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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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If I had one wish....

Started by RattyDog, February 17, 2009, 08:29 AM NHFT

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...it would be:

To wake up tomorrow, with the sweet image of the Federal Reserve burning to the ground, shining out from my stupid-machine (TV). No...make that all the banks, the entire cartel, burning to the ground.

I want to punch in the face, the next person who tells me that "Well, I don't like the bailout, but you know, we really need it" - how can it be that the brainwashing of my countrymen has so blinded them to the pure evil of this malarky.

Every time I touch paper money, it feels cheaper, more flimsey and fake. I look at it and I think it looks ugly and disgusting.

I think, that the only thing I can imagine that is uglier than our STUPID FIAT money, will be the global paper money that they institute to "save us" from "complete collapse".

As free as I think I am not, I look at my precious, perfect baby girl and I cry....for if I am a serf, she is a downright slave, in chains chains chains. That people can say "Well, future generations will have to pay for this" - without jumping up and tearing off their clothes, and screaming with the agony of that knowledge, it's incredible. "future generations will pay for it". Do they GET WHAT THAT MEANS? It means all the hope and anticipation I feel for my child, the crazy idea that I have, that she could be happy, that she could be anything she wants to be, have a good and free life...is a fallacy. It means that there is nothing but shit in her future.

The value of our "money" goes down down down. Inflation goes up up up. Freedom becomes a joke joke joke.

Boot on a face, forever, indeed.

It's too late, isn't it? I just get the most incredible feeling that it's too late. I asked my sister: Do you know what the Federal Reserve is?

"They make sure the banks don't go out of control" - this is what we are combatting?

I ask my mother: Do you know what the Federal Reserve is?

"They back our money with gold and silver" - this is my own mother! My OWN MOTHER! Back it with Silver and Gold???? WHAT SILVER AND GOLD!? It is paper...can you not feel that it is still hot from the press? Can you see it, shiny and new....it is nothing. It is a chain around your neck, mother!!!

But she cannot hear me, because she is lost in a starry eyed vision of this glowing face, the face of Barack Obama, the saviour of us all...the knight in shining armour....the deafening chants of his praise intoxicate, but to me, seem more like the solemn tune of our own death march.

:_storm__by_clairebearer: :_storm__by_clairebearer: :_storm__by_clairebearer: :_storm__by_clairebearer:

"Yes We Can"....no, we can't. Or, at least, we fucking shouldn't. But look at us, we did. And now the money machines will work in overtime.

If I had one wish, one best shot at freedom for my baby....I would wish that I would wake up tomorrow morning, to the sweet image of the Federal Reserve burning to the ground....I mean, shit, the thing is full of damn paper.... :icon_pirat:


Quote from: RattyDog on February 17, 2009, 08:29 AM NHFT
But she cannot hear me, because she is lost in a starry eyed vision of this glowing face, the face of Barack Obama, the saviour of us all...the knight in shining armour....the deafening chants of his praise intoxicate, but to me, seem more like the solemn tune of our own death march.

Indeed, it is flat-out creepy the way people idolize his Andy Warhol colorized image.. it smacks of 3rd world dictator worship. Ridiculous.


Quote from: Barterer on February 17, 2009, 09:45 AM NHFT
Quote from: RattyDog on February 17, 2009, 08:29 AM NHFT
But she cannot hear me, because she is lost in a starry eyed vision of this glowing face, the face of Barack Obama, the saviour of us all...the knight in shining armour....the deafening chants of his praise intoxicate, but to me, seem more like the solemn tune of our own death march.

Indeed, it is flat-out creepy the way people idolize his Andy Warhol colorized image.. it smacks of 3rd world dictator worship. Ridiculous.

And it's my OWN MOTHER! It feels like invasion of the body snachers...I mean, she's my mother. She's got a brain....yet, she looks at the "HOPE" posters and she sees art, inspiration, hope, endless possibilities on the horizon...."Now we'll be alright" - she actually said this, this woman who taught me to always think for myself, to never just swollow because someone said "Open wide, this is the truth"...how has this happened to her? Why isn't she soooooo creeped out by the millions, masses and masses marching and chanting. "Yes, we can"??? YES WE CAN??? Does it GET more big brother than that? But she looks at him, as do, apparently, more than half of us, and sees what it says there, at the bottom of the image...Hope.

