Saturday morning rolled-up on driveways in several Keene neighborhoods.

Mayor Michael E.J. Blastos, Keene State College President Helen F. Giles-Gee, Rep. Anna Z. Tilton, D-Marlborough, Rev. Jeff Statz of St. Bernard?s Parish, and representatives from the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies at Keene State College and the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church showed up for the impromptu gathering, expressing outrage over the fliers and support for those attacked within them.

?I?m here to express the outrage of the complete citizenry,? Blastos said. ?There?s no place for bigotry in Keene. There hasn?t been, and I don?t think there ever will be.?


Like many others who attended, he speculated the perpetrator must not have been from Keene, which has little in its recent history of outspoken hatred. But that doesn?t mean the community can?t benefit from a conversation about bigotry, others said.

?I think this is something that needs to be addressed from the pulpit,? said Statz, a Catholic priest. ?It?s something that needs to be spoken out against strongly.?

The gathering was the ?first very significant step against this type of hatred,? said C. Paul Vincent, director of Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies at Keene State College. ?Silence is not neutral in a case like this. Being a bystander is precisely what we need to work against.?

During the Holocaust, he said, 90 percent of people were bystanders. ?If those people had spoken out, if they had made their feelings known, it would have been much different,? Vincent said.

Instead, millions of people died; not only Jews, but the disabled, political dissidents, Jehovah?s Witness?s, the Romany, or ?gypsies,? and countless others.

Thomas M. White, educational outreach coordinator for the Cohen Center, and a Roman Catholic, praised those who showed up, and encouraged them and the community not to forget or gloss over what can be a difficult topic to discuss.

?Keep talking in your faith communities,? he said. ?Don?t just leave it here. Talk to your children.?

Russell Kanning

BTW in the same general area in Keene....... on 9/11 there will be a peace vigil at the 1st Baptist Church .... people can spend the time wandering their peace garden .... more details later :)


Quote from: president on August 23, 2005, 03:59 PM NHFT
I hear some FSP members are active in that area.

So, will you join us against this?  Or, are you just sitting on the side-lines?