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Would you submit to a drug test to get a job?

Started by Raineyrocks, May 28, 2010, 09:18 AM NHFT

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It feels like a catch 22 because if I go for a job interview and tell them that I believe drug testing is against my civil rights then I won't get the job anyway, right?   So if I'm not going to submit should I even bother going for an interview?

How do you feel about drug testing? 

I feel what I do on my own free time is my business and isn't affecting anyone when I do a job so why should I be drug tested.  I've read some websites that tell you how to test clean for THC but then I'd still be submitting to something I don't believe is right regardless if I test "clean" or not. 

Lloyd Danforth

Drug Test?   Sure, ask me anything you like!

Tom Sawyer

To go along with Lloyd's answer...
"I've been "studying" for years!"

Or my answer to the piss test question is...
"Is it an oral exam?"   ;D

Sorry to make light of your dilemma... Think it is standard practice for a nursing job.

Tried to find the video...
"I don't do windows and I don't pee in cups."


As a truck driver i have been pissing in cups for about 18 years  , I don't get high but it still really pisses me off( no pun intended ). I am not a bashful guy but sometimes the techs feel the need to actually watch the process ... feels a bit violating so i warn them i sometimes spray a bit and if they get wet not to try and blame me . 

Do you all know that congress exempted themselves and their employees and interns from drug testing when they passed the law allowing it . I may be wrong but I believe if you have ever interned for an elected fed you are free to say no to pre employment testing and possible even being tested after a traffic accident . Nice huh ?

Here in Illinois if you are suspected of DUI the police can drag you to any hospital and have a needle shoved in your arm to test for alcohol ... I would be willing to wager half my total net worth they are also gathering DNA from every sample for the new data base they are setting up nation wide for any one suspected of a crime .... America sure was a nice concept .



Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 28, 2010, 10:15 AM NHFT
To go along with Lloyd's answer...
"I've been "studying" for years!"

Or my answer to the piss test question is...
"Is it an oral exam?"   ;D

Sorry to make light of your dilemma... Think it is standard practice for a nursing job.

Tried to find the video...
"I don't do windows and I don't pee in cups."

Ha, ha, to you too!      Thanks but how did you know if was for a nursing job?  :D    Do you think I should try for the job even if I've partaken, (sp?), in a medicinal herb?  8)   If I fail it goes against my license.  My mom didn't have to take any drug tests when she was a nurse but that was like a couple of decades ago.  :-\


Quote from: CJS on May 28, 2010, 10:57 AM NHFT
As a truck driver i have been pissing in cups for about 18 years  , I don't get high but it still really pisses me off( no pun intended ). I am not a bashful guy but sometimes the techs feel the need to actually watch the process ... feels a bit violating so i warn them i sometimes spray a bit and if they get wet not to try and blame me . 

Do you all know that congress exempted themselves and their employees and interns from drug testing when they passed the law allowing it . I may be wrong but I believe if you have ever interned for an elected fed you are free to say no to pre employment testing and possible even being tested after a traffic accident . Nice huh ?

Here in Illinois if you are suspected of DUI the police can drag you to any hospital and have a needle shoved in your arm to test for alcohol ... I would be willing to wager half my total net worth they are also gathering DNA from every sample for the new data base they are setting up nation wide for any one suspected of a crime .... America sure was a nice concept .

That's funny about the spraying part but of course not the fact that you've had to take supervised piss tests.   Of course the govt. gets out of it, what don't they get out of that try to subject us to?
I totally agree with you about the DNA samples too, I just think it's been going on longer than we've ever been aware of it.  Gosh, I hate them!


I think it's tough, because it's not necessarily a liberty issue, but a personal preference. The employer has the right to ask you, and you have the right to refuse. There are industries (e.g., trucking) where I believe there is a Federal requirement, which is wrong. For me, it would be a pretty big entry in the negative column when considering a job, even though I have never tried "illegal" drugs.

I would prefer a free society that allows anonymity and doesn't care what you do in your free time, but that is not guaranteed. I guess it's one of the reasons I'm a little leery about anarcho-capitalist structures, although I understand the argument that if there is a demand for anonymity, the market will deliver it.