I see Big Brother.

Bush said: You are a Patriot or you are a Terrorist - and then set out a definition of "patriot" that would make any true patriot vomit.

Now, Big Brother Obama says: You must choose, Hope or Fear - and has set out to define "Hope" in such terms that anyone who has true hope for joy and prosperity for a future generation must shake in their boots.

With us, or against us....but they all have the same agenda. With us, or agaist us.

They say "We are Patriots" - I see Treasonous Tyrants.
They say: "We stand for Hope" - I see my children in chains.

War is Peace?
Freedom is Slavery?
Ignorance is Strength?

John Edward Mercier

You really need to read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and understand what the labor theory of value means.


Quote from: RattyDog on February 17, 2009, 08:29 AM NHFT
If I had one wish, one best shot at freedom for my baby....I would wish that I would wake up tomorrow morning, to the sweet image of the Federal Reserve burning to the ground....I mean, shit, the thing is full of damn paper.... :icon_pirat:

*whistle*  You've been missed 'round here Ratty.

Grab your man and watch "Fight Club" again, but pay attention to what buildings are blown up at the end, which most people miss.  

I hear you on the common narratives people repeat over an over.  My mother, well educated, is a bank manager and has no idea what the Federal Reserve does.  -  It's that place they mail the old beat up paper money, and sacks of pennies.  Her world revolves around Fannie and Freddie, around and around, and too late to notice the spin is from being flushed down a toilet on one side, and the onrush of new 'credit' from the other.  

Now she awaits nervously for bailout money so they can 'ride out this recession' and get back to commissions as usual from cold calling homeowners to refinance.


Yay! Ratty Dog is on the rant again!


Quote from: RattyDog on February 17, 2009, 10:10 AM NHFT
And it's my OWN MOTHER! It feels like invasion of the body snachers...I mean, she's my mother. She's got a brain....yet, she looks at the "HOPE" posters and she sees art, inspiration, hope, endless possibilities on the horizon...."Now we'll be alright" - she actually said this, this woman who taught me to always think for myself, to never just swollow because someone said "Open wide, this is the truth"...how has this happened to her?

I saw the same thing at the Thanksgiving table last year.  My step mother and my aunt getting worked up about the hard economy, the housing market, jobs, etc.  And then: "Doesn't it feel so good that He is elected?"  "Yeah."

They knew I support Paul, we spent hours talking about politics.  But when I heard that -- emotional release.  I realized this has come down to some driving need to have something to believe in: faith.  

And when it doesn't work, there want of something to believe in will, I fear, only grow stronger.  


  Ratty, Congradulations for having a beautyfull baby girl, and I hope she is just like you!
  You hit the nail rite on the head with this one Ratty.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: RattyDog on February 17, 2009, 08:29 AM NHFT

I want to punch in the face, the next person who tells me that "Well, I don't like the bailout, but you know, we really need it" - how can it be that the brainwashing of my countrymen has so blinded them to the pure evil of this malarky.
I haven't met one of these people yet .... should I be looking for black eyes and broken noses?

My solution to these problems is to not pay fed taxes. You can also not have any investments denominated in future dollars.
I agree with Rothbard "repudiate the debt". I didn't spend it. The debt is theirs.
It is amazing people think the obama can make it better. Would they go down to bankofamerica .... hand them $10,000 and ask them to give it to the federal reserve, the stockholders, and the ceo? No way. But if obama does it ... it helps poor, average, and especially black people?


Pat McCotter

Quote from: doobie on February 17, 2009, 12:45 PM NHFT
Don't forget the IMF.

Japan Lend IMF US$100 Bil
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - FreeMarketNews.com

Japan signed an agreement on Friday on terms of its commitment to lend up to US$100 billion to the IMF to provide financial lifelines to crisis-hit emerging countries. The agreement was signed in Rome on the sidelines of a Group of Seven finance leaders' meeting largely aimed at addressing global financial turmoil that has led to a sharp economic slowdown. "This loan is important not only for the IMF but also for all countries in need of help because of the crisis," IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn told reporters at the signing in Rome.


I'd like to buy the world a Coke.


John Edward Mercier

Have to loan money to the poor country servicing the debt they owe you already.

Free libertarian

 I'd wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner.  :P