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Montana Happenings

Started by ShortyLong, February 27, 2011, 07:21 AM NHFT

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Hi, I'm Shorty Long (alias Shorty Dawkins), coming to you from Montana. Wow! It has been a while since I posted on NH Underground much. Time flies. I've decided to fill you folks in on some of the Liberty action here in Montana.
   I'll start with Oath Keepers. Oath Keepers is dedicated to reminding servicemen, politicians, fire-fighters, and others who take an Oath whjen they assume their jobs, that that Oath is to the Constitution, not the government or politicians. It was started by Stewart Rhodes, in Nevada, but he has since moved back to Montana. My good friend and neighbor, Elias Alias is on the Board of Directors of Oath Keepers. I've helped out at many of their events here in Montana. For more information, visit www.oathkeepers.org.

Shorty Long

Tom Sawyer


Welcome back! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!


I have very fond memories of my years spent in Missoula.

As I always tell people, it's not so much that I moved from Montana, but that I moved to New Hampshire.


   Thanks for the welcome, Tom and KB.
   As for adventures, driving up to Missoula, crossing the continental divide, was magnificent. The scenery is spectacular! We went to a gathering to hear Chuck Baldwin and Sheriff Mack speak. The two of them are great fighters for Liberty. Chuck Baldwin just moved to Montana, with his whole family.
  The remarkable thing to me is the number of deer, antelope and elk. They are everywhere! In less than three years, I have hit three deer with my car. Thankfully they were just nudges. Both deer and car came out unscated. Lots of cattle and horses, too. Mountains, snow-capped until the end of July, are beautiful! I step out of my house and see the Tobacco Root Mountains every day. It's great!

Shorty Long


Quote from: MTPorcupine3 on February 27, 2011, 12:48 PM NHFT
I have very fond memories of my years spent in Missoula.

As I always tell people, it's not so much that I moved from Montana, but that I moved to New Hampshire.

Hey, MT! I feel the same about my move to Montana. I live south of Three Forks, where the Jefferson, Madison and Gallatin Rivers join together to become the Missouri River.

Shorty Long

Kat Kanning

Free libertarian

I'm curious when people say good bye to you do they say "so long shorty" ?

...and if they haven't heard from you in awhile..."it's been so long shorty!"


Hi Kat! Good to see you.

Shorty Long


Quote from: Free libertarian on February 27, 2011, 07:08 PM NHFT
I'm curious when people say good bye to you do they say "so long shorty" ?

...and if they haven't heard from you in awhile..."it's been so long shorty!"

That's pretty much the long and short of it.


Russell Kanning

So, Long Shorty, how have you been?


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 05, 2011, 11:17 AM NHFT
So, Long Shorty, how have you been?

  I have been doing all right. Living in a small town, enjoying this beautiful state. Have just started gold prospecting. Will be doing a lot of it this spring and summer. And of course I have been doing a lot of writing.
  How have you and Kat been doing? You are in Grafton, aren't you?

Shorty Long


   There are lots of things happening, Liberty-wise in Montana. Lots of bills have been introduced, and lots of Liberty activity. One site, PolyMontana.com, has become the hub of communication for Liberty minded people. On this site, my friend, Elias Alias, has become a fixture. He is on the board of Directors of Oathkeepers, knows Sheriff Mack, Claire Wolfe, (As well as Edwin Vieira and James Yaeger.) and has been fighting the good fight since arriving in Montana some eleven years ago.
   Here is a link to some of Elias discussions: http://edberry.com/members/elias/
   As you will find, Elias has good, sound writing ability. He backs everything up with sources.

   His work is worth looking at.

   Shorty Long