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1/15 was an inside job!

Started by KBCraig, January 18, 2009, 11:27 AM NHFT

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Hudson Attack On Airliner: Inside Job?
Written by: Evrviglnt on Thursday, January 15th, 2009

The attack today by a gaggle of goslings on an airliner taking off in New York ought to remind people how dangerous the world can be.  The first question ought we ought to ask ourselves is whether we had something to do with this attack.  Andy Levy over at Big Hollywood writes:

    In the wake of the events of 1-15, in which a wedge of Geese brought down a US Airways aircraft, here's what you won't be hearing about from the so-called "Mainstream Media": We brought this on ourselves.

    After an event such as this one, it's important to look at the root causes: Why did the Geese attack us? Well, the truth is, for years we have been oppressing the Geese, using them for the fuel they provide for our bodies.

    Boneless Goose Breast, Brandied Roast Goose, Roast Goose with Cumberland Sauce and Apricot Stuffing. And of course, the Christmas Goose. In the name of religion, we have been engaged in what can only be called a Crusade against the Geese. Is it any wonder that a few brave suicide Geese would seek revenge?

    Under the neocon/neofascist Cheney-Bush administration, Goose consumption is up 1541%. Geese have been systematically deprived of their rights at a level never seen before. (Look around your workplace: do you see any Geese? Wouldn't you be nervous if you did?) Reports of shameful anti-Goose activity are at an all-time high, mainly in the South and Midwest, of course.

    The fact is, WE (and, of course, Israel) are responsible for the rise of militant Gooslam.  Given our actions, is it any wonder that gaggles of Goslings would reject the teachings of moderate Goose leaders, when those leaders are perceived as being in the pocket of the West? Given our actions, is it any wonder that these young Gooslamists would flock to more assertive leaders, leaders whose commitment to their cause cannot be questioned? Given our actions, the rise of a "Goosama" was inevitable. We have only ourselves to blame. (Does anyone doubt that somewhere there's a photo of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with a Goose?)

    In the moments right after 1-15, many have been quick to praise the actions of the US Airways pilot. But the TRUTH is that our pilots have been instruments of the BUSHITLER illegal war against the Geese. I know the Repuglicans will attack me for saying this, but speaking TRUTH TO POWER of course makes me a true PATRIOT. And very brave.

    Right now America's relationship with other species couldn't be worse. Like most Americans, often when I'm hiking I find myself apologizing to woodland creatures for the actions of our illegitimate government. And like the rest of the world, I'm hopeful that once President Obama takes office, things will change, and that we will end our imperialistic attempts at hegemony over the rest of the planet. After all, if he can sit down with Iran and Hezbollah, he can sit down with the Geese.

There are many more questions.  How can we be sure that the plane was actually brought down by geese?  Any information gained from torturing geese with threats of an interview with Sarah Palin can't be trusted, and there is no evidence proving that the 'heroic' pilot didn't crash the plane himself into the Hudson River, likely in an attempt to murder the millions of sea-kittens living there in peace.  America's rapacious hunger for energy has set it on a path for war against species long discriminated against as unequals just because they're edible (and because they sometimes eat their own poop).  And what about plane number 7?  Has anyone even seen it?  Before we allow this so-called attack to drive America into declaring another preemptive war against another peaceful yet delicious species in the animal kingdom, we ought to ask ourselves whether any scientist (or chef at least) has ever seen butter melt when submerged 25 feet in freezing cold river water?  Anyone?  It's impossible!  Then how can we talk about pulling geese over the coals for this attack when it's obvious that it was an inside job?


Actually a week before the plane had engine trouble and had to make a emergency landing at the airport it took off from.

I feel this is the airline trying to cover there ass. I knew it was suspicious the moment the said birds killed BOTH engines. There is no way a plane would take off and have that many birds hit both engines unless there was a huge flock of birds right on the runway. Since most airports use Hawks and also other means to keep birds away from the airports it's a unlikely possibility that, that many birds would be on the runway of a major airport.

I told a couple people the day of the incident that my BS detector was going off to the "birds" story. There is now a investigation into the airlines, and the "birds" story though I doubt anything will be determined that would harm the airlines.
