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Russell's Fed Court Date

Started by Kat Kanning, January 03, 2011, 05:34 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Jan 10th, 10:30 am for the crime of chalking Free Bradley Manning.

We're planning a mass chalking of the fed building that morning.  ;)

Dave Ridley

posted this to the Ridley Report as an annotation.

" New Hampshire's first Wikileaks-related arrestee goes before a Fed judge January 10, 2011.  Homeland Security arrested Russell Kanning of Grafton in late 2010 for chalking "Free Bradley Manning" on Federal property in Concord.  His wife has indicated she and supporters may chalk the property again that day.  See video descrip for details and action items.

http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=21973.0 "


I'll be there, if this is the one in Concord and not San Antonio.

Sovereign Curtis

Are you two coming back for this one?

Free libertarian

Standard uniform could be Russell Kanning masks ala  an old Kirk Douglas movie where all of the Spartans proclaim to the bad guys..."I am Spartacus".   

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Free libertarian on January 04, 2011, 10:35 AM NHFT
Standard uniform could be Russell Kanning masks ala  an old Kirk Douglas movie where all of the Spartans proclaim to the bad good guys..."I am Spartacus".

Public school indoctrination... it's hard to break.

Dave Ridley

So, a question for "Krussel:"   

What do you think are the best things people can do to help?

Lloyd Danforth

Try to get the feds to leave NH before the tenth.

Happy New Year, Dave.


How massive is this going to be?
Seems like some stores are low on chalk.

Is this the same day as the "National Chalk the Feds Day?" Or is that a different day?

Kat Kanning

Oh no, there's been a RUN ON CHALK!!!

Russell Kanning

since we are trying to get the word out about bradley manning and other detainees
more chalking is a great thing
you can even stop when they ask you to :)
I am not sure what i will be doing that day. I might be able to caulk the federal building that day.
I am not going to show up in their courtroom in Concord that day.
It would warm my heart to see a ridley report on various russell lookalikes showing up outside the court though :)