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"How am I driving?"

Started by MaineShark, January 06, 2011, 09:47 AM NHFT

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Do you ever call the "How am I driving?" numbers on the back of some commercial vehicles?  This is a free market alternative to cops harassing folks over their driving.  Do you use it?

And, if so, do you only call to complain, or do you call to report drivers who are doing a good job, too?

I've decided that, for 2011, I'm going to report a minimum of a dozen drivers who I feel are driving dangerously.  I see more than that, with the number of miles I drive each year, but I'm going to make sure to report at least a dozen of them.

And, however many dangerous drivers I report, I will report twice as many for driving in a safe and responsible manner.  Driving a reasonable speed (not too fast, but not blindly obeying unreasonable numbers on signs, either).  Signaling in advance of turns.  Accelerating and braking smoothly.  Et cetera.

Anyone else with me?


Jim Johnson


It's a good idea, Joe.

I've only called on one driver, ever. I-30 was closed down to one lane due to construction (at the time, of the roughly 130 miles between Texarkana and Little Rock, less than 30 miles were two lanes. It was a constant dodging game from one lane to the other, as each/other was closed for repairs.)

The driver I called in on was seriously on my ass, even though I couldn't give him any room. Jersey barrier to my left, huge gaping holes to my right, truck in front of me, nowhere to go. I'm driving a Lumina, with a big purple SRT truck so tight behind me that I couldn't see his headlights in my rearview mirror. I slowed down. I sped up. I brake-checked him. No matter whether I was six seconds behind the truck in front of me, or 10 feet behind, this guy was right up my tailpipe. It's not like I could go any faster or let him pass me: it was a one lane road. This went on for 25+ miles, and me with two kids in the car.

I knew exactly where the road widened to two lanes, so I immediately darted to the right and took note of his truck number. I called in the next day, and I hope he got fired. What an asshole!

Just last month we dealt with a Loomis Fargo armored truck riding our butt on two-lane US-71 between Texarkana and Shreveport. I guess he wasn't paid by the hour, because he sure was in a hurry. After riding my ass for a dozen miles, he charged out and passed five cars, three of them in a double yellow. For all that, he hit the city limits of Shreveport less than 45 seconds before I did.

Our phones were dead at the time, but we noted the truck number. The "call me" number was in tiny font. As PO'd as we were at the time, we forgot about calling that one in until several days had passed, and then we didn't bother.  :-\

So, yeah: I like your idea, but I don't think I'll have much chance to act on it. If I do, I will.

Pat McCotter

I have used it for reporting noticeably good drivers. The folks I talked with did say they don't get many "good driving" calls.


Why fall into Big Brother/Little Sis snitch mentality?

Why not talk with the driver instead?


Quote from: littlehawk on January 07, 2011, 10:45 AM NHFTWhy fall into Big Brother/Little Sis snitch mentality?

Giving feedback when asked (you know, by a sign, right on the truck) is not "snitching."  It's providing feedback.  All free-market businesses require feedback.

Quote from: littlehawk on January 07, 2011, 10:45 AM NHFTWhy not talk with the driver instead?

Yeah, that would work well.  What are you going to do, run him off the road so you can chat?  The driver isn't likely psychic, so he won't exactly know that you want to talk to him.


Pat K

I think we should tell them that the
chemtrails are affecting the drivers.


Quote from: Pat K on January 07, 2011, 03:29 PM NHFTI think we should tell them that the
chemtrails are affecting the drivers.

I think that chemtrails are actually produced by hybrid cars...


Pat K

Damn! I think you have got it!


and have all truckers dna dated based while you're at it.


Quote from: littlehawk on January 07, 2011, 05:39 PM NHFTand have all truckers dna dated based while you're at it.

Is that English?




I like alerting folks about equipment failures they sometimes have, such as a break light or head light out.
Its easiest when done in parking lots and at stops. But, I've done it plenty while moving too.

I'll always calmly flash my head lights over, and over, and over again, if someone is approaching with theirs off. (They usually get it.)

When possible, I like telling them that I wanted to alert them to save them from being hassled by the police and their 99-question/everyone-is-a-suspect routine.

I've made a lot of people happy over the years by doing this. I like making people happy.