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I feel like such a loser! This is one whiny ass post!

Started by Raineyrocks, May 11, 2010, 10:04 AM NHFT

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I was supposed to get rid of clutter months ago and here it all sits!  I listed some stuff on Ebay and it didn't sell.  Rick is starting to complain because I don't have dinner made at night.  I feel like I'm letting Lil' Ricky down because I'm a boring homeschool teacher.

I have no motivation at all and am such a procrastinator!  Rick made a "he feels like my slave" comment the other day and I totally understand where he's coming from I just didn't think it was bothering him that bad and it must be for him to have said it out loud.  The kids hate my cooking anyway though and they always complain about the way I go grocery shopping because I don't buy convienent foods.   I am a lousy cook.  What am I good at, I wonder. :dontknow:

I wanted to be a book writer, forensic scientist, veternarian, wildlife photographer, and have an animal sanctuary but I didn't do any of those things and now I just feel like it's too late and I probably wouldn't finish anything I started anyway.  :-\

Oh yeah, and I wanted to quit smoking this week but chickened out and ordered cigs.

Does everyone have a specific calling in life?  Are you just born with it or do you have to find it?  How do you find it?


Not really an answer to your question, but would you be interested in me helping clean your clutter for a small fee? I'd offer to do more, but the dinners are more a continual thing and transportation would be an issue. Where you at anyways?

In an answer to your question, I don't think everyone does, or at least knows it. And I believe that it could change as a person changes. Currently, my calling is to live without the state (live free), no matter the difficulty, for educational, ethical, and posterity reasons.


Quote from: EthanLeeVita on May 11, 2010, 10:43 AM NHFT
Not really an answer to your question, but would you be interested in me helping clean your clutter for a small fee? I'd offer to do more, but the dinners are more a continual thing and transportation would be an issue. Where you at anyways?

In an answer to your question, I don't think everyone does, or at least knows it. And I believe that it could change as a person changes. Currently, my calling is to live without the state (live free), no matter the difficulty, for educational, ethical, and posterity reasons.

Thanks!  I will talk to Rick about it, that sounds great to me.  I'm up in Campton by Plymouth and if I am familiar with where your at I could always come pick you up and drop you off.  I have a tendency to get really, really lost if I don't kind of know where I'm going.

I'm going to stop dragging my butt for today at least and get off the computer, get a shower and at least try to get some cleaning and some kind of dinner the kids will probably hate  ::) in the slow cooker.  I'm just feeling down about myself today and the only way to deal with it is to get up.  :)

I do think getting rid of clutter will enable me to think clearer and do something productive with my life, it's hard when you have stuff in your way all time.  :P


I'm at Dale's place if you know where that is. Let me know what Rick thinks.

Mayor Maximus

This is what I do for a living here in Texas!  "Pro organizing"  I plan on organizing in NH when I get there, too, so let me know if you still need help in june 2011  :P


Quote from: EthanLeeVita on May 11, 2010, 11:46 AM NHFT
I'm at Dale's place if you know where that is. Let me know what Rick thinks.

I started doing some stuff the other day but then the vacuum cleaner broke so I spent 3 hours taking it apart, I hate when that happens.  I found out the belt is broke and I am not finding a replacement belt anywhere.  ::)  I'm going to go to Sears this morning and see if they have one, if they don't I'll have to pick up a cheap vacuum cleaner. 

I have no idea where Dale lives.  :o   I got lost going to Kat & Russell's one time and it's not that far from me but it took me over 3 hours to get there.  :P 

I'm mad at Rick right now so we're really not talking, my anger does give me the "get up & go" that I need to get rid of things though.  :D


Quote from: mayor havoc on May 12, 2010, 07:48 PM NHFT
This is what I do for a living here in Texas!  "Pro organizing"  I plan on organizing in NH when I get there, too, so let me know if you still need help in june 2011  :P

Gosh, I hope I get stuff done by then but thanks anyway!  :D


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 13, 2010, 05:33 AM NHFT

This is a great site, thanks Kat! :D    Last night I found out that we have 4 vacuum cleaners and only 1 works!  I didn't even know we had that many until Rick and I began arguing over how condescending, (sp?), he is towards me when I am doing a "mans" job.  ::)   I found out there are "extras" around for no reason whatsoever, they aren't even the same make for spare parts so how in the world does that make sense?  Why does he keep old vacuums that motors have burnt out?  Then he says I'm a clutterer, ha!  We have 3 Shop n Vacs too and only 1 works so he blamed it all on the kids.  Eeerrr!  Then he complains about not being able to get in his shed, gee I wonder why.

I've been figuring out how to fix vacuum cleaners, (unless the motor is shot), for 25 years and he's going to act like I don't know what I'm doing, unreal! >:(   Then somehow I was supposed to read his mind because he never told me  ::) that he's having trouble in work and the last he needed was to argue about vacuum cleaners.


Quote from: Raineyrocks on May 13, 2010, 04:45 AM NHFT
Quote from: EthanLeeVita on May 11, 2010, 11:46 AM NHFT
I'm at Dale's place if you know where that is. Let me know what Rick thinks.

I started doing some stuff the other day but then the vacuum cleaner broke so I spent 3 hours taking it apart, I hate when that happens.  I found out the belt is broke and I am not finding a replacement belt anywhere.  ::)  I'm going to go to Sears this morning and see if they have one, if they don't I'll have to pick up a cheap vacuum cleaner. 

I have no idea where Dale lives.  :o   I got lost going to Kat & Russell's one time and it's not that far from me but it took me over 3 hours to get there.  :P 

I'm mad at Rick right now so we're really not talking, my anger does give me the "get up & go" that I need to get rid of things though.  :D

Unfortunately, its quite a distance. Dale lives just outside of Keene, in Marlborough.