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R.I.P., Patsy

Started by KBCraig, October 19, 2010, 02:58 AM NHFT

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I haven't said anything before now, because we hadn't made contact with all the family until last night.

But now I can say it: Sunday morning, I lost the best mother-in-law a man could possibly have. Patsy loved me like her own, because she knew that I love Mary and that Mary loves me. That was good enough for Patsy, and all she needed to know.

Technically, we weren't even related. Mary's natural mother died suddenly when Mary was 21 and pregnant with Sarah. Just a couple of years later, Mary and Patsy worked together in a pet store, and Patsy taught Mary how to be a groomer. They became best friends, then business partners, and Patsy became Mary's surrogate mother to the point that Patsy's daughter Khristy calls Mary "Sis". Patsy was "Mimi" to all our kids, and didn't care that there was no shared DNA. She was the kids' grandmother, my mother-in-law, and Mary's chosen mother.

For as long as we've been looking to move to New Hampshire, we've looked for places where Patsy could have an apartment of her own and room for her horses. We don't have to worry about that any more, and her husband Elton is finding his own comfort in her horses.

I love my own mother, and I thank God she's still with us. But damn, I'm going to miss that stubborn little leprechaun from Keatchie, Louisiana.

Rest in peace, Patsy. I love you.



Some might say that blood is thicker than water, but I don't generally buy that.  "Family" is what we make of it.


Tom Sawyer

Sorry for ya'lls loss, KB. 

Jim Johnson

Scott Roth


Thanks, everyone. Today was family visitation, then visitation for friends, so we had a long day at the funeral home.

Mary and Khristy carefully avoided the viewing room, or even getting too close to the door. So, I was the one who got to go in and slip Patsy's favorite picture of John David, right beside her in the casket. Silly, I know... but aren't many of our traditions? It wasn't for her, of course. It was for us, to imagine her chuckling the way she always did every time she saw that photo.  :)

Early rise in the morning, for the 90 mile drive to the 10 a.m. graveside services.

Thank you all, again.
