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I felt this earthquake last night and Rick thought I was crazy

Started by Raineyrocks, January 03, 2011, 11:27 AM NHFT

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Earthquake Shakes NH Lakes Region
Residents Report Being Woken Up By Quake
POSTED: 3:45 am EST January 3, 2011
UPDATED: 11:45 am EST January 3, 2011
  Comments (19)ASHLAND, N.H. -- An earthquake rattled parts of the state Sunday night, waking people from their sleep.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the 2.6-magnitude earthquake struck at 11:46 p.m. It was centered about 15 miles northwest of Laconia, just south of Plymouth.

Emergency dispatchers said they got several calls in the middle of the night reporting a possible explosion or accident, but the quake wasn't big enough to cause any damage.

In Ashland, several people reported that the earthquake woke them up.

"I thought somebody had fallen on my front porch, you know, so I went out to see if there was somebody roaming around but saw nothing, so back to bed I went," said resident Bob Tucker.

Resident Craig Babbitt said he was awake and felt his house start to shake, but the cause of the shaking was a mystery.

"I didn't know what was going on," he said. "I thought maybe a train was going by, but there are no train tracks there."

Town officials said they checked the roads and infrastructure after getting reports of a possible accident or explosion.

"We went out and checked the roads to see if there's any damage and we found none," said Mark Ober, Ashland highway superintendent. "We've had reports from people of the ground shaking."

Some people said they slept the earthquake, but they later found evidence of it. Samantha White of Mountain Laurel Florists said she found a plant on the floor the next morning.

"Other than ghosts, we assumed something had to have moved the building," she said. "Something had to have toppled it over."

Those who were awake described it as an unnerving experience.

"As soon as it happened, I just sat there trying to figure out what was going on if a tree fell on the house, trying to orient myself, trying to figure out just exactly what it was," said resident Clifford Mask.

The largest earthquakes recorded in New Hampshire were on Dec. 20 and 24, 1940, when magnitude 5.5 quakes struck near Ossipee Lake. Those quakes damaged old houses and chimneys in need of repair, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Related Stories:
•November 30, 2010: NY Earthquake Felt In NH

Kat Kanning


Very true Kat, very true but as long as Rick doesn't figure that out then everything is okay.  :) Actually what am I saying, (I'm so tired), he already knows but at least this earthquake really happened and I have proof.

I had that song stuck in my head all day!  ::) :P

Did you guys move?  I've read some goodbye posts but wasn't sure if it was about moving out of NH forever or not.