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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Peterborough wants property taxes from artist colony.

Started by FTL_Ian, November 12, 2005, 06:20 PM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 12, 2005, 06:20 PM NHFT

It seems like it was fair to tax it at $17,000.  Know, they want $50,000 and that seems like it might be unreasonable, I'm not sure.  I think all non-profits should pay they same property tax rates as profits.  And when I say all non-profits, I mean non-profit schools, churches, bible book stores, and all them. 


How about: no one should pay property tax, none of it is fair!


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 13, 2005, 01:01 AM NHFT
How about: no one should pay property tax, none of it is fair!

I was talking to a friend last week. His property takes are up almost 50% since he moved to another town in NH 3 years ago. Our taxes are went up almost 40% in the last two years.

Lloyd Danforth

When I read something like this I suffer from Ambivilence.  I'm sure this came about because P'boro, like most communities  wants, uneccessary, 'bigger and better' things for the bureaucrats.
This Colony has been ignired, but, is now seen as an additional 'cash cow'.

The colony should not receive services the other tax payer pay for.  The colony has plenty of income.  They should plow their own roads.  The 5 grand they now pay should cover police calls.

I guess in the end the town should tell them to plow their own roads and leave them alone.
Then the town, like all towns should figure out how to get by on 10% less funding this year, 10% less than this years budget next year and an additional 10% less every year for 11 years.


I like the Center for Small Govt's idea:

Liberty oriented govt asks citizens to come up with real concrete plans to reduce the size of government.

Lloyd comes up with a way to cut $500,000 a year.

After the $500,000 is cut, Lloyd gets a one-time 10% commission.

Each time cuts happen the maximum funding to the govt reduces.  The govt must be restricted from spending over this maximum.

With an monetary incentive to cut government, people will start paying attention.

Maybe we could eventually cut it to 0.


In regards to property taxes, they are out of control in NH.  I hope others soon decide to join Kat's property tax revolt.