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Student Punished Over Ziploc Bag As Eco Fascists Move to Futher Control Society

Started by Raineyrocks, February 03, 2011, 01:14 PM NHFT

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Student Punished Over Ziploc Bag As Eco Fascists Move to Futher Control Society
The Intel Hub
Alex Thomas
February 2nd, 2011

A six year old boy in Laval Quebec was punished and excluded from a class contest because his lunch was made with a Ziploc bag.

That's right, Eco Fascists throughout the world are actually indoctrinating our children that they will be punished if they do not take care of the environment while at the same time our governments, in conjunction with multiple international corporations, are openly destroying our planet through the use of pesticides, chemtrails, and genetically modified foods.

"Felix explained with lots of emotion and tears in his eyes that there was a simple condition to entering the drawing: Don't use a Ziploc bag in their lunch," his father, Marc-Andre Lanciault wrote on his French-language blog, "Notre Vie" [Our Life] reported ABC News.

This is propaganda to it's fullest extent. Our children are being taught fraudulent science in order to indoctrinate them into accepting a draconian police state to save us from "global warming." This is the stated goal of the globalists and has been proven through hundreds of official documents and internal memos.

"Here we have the same sort of pattern we documented in the book  teachers are becoming activists and training their kids to be activists. Secondly, they are latching on to environmental dogma and teaching that as science to kids. Who is to say that kids don't wash out the baggies and re-use them? Why is the Ziploc a problem," wrote Michael Sanera.

Unfortunately this isn't an isolated incident. In the past Eco Fascists have called for everything from thugs to attack people who do not except man made global warming to putting people in prison cities where a global government controls all aspects of your life and only the super rich are able to afford vehicles.