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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Post em here or email me, whichever you prefer :)  Thanks!

Kat Kanning

Would need your changes tonight, Jack.  I'll post my edited article on the website now, though.


Quote from: jaqeboy on May 24, 2008, 02:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on May 23, 2008, 09:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 23, 2008, 07:52 AM NHFT
Wow, you guys driving down to NY?

Yeah, mebbe. Wanna go? Lodging is the big hold-up right now, unless you want to depart NYC at 2-3 AM after partying.

K, looks like we have lodging - just asked if they have room for one more couch-surfer  ;)

Looks like the plan that may work is:
Thurs PM to Western Mass, stay at friend's house,
leave early Friday, arriving Brooklyn 1PMish
Meet NY911Truth leadership at 3 to assist with petitioning for a New York 911 Truth investigative commission,
6:30ish box office opens for Brooklyn International Film Festival at the Lyceum,
Movie showing: Able Danger, with intro by the filmmaker,
Reception and party afterwards,
overnight at NY friends,
maybe more petitioning assistance Saturday AM,
definitely a visit to VoxPop, Sander Hicks' activism cafe,
return to N.H. Saturday afternoon/evening.

As of now, we have room for one more.


I was driving past a church near my house and saw this sign. Had to stop and snap a picture.


Air America's "Clout" with Richard Greene
Thursday 5.29.2008

Debate: Was the 9/11 Commission a legitimate Investigation, and do we need a
new one?

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Joining John and Kyle tomorrow will be 9/11 Family
Member, and "Jersey Girl", Lorie Van Auken who lost her husband Kenneth Van


This week's debate on Air America's "Clout" ( http://airamerica.com/clout )
with Richard Greene is destined to be a special one. As it stands right now,
the two confirmed "pro-Truth" guests to appear are Kyle Hence, and John
Judge, the founders of 9/11 CitizensWatch. Citizenswatch was a watchdog
group of the 9/11 Commission that worked alongside the 9/11 Family Steering
Committee. Along with the families, they called for the resignation of
Executive Director Philip Zelikow, and at one point, they started an
advertising campaign "demanding that Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Gore and Rice
testify publicly, and under oath before the commission." They ran "billboard
advertisements in the Washington metro rail system for four weeks, as well
as quarter-page ads in The Washington Post." Thus far the one confirmed
guest who does NOT agree that we need another investigation is Daniel
Pinchbeck, the author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Tarcher, 2006 and
editorial director of the web magazine, Reality Sandwich. Daniel's position
is that we need to move forward, not back.

Kyle Hence is the Executive Producer of "9/11: Press For Truth", and "In
Their Own Words: The Untold Stories Of the 9/11 Families". John Judge has
worked as the Special Projects Assistant to Rep. Cynthia McKinney of
Georgia, has been a member of COPA for years, and is writing a critique of
the 9/11 Commission Final Report for the 9/11 Research Center.

There are very few people in the world today that understand the problems
with the 9/11 Commission as John and Kyle do. Please tell your friends, and
family to listen in. As I said, this show is destined to be a special one.



By Elie Peter - Sept 15, 2006, BLICK newspaper, Zurich, Switzerland

(translated from German into English, but not yet published online in English)

2,973 humans died with the attacks of 9/11. "Bin Laden" and "Al Qaeda", the Bush clan cried. The world believed themm. In the meantime even scientists doubt the Bush version. Now, Swiss university professors Albert A. Stahel and Daniele Ganser raise new questions.

"Something is not correct", says strategy expert Stahel in "World Week", and here he refers to the "incomplete" official US Government 9/11 Report of 2004.

The university professor confirms his criticism in BLICK: "Osama Bin Laden cannot be 'the large godfather' behind the attacks. He did not have enough means of communication".

Dr. Stahel doubts that a passenger airliner crashed into the Pentagon: "For trainee pilots it is actually impossible to crash into the building so exactly. Seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed, the World Trade Center Building 7 next to it also collapsed. The official version: It burned for a long time. Nothing at all is clear."

Raising questions along with Stahel is historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, his colleague at the University of Zurich. Dr. Ganser also calls the official US version "a conspiracy theory".

"There are three theories, which we should treat equally":

1. "Surprise theory" - Bin Laden and Al Qaeda implemented the attacks.

2. "Let it happen on purpose" - The US Government knew the Al Qaeda plans and did not react in order to legitimize a series of wars.

3. "Made it happen on purpose" - The attacks were actually planned and orchestrated by the Pentagon and/or US secret services.

Ganser: "3,000 humans were sacrificed for strategic interests. The more we research, the more we doubt the Bush version. It is conceivable that the Bush government was responsible. Bush has lied so much already! And we already know that the US government planned an operation in 1962 [Operation Northwood] that was approved by the Pentagon that would have sacrificed innocent US citizens for the government's own interests."

As for Ganser and Stahel: "We only ask questions."



Corrs guitarist: 9/11 was an inside job

Friday, May 30, 2008

Corrs guitarist Jim Corr has claimed that there was overwhelming evidence that the 9/11 attacks in America were carried out by "rogue elements" of US President George Bush's "neo-con administration".

In a rare intervention into the political arena, the male singer with The Corrs band also came out against the Lisbon Treaty claiming that it is " tip-toe totalitarianism in the West".

In an interview with Matt Cooper on Ireland's Today FM's 'Last Word', Corr made the case for voting 'No' to Lisbon, claiming it could introduce the death penalty to Ireland and contribute to a "new world order".

Corr's opposition is based on his three years "studying the New World Order which the European Union is a part of".

He said "the EU is a stepping stone towards a world government, they will merge it with the Asia Pacific Union, the African Union and the North American Union". The Lisbon Treaty itself will introduce "a scientific technocracy" to Europe which will erode national sovereignty.

Corr claimed that The Charter of Fundamental Rights allows for the introduction of the death penalty.

"It makes provision for the introduction to law for the death penalty in times of war or imminent threat of war.

"What we are seeing is tip-toe totalitarianism in the West with 9/11 the key to understanding this.

"When you study 9/11 it becomes very apparent... it was a staged terrorist attack, what they call a false flag operation."

Corr said overwhelming evidence suggests 9/11 "was carried out by rogue elements in the Bush neo-con administration".


Wow, coffee - good finds!

btw, I didn't make it to the NYC movie premiere, but I expect a report  back from Jonathan of Flyby News.


David Ray Griffin's note to New Yorkers who are petitioning for a NYC investigative commission:

             David Ray Griffin

Although I was not able to be present at the rally either in person or by telephone, I wanted to express my strong support for the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative.

There has never been a better time to get such an initiative on the ballot, because the 9/11 Truth Movement's case against the official account of 9/11 is now extremely strong---much stronger than it was just two years ago.

For example, new evidence has been brought forth to show that the official account of the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 cannot possibly be true. The NIST Report has been shown to be completely inadequate, and a former employee of NIST has spoken out to verify what we already suspected---that NIST has become totally politicized, so that its scientists are little more than "hired guns."

Besides the fact that the NIST Report has been discredited, so has The 9/11 Commission Report. Philip Shenon's book has made public what we in the movement have long known, that the 9/11 Commission was controlled by a man, Philip Zelikow, who represented the Bush-Cheney White House. Shenon even shows that Zelikow had outlined the whole report before the Commission's staff had begun its work.

Moreover, some central pillars of the official account have been demolished by the FBI. It has said it has no hard evidence that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attacks, that there were no cell phone calls from passengers to relatives from any of the planes, and that Barbara Olson's famous phone call from Flight 77 to her husband, Solicitor General Ted Olson, never happened.

Equally important, there has been a tremendous influx of professionals with relevant kinds of expertise in the movement---military officers, pilots, CIA and other intelligence officials, architects, and engineers. A few years ago, critics ridiculed our claims about the World Trade Center by saying that these claims were not supported by any architects and engineers. But in the past year, some 400 architects and engineers have signed Richard Gage's petition for a new investigation.

Accordingly, if there IS a new investigation, and if it is this time a GENUINE investigation, there can be little doubt what the outcome will be. As I argued in Debunking 9/11 Debunking, the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is overwhelming. The only task is to get people to look at the evidence.

I hope, therefore, that many dozens of people make the commitment to go out in the next few weeks to gather signatures. We know from polls that close to 50% of residents of NYC were already suspicious of the official story several years ago. There are, accordingly, more than enough people out there willing to sign the petition. All that is necessary is enough people to commit themselves to work enough hours to gather those signatures.

If you help get this initiative on the ballot, your name will surely be included in the universe's list of heroes.

Best wishes,

David Griffin


A note from Les Jamieson of NY911Truth:


Flash Bulletin To All 9/11 Truthers - from NYC
9/11 Ballot Initiative Campaign Headquarters

The New York City 911 Ballot Initiative has presented us with a historic opportunity to affect significant change in America and the world. In order to get the creation of a new 911 independent, locally controlled Commission to re-investigate the 9/11 attacks,we must get 30,000 signatures by June 30, 2008, to place this issue on the November 4th ballot here in New York City. We need many committed and dedicated 9/11 truth seekers to help us petition on the streets and in the parks of New York City. Anyone who is willing to come to New York City to help will be provided with free lodging. Please call Les Jamieson, local coordinator, at [718]492-2192 to make arrangements and check us out at ww.nyc911initiative.org

Peace to all!


If one want to put some effort towards a new investigation, the best time spent might be going to NYC for the weekend to help them gather signatures for their ballot initiative petition. If anyone wants to consider organizing a trip down there, please write us at merrimackvalley911truth.org and maybe one or 2 trips can be arranged during June.


A report from the showing of Able Danger in New York. We will try to get a copy to show when it goes into release. There is a possibility that the subject of this film, Sander Hicks, will speak at the Alternatives Expo to be held at the Porcupine Freedom Festival in Gilford, New-Hampshire the week of 9-15 June, 2008. Watch the AltExpo site for details.


ABLE DANGER opened the Brooklyn International Film Festival last
Friday night to a raucous sell out crowd.

There is one remaining showtime: 8:00 pm | Friday June 6 | Brooklyn Lyceum
(located on 4th Avenue between Union & President)

Tickets are $10 at the Brooklyn Film Festival LInk

Able Danger is the story of a Brooklyn 9/11 truther (played by Adam
Nee) who falls into a noir pastiche when a mysterious Eastern European
(played by Elina Lowensohn) arrives at his caf?/bookstore (based on
the very real Brooklyn caf? VoxPop with the irrefutable proof of American secret intelligence involvement in the planning and execution of 9/11;
Able Danger (based on the real secret government program Able Danger).


For you Flatbush locals, Able Danger was written, directed and
produced by a Flatbush Local. It was shot at VoxPop, The Farm, Club 7
and houses and streets of Victorian Flatbush. Please come out and help
us sell out the 2nd and final show at the Brooklyn Festival.

Village Voice Friday Night Pick:


This pretty much wraps it up.

Can't seem to make it embed so here's the link


Kat Kanning



Former Senator Mike Gravel Calls for Independent 9/11 Investigation and Prosecution of President Bush and Vice President Cheney
