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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Last night I was watching Fox News and something bugged me

Started by Raineyrocks, April 16, 2010, 06:24 AM NHFT

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I was watching about all of the tax protests that were going on yesterday and it seemed to me, (I hope I'm wrong), that the protests were larger than any I remember seeing about the invasion of Iraq and the murder of the Iraqi people.  I'm not saying there weren't any protests about the Iraqi invasion but are there more people protesting about the health care reform and stuff than there were/are the Iraqi slaughtering?

I remember really, really "awakening" to the disgusting things governments do around that time so I could be wrong but am I, does anyone know? 

I listened to alot of people being interviewed and the bailouts came up alot, the economy, the unemployment rate, the loss of liberty but I didn't hear anyone mention the murders of innocent human beings, it just bothered me.  I feel like tons of people on this forum bring up the fact of torture and murder more than these tea parties. 

I'm not trying to be judgemental, I'm just really wondering about this.  Is it the economy and loss of liberties that matter more to the masses of people than human lives?   I know these other issues are important also but I wonder why no one they spoke with mentioned murder and torture.  :dontknow:

Lloyd Danforth

Rainey.  If you are a CNN fan, you should apply for Rich Sanchez's job.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on April 16, 2010, 06:27 AM NHFT
Rainey.  If you are a CNN fan, you should apply for Rich Sanchez's job.

Nah, I'm not a fan of any of the major news networks, sometimes I just "tune in" because there's nothing else on.  :)

Could you see me on CNN?  I'd confuse anyone that watched it.  :D


I kind of liked this, starting at about 6 minutes in, Alex Jones starts explaining why he performed this experiment.  Alex is corky but hopefully it will mean something to somebody if they really cared that he destroyed the iPad more than torturing people.  I wonder if people really would get more upset over an iPad than torture of human beings, I doubt it and hope he's wrong but at least he did bring it up.  :-\


  iPad Tortured to Death in Mass Social Experiment   
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
April 15, 2010

Alex Jones undertakes a psychological experiment that proves dangerous in more than one sense. While the public is caught up in the hype and promotion of the new iPad, it is clear once again that technology has captured our humanity– our worth has been caught up in baubles, and we are dangerously close to caring more about our gadgets than our family and neighbors.

With this in mind, Alex daringly "tortures" the new toy being pushed by corporate elite to control the masses. He attempts to find out– or at least raise the question– as to whether humanity will concern itself with more with the senseless destruction of a computer than it does with the torture and senseless killing of more than a million Iraqis (to put forward one example) along with countless others across the globe.


Yeah, they'd rather save a few dollars than save a few humans. 
Fox is a gop shill.  The tea party has already become a tool of organized politics.  The so called tea party express is paid for by a gop pac.  Palin is a warmongering gop shill.  She reminds me of bush, alot. 
The irony of the tea party and tax freedom day, is tax freedom day is sooner than a few years ago. 

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Raineyrocks on April 16, 2010, 06:24 AM NHFT
I'm not trying to be judgemental, I'm just really wondering about this.  Is it the economy and loss of liberties that matter more to the masses of people than human lives?

It's just rational self-interest really. Stealing money from a person impacts them more than killing other people.

Lloyd Danforth

The killing is happening a long way away. Brown people with unpronounceable names are doing most of the dying.  Different Brown people with different unpronounceable names than, say, the ones who did most of the dying in Vietnam, but just as removed