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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Kat Kanning, August 23, 2005, 03:51 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

They don't include their names so they can be shunned.

Hate fliers disgust residents
Keene gets rude awakening on its doorsteps

Nika Carlson
Sentinel Staff

Forty years ago, civil rights worker Jonathan Daniels died while supporting equality.

Late Friday night or early Saturday morning, near the elementary school that bears his name, someone snuck through the night and dropped white-power, homophobic and anti-Semitic literature at the ends of driveways.

Several people who filed complaints said police told them whoever distributed the fliers could be charged with no more than littering. Police could not be reached for comment this morning.

The literature speaks of minority ?special rights,? Arabs, African Americans, homosexual ?disease,? Israel, ?corrupt liberals? and the so-called extinction of the white race. It appears to have been printed off the Internet and was also found in several other Keene neighborhoods, and at the local synagogue.

It references infamous hate leader Matt Hale, as well as the National Socialist Movement, New Hampshire?s one known organized hate group.

?We were beyond upset about it,? said David J. Green, president of the Congregation Ahavas Achim synagogue.

Compared to some other New Hampshire communities, where swastikas have been painted on cars and houses and cemeteries desecrated, Keene has largely been spared by hate campaigns. But that makes the venomous words no less potent, Green said.

?My neighbor has lived here his whole life and he said, ?I have never heard of anything like this before,?? said Rabbi Micah J. Becker-Klein, who found the rolled, rubber band-bound leaflets both at the synagogue and his home a mile-and-a-half away. ?My neighbors were vocally disgusted over what they saw.?

He said he hasn?t heard of any other similar incidents in Keene.

?I feel sorry for the people, my heart goes out to them, that they believe this and feel this,? he said. ?It?s sad ... Keene is a really welcoming space. To me this does not reflect the citizens of Keene.?

In April, around the time of the Jewish Passover, a white supremacist newsletter was stuffed into newspaper boxes in Rindge, but no related incidents have been reported since them.

Michael A. Furlone found the fliers at his Pako Avenue home while on his way out for his regular Saturday morning bike ride around 6 a.m.

?I literally dropped my bike in such disgust,? he said. ?It infuriated me.?

Furlone gathered the fliers from nearby houses, no longer interested in the bike ride routine that normally allows him to escape the pressures of the week.

?I don?t expect my children to be subjected to that line of thinking,? he said.

He said he?ll probably talk to his daughters ? ages 7, 9 and 13 ? about what happened, but added, ?I don?t want to give them any more publicity ... They?re itching for some sort of reaction from us, (but) I just want this to stop.?

Green said at the very least he would be contacting the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation of Greater Manchester, but he said everyone in Keene should be concerned.

?I think not only Jews should be concerned, but people of all faiths,? Green said. ?This is an attack on civilization.?

Nika Carlson can be reached at 352-1234, extension 1439, or ncarlson@keenesentinel.com.


I hear some FSP members are active in that area.

Kat Kanning

We like Jews and gays....at least the freestaters who I've talked to do.

Russell Kanning

That is the school we play basketball at....they must have hit the neighborhood across the street. :(

Lloyd Danforth

Could be a one time thing.. Idiots like this, usually, have a short attention span.


Is there some counter - activity we could take to support the Jewish community? It seems like a good time to promote our non aggression principle.



Quote from: president on August 23, 2005, 03:59 PM NHFT
I hear some FSP members are active in that area.

I'll bet natives outnumber them, and non-FSP outsiders outnumber the FSP members.


Quote from: KBCraig on August 23, 2005, 05:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: president on August 23, 2005, 03:59 PM NHFT
I hear some FSP members are active in that area.

I'll bet natives outnumber them, and non-FSP outsiders outnumber the FSP members.

The little coward (when I read these kinds of stories, I wonder (becuase I never see any) what evidence there is that it is any more than just one loony/freek who sneaks around in the dead of night with his stupid little nonsence) is probably back in the dis-comfort of his own place by day-break, just hoping that he is not discovered.  Fear consumes this person.

And that is his own reward.
He is trying to spread his fear of the world, but is being torn apart by hatered.
He feels quite stupid most of the time, but he does not know why.  He is unable to face his neighbors becuase he has no rational case to make.  His only case is irrational fear.

Maybe someday he will have the good furtune to stumble into one of those FSP folk and listen/think long enough to turn away from fear and hatered.  Maybe he can grow to be human again (I'd bet that he once was) - and to turn toward FREEDOM.  When he gives up irrational fear, he has a chance.  "Till then, he is a prisoner of his own irrational thoughts/feelings.

I am always saddened to hear of these tormented souls.  Fortunately most people have evolved . . .


Free speach is important even if it is disgusting speach.  Nothing should be done about this other than it being littering and junkmail it doesn't really hurt anyone. Yes, this person is probably a lone lunatic without the balls to go door to door like the crazy Mormons do and look the people in the eye he is trying to reach out to and spew his hateful racist crap to.

"Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.'' -Jesus (god 2.0)

Even an atheist can quote the bible.  There is some  good stuff in there!

Kat Kanning

I think shunning is an excellent response to junk like this.  Say a restraunt owner rails about blacks and wont have any in his store.  Any thinking individual can then refuse to frequent his store, and refure to invite him into polite society.


Good idea, Kat. Giving this fellow and his misguided ideas much thought is useless. There will always be rascists of one sort or another, born of ignorance and intolerance.

Michael Fisher

Everything bad that happens is an opportunity to promote the good nature of our movement.


This cultural reprobate is a snail-mail hard-copy troll.  By reacting to his handbills and making a big deal of it the "authorities" are just feeding him and encouraging him to continue his trolling.


Russell Kanning

The only thing that is more fun to burn than a UN flag .... is white supremist literature >:D

Michael Fisher