I did want to mention that my company responded to a Request for Proposal where there was a requirement that any of our employees on the relationship get blood tests. I was able to convince the president to specifically decline this requirement, and we won the business anyway. So there can be benefits to resisting creeping creepiness.


Quote from: toowm on May 28, 2010, 12:00 PM NHFT
I think it's tough, because it's not necessarily a liberty issue, but a personal preference. The employer has the right to ask you, and you have the right to refuse. There are industries (e.g., trucking) where I believe there is a Federal requirement, which is wrong. For me, it would be a pretty big entry in the negative column when considering a job, even though I have never tried "illegal" drugs.

I would prefer a free society that allows anonymity and doesn't care what you do in your free time, but that is not guaranteed. I guess it's one of the reasons I'm a little leery about anarcho-capitalist structures, although I understand the argument that if there is a demand for anonymity, the market will deliver it.

I did want to mention that my company responded to a Request for Proposal where there was a requirement that any of our employees on the relationship get blood tests. I was able to convince the president to specifically decline this requirement, and we won the business anyway. So there can be benefits to resisting creeping creepiness.

What is an anarcho-capitalist structure?  It's a rare day when I understand words like that, sorry.  :BangHead:  Knowing me, I probably wouldn't get the job anyway.  I'm just starting to kind of understand what  liberal, right and left wing people believe in, thanks to my girlfriend trying to explain this stuff to me for over 10 years.  I hope I never have to become a public speaker, it's scary enough to think of myself as a secretary, which I used to be but now I have a chance to be a nursing assistant. 

That sounds good that your company won the business anyway but do you mean they were going to do blood drug tests and the Request for Proposal stopped that from happening?
Do you think I should go for an interview and decline the drug test?  Rick says, I should probably just forget about the job.  :-\


Quote from: Raineyrocks on May 28, 2010, 09:18 AM NHFT
It feels like a catch 22 because if I go for a job interview and tell them that I believe drug testing is against my civil rights then I won't get the job anyway, right?   So if I'm not going to submit should I even bother going for an interview?

How do you feel about drug testing? 

I feel what I do on my own free time is my business and isn't affecting anyone when I do a job so why should I be drug tested.  I've read some websites that tell you how to test clean for THC but then I'd still be submitting to something I don't believe is right regardless if I test "clean" or not.

A private business owner cannot should not be forced to give money to anyone they don't want to so they can create stipulations as to whom they wish to give money to.  The liberals would like us to believe there is some "right to work" which forces employers to hire people and prevent them from firing them but that is a violation of the business owners civil liberties.

Companies creating stipulations on drug use isn't all that different then the policy the NY Yankees have which prevents any of their players from growing beards.  Big George owns the team so he can create the rules for people wishing to play for that team.


You are bringing your skills to the table in this transaction, they are bringing the cash and the tools to do the job (building, instruments, etc).  If the drug test is a requirement you have the option to walk away, that is your free choice.

Tom Sawyer

Governments (Fed and State) often are forcing employers to drug test.


It depends on the drug they want me to test.

Sam A. Robrin

IF I HAVE TO PISS IN A BOTTLE  ("Time in a Bottle")
(suggested by Rich Angell)
COPYRIGHT JA 2010 by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it (hey,I lifted the melody), but if you make a little money on it, I want some!

If I have to piss in a bottle,
   As employers have lately proposed,
      I'll say, "Speak no more of it--
      Take this job and shove it
   Where solider waste is disposed."

If I have to fill up a pee cup,
   And fill out a W-2,
      Don't know what makes me madder--
      Empty wallet or bladder,
   But I'm too pissed to pee-pee for you.

No, there doesn't seem to be enough room
   To go about your private life
      In this nation.
I'm getting ill and ulcer-y
From yielding to compulsory

You've picked to inflict micturition
   Like a sycophant shilling for D.A.R.E.
I can hold it and hold off this holdup you're holding,
   And go do my business elsewhere.

But there doesn't seem to be enough love
   For people's rights and liberties
      In this system.
If perqs require them to piddle,
No one living off the grid'll
   Have missed 'em.

Fluff and Stuff

I don't see how drug testing is against civil rights.  But I've done it many times before and would have no problem doing it again for a job.