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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 14

Started by KBCraig, April 25, 2007, 11:47 PM NHFT

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Quote from: troy from wv on June 07, 2007, 03:12 PM NHFT

In regards to the tax cheating Browns -

They were convicted in January of scheming to hide $1.9 million of income between 1996 and 2003. They also were convicted of using $215,890 in postal money orders to pay for their residence and for Elaine Brown's dental office. The money orders were broken into increments just below the tax-reporting threshold.

They're scammers.  That's what they are.  I have no pity for them. 

Propaganda. You're using the words of the state directed media. Note: This guy is an anonymous spammer of the Quest for a Fair Trial blog who comes and acts like he's a dozen people making comments fitting the intelligence of a 13 year old.

Quote from: Take It In Blood on June 07, 2007, 03:14 PM NHFT
i agree, how can you do something peacefully when they got armies and such? I don't get it. ANd dont say you want to wake some soldiers up, majority of them will never wake up.

So how do you expect bringing them down? Thru a court? roflmao Or maybe by calling your congressman?? roflmao

And please don't start dropping names like "government informer" or "insider" Or "instigator" or "cointel pro" or such other rubbish, It is tired already

How do we bring them down? Timing? Or perhaps not at all... The time will come when they will round up a majority of the "dissidents" as every police state does from Rome onwards. You are looking at tens of thousand detained and, depending on why it happens, possibly DEAD "troublemakers". Then you'll have the first wave of resistance with car bombs, shootings and attacks on government installations, which will be crushed, violently ensuring the police state's dominance. Then the thumb of the law keeps the people down for a while, until for some reason, the economy and country begin coming apart (Imperial wars most likely). Then you have a Iraq style insurgency that has the capability to topple the government. However, during this time it is fair to say that another nation would invade and remove both the current crumbling state and the insurgency and the deal starts all over again with the people rising up against the invaders now. The results of that are impossible to predict. More than likely it results in total ruin for both the invaders and the invaded. The survivors pick up the pieces and try to rebuild. I have a feeling this war will be global anyways. Just hypothesizing here, don't claim to know the future, just seems like a legitimate scenario.

Kat Kanning

troy from wv

Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 07, 2007, 03:36 PM NHFT
Please ignore trolls.

Please pay attention to fruit loops who think 9/11 was an inside job.  They're sane.


Would it be too authoritarian to ban him?  >:D

I for one, FYI sir, do not believe that 9-11 was an inside job. That's so USS Maine.

Subcontracting to foreign nationals is the cool thing to do...

Dave Ridley

One thing this incident has reminded me of:  we don't have a good meetup place near plainfield....

a large , always open restaurant or something should perhaps be designated.     ideas?

Kat Kanning

There's a Denny's in West Labanon.  Aren't they usually open all the time?

Dave Ridley

Arright i have  couple of reports to file here regarding my phone calls to the numbers that appear earlier in this thread.  I hope u guys are making calls too.

I called all the local offices for our congressional delegation and they were pretty cool.   I asked all four of them to take down a one sentence message and deliver it to the Rep or Senator in question.  The message was:

"What are you doing to keep Washington from hurting Ed Brown?"

In Shea-Porter's case, her staffer told me that the Rep had in fact already made an inquiry.  She read part of an e-mail from Shea-Porter indicating that Shea-Porter had gotten a call from an upset neighbor of Ed Brown accusing the feds of prepping another Waco.

She contacted the Marshal's office, and the Marshal's office informed her that an arrest had been intended but didn't work out!
She says that the Marshals assured her no one's life would be risked in any arrest attempt.

Maybe they were expecting Ed to leave the property I don't know.

Other calls to the Congresscritters were of no great interest although at least one of the staffers for one of the other Congressmen did know about today's "raid."

My calls to the State Troopers went more cantankerously.   Head trooper Colonel Booth's secretary refused to write down my one sentence message:

"It is wrong to assit the Feds on a tax case."

She tried to refer me to the Marshals; I told her I'd already spoken with them and was more concerned regarding state trooper complicity.   I told her state troopers were working for the feds.  She said they were working *with* the feds.  I continued asking her to write down and deliver the message.  Eventually she hung up on me.

I called State Troop barracks in concord and it went badly too.  they defer everything.  I didn't really get my point across but stayed nice with the guy.  He tried to refer me to booth.  I couldn't get him to hand me over to his immediate supervisor.

I called Lynch's office and left another one sentence msg; nothing exciting to report there.

I spoke with the second in command at sullivan county sheriff's office, he said they aren't involved.   so i asked him to deliver this message to the sherrif:

"thank you for not helping the feds hurt ed brown"

He said he'd gotten 20 calls, presumably today, 17 from out of state

Most of the above phone lines appear to have been getting ed brown calls in some quantity today so that's a good sign.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 07, 2007, 03:45 PM NHFT
There's a Denny's in West Labanon.  Aren't they usually open all the time?

Open 24 hours! It's right at exit 20.


Hey Troy, you should check out nhteaparty.org.  They're really into both the Browns and the 911 Truth Movement there.

And they're really really into free speech and not banning people...

Just a thought. >:D

troy from wv

Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 07, 2007, 03:45 PM NHFT
There's a Denny's in West Labanon.  Aren't they usually open all the time?

Tell 'em how 9/11 was an Inside Job.  Don't hold back looney tunes.  Give 'em a lesson.

Kat Kanning

Wow, so maybe the huge number of people who showed up deterred the arrest?  (I only saw reporters, but there were quite a lot fo them)

Kat Kanning

Sorry mister...your karma is too high to be a troll.

Kat Kanning


Perhaps calls to the judge are in order?  One of the callers said he wanted to have the judges' info -

3 entries on whitepages.com -

McAuliffe, Judge Steven F

2 White St     

Concord, NH 03301-4176

(603) 228-1541

McAuliffe, Honorable Steven J

111 Amherst St

Manchester, NH 03101-1809     

McAuliffe, Steven J

117 Lamson Ln

New London, NH 03257-5557

(603) 526-6131 

Steven J. McAuliffe (born 1948, Cambridge, Massachusetts) is an American attorney and judge, currently Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire. He was the husband of Christa McAuliffe, one of the victims of the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.

Steven McAuliffe graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1970 and the Georgetown University Law Center in 1973. He was a Captain in the U.S. Army JAG Corps from 1973-77. From 1977-80, he was an assistant attorney general in New Hampshire. He was in private practice in Concord, New Hampshire from 1980 until his appointment to the federal bench in 1992 by President George H. W. Bush. He became Chief Judge of the New Hampshire district in 2004 on the expiration of Paul J. Barbadoro's term as Chief Judge.  (WIKIPEDIA)

Hon. Steven J. McAuliffe
Firm:    United States District Court, New Hampshire
Address:    Warren B. Rudman U.S. Courthouse
55 Pleasant Street, Room 110
Concord, NH 03301-3941
Phone:    (603) 226-7304
Fax:    (603) 226-7795
Web site:    http://www.nhd.uscourts.gov
Position    Bar Admissions    Education
Published Works    Affiliations    Representative Cases
Current Employment Position(s):
Chief Judge, since November 1, 2004

Appointed 1992 by President Bush
Bar Admissions:
New Hampshire, 1978
District of Columbia, 1973
U.S. Court of Appeals 1st Circuit, 1978
U.S. Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit, 1974
U.S. District Court District of New Hampshire, 1978
U.S. Supreme Court, 1975
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, 1974
Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, District of Columbia, 1973
J.D., Doctor of Jurisprudence

Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, 1970
B.A., Bachelor of Arts
Honors: With Honors

Published Works:
Securing Bail for a Military Client Pending Appellate Review of a Court Martial Conviction and Sentence: Litigation Under Article 57(d), The Advocate, A Journal for Military Defense Counsel at 8, March/Aprl, 1977

Litigating the Denial of Individually Requested Military Defense Counsel, The Advocate at 7, May/June, 1976

Legal Malpractice - The Plaintiff's Perspective, New Hampshire Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Seