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Evan's trial

Started by Kat Kanning, April 04, 2010, 06:19 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Evan - "Your Laws Violate My Rights"

I thought Evan did a remarkable job stating his case.  One question though, is claiming to be a sovereign and appealing to the constitution self-contradictory?

Free libertarian

 Evan did an excellent job.  The judge really looked like his cognitive dissonance alarm was going off and he couldn't quite understand it.  He then went for the standard "just doing my job"  that so many run to when they feel the discomfort of the gun in the room.

"Some crimes are victimless"  -   Judge Lane

Tom Sawyer

I agree that Evan did a good job...

Of interest to me is that the judge didn't even want to defend that marijuana should be a crime. The war is won... we just need to claim the victory. Much like the Berlin wall coming down... it seemed impossible and then overnight the change happened... not from the top down... but, from the bottom up.

As to the constitutional argument... the rules that the state is supposed to follow. I think many "sovereign" folks believe the documents support their position, that they are sovereign.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 04, 2010, 06:19 AM NHFTOne question though, is claiming to be a sovereign and appealing to the constitution self-contradictory?

They operate under a veil of legitimacy, based upon "the rules" and some magical documents.

If they're marking cards, accusing someone else of having an ace up his sleeve doesn't make much sense.  Pointing out what they're doing may help some folks see how moth-eaten their veil really is.

I'm not playing their "game," but they try to insist that I am, so I'll still point out when they're cheating, even by their own rules.  Especially when they're cheating by their own rules.


Jim Johnson

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 04, 2010, 06:19 AM NHFT
.... is claiming to be a sovereign and appealing to the constitution self-contradictory?


Lloyd Danforth

The kid seems too peaceful.  Could'a provoked some violence, there!

One can always compartmentalize.

"From your own Constitution that you swore an oath too, and undoubtedly claim to support,  I have this right under....."

"I also, have rights as a 'Soveriegn' exclusive of your Constitition"

Jim Johnson

....also, "I have rights under the Code of Hammurabi, the Rights granted under the Federation, the Charter of Liberties, the Magna Carta Libertatum.... 
and the Constitution of the New Martian Colonies."

"...and Free Bird.... by Lynyrd Skynyrd."

Lloyd Danforth

All of that......and more!

But, the judge got confused at the Constitution.

Tom Sawyer


Do you think it would be over the top to air guitar your point home to the judge...

And the bird you cannot change
And this bird you cannot change
Lord knows I can't change
Lord help me I can't change
Lord I can't change,
Won't you fly high, Free Bird, yeah

Air Guitar Nation trailer

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on April 04, 2010, 03:10 PM NHFT
All of that......and more!

But, the judge got confused at the Constitution.

Sooooo.... what does that tell people?

That royalty couldn't give a good god damn about no old piece a paper and that when you are in his room you are 100% his.

Free libertarian

Quote from: Jim Johnson on April 04, 2010, 11:21 AM NHFT
....also, "I have rights under the Code of Hammurabi, the Rights granted under the Federation, the Charter of Liberties, the Magna Carta Libertatum.... 
and the Constitution of the New Martian Colonies."

"...and Free Bird.... by Lynyrd Skynyrd."

  Don't forget the Beastie Boys....they gave us the right to paaaarty.    :P

Russell Kanning

i wonder how things will change as some of the drug "offenders" don't plead guilty for a lesser sentence
the judges are not used to people saying "i didn't do anything wrong".