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Obama buff spits on Ron Paul fan (New Hampshire)

Started by Dave Ridley, August 16, 2009, 01:25 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley


More scenes surrounding that controversial gun wearer outside Obama's New Hampshire "town hall meeting."


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 16, 2009, 01:25 PM NHFT

More scenes surrounding that controversial gun wearer outside Obama's New Hampshire "town hall meeting."

Wow, that was pretty disgusting for that guy to do that!   

I still have my Ron Paul stickers on my van and so far I've gotten a lot of good comments.  The latest was from a guy saying, "I bet we all wish he was in office now."   :-\     

Of course, the pessimist that I am, I'm waiting for some idiot to say something horrible but it hasn't happened yet so that's good.  :)


We were at a stop light the other day, when a couple in their twenties pulled up in the adjacent lane, and were laughing and waving. We waved back, the light changed, and as they pulled away I saw they had a Ron Paul sticker too.


I remember exchanging several fist pumps, waves, and thumbs ups on account of the Ron Paul sticker.  Somehow, the "The Kingdom of God is Within You" bumper sticker I replaced the Ron Paul one with does not ellicit quite the same reaction. 

Kat Kanning

I was driving with my window down the other day and a guy on a motorcycle passed me.  He paused on his way by to say he liked the Ron Paul sticker.

firecracker joe

although ron paul supporters are few and far between  we all seem to let others know we are on the same side when possible. when traveling around the country i ran into all sorts of Ron Paul suppoerters and when possible i always gave them a copy of the nhfree press. I also notice now that uncle tom obama is in more people are wishing ron paul was president which is a good sign. I still havent taken my RP sign down  We need to have a RP sign made up saying "I told you". another thing i found around the country was that ron paul supporters work for free the rest get paid or it doesnt get done.


I was at a car dealership yesterday and the sales guy said that he wished Ron Paul was president after seeing my bumper stickers!  :)

We have Ron Paul stickers on our mailbox too and someone axed it a couple of weeks ago but I don't think it was Ron Paul related because the stickers remain!  :D

Anyways, I told the guy if we trade the van in, (it's got some problems and Rick thinks they are going to get worse), I have plenty more Ron Paul stickers at home for any car I get.  :)

Russell Kanning

luckily ron paul has a short name ... it makes better signs and bumper stickers
that is why me and patk can't run for office

Pat K

Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 24, 2009, 06:06 AM NHFT
luckily ron paul has a short name ... it makes better signs and bumper stickers
that is why me and patk can't run for office

Well that and were not psychotic, lying, thieves.

Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 24, 2009, 06:06 AM NHFT
luckily ron paul has a short name ... it makes better signs and bumper stickers
that is why me and patk can't run for office
Russ Kan for Prez?   ;)

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 24, 2009, 06:06 AM NHFT
luckily ron paul has a short name ... it makes better signs and bumper stickers
that is why me and patk can't run for office

Oh, "I'm planning / To vote for Kanning" is just about perfect for a campaign slogan.


Did they ever get that scumabgs name?

I would bet it was a agent provocatuer (with LEO ties)



Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 20, 2009, 09:47 AM NHFT
I was driving with my window down the other day and a guy on a motorcycle passed me.  He paused on his way by to say he liked the Ron Paul sticker.
Hey, a black Suzuki with a bag on the back?  That might have been Meee!

Jim Johnson

Quote from: littlehawk on August 24, 2009, 01:10 PM NHFT
Did they ever get that scumabgs name?

I would bet it was a agent provocatuer (with LEO ties)


Dennis might benefit from knowing who the "Spitter" is... cause Spitter in line for a law suit every time Dennis gets a sniffle.

All Dennis has to do is tell his insurance company and they will do all the work... unless it's one of those policies where Dennis would be required to sue Spitter each time he makes a claim... so insurance company can be reimbursed... then it wouldn't be beneficial... unless his insurance company is Beneficial... then it would both be Beneficial and not be beneficial at the same time... but not in the same way.

Hope that helps.   :ahoy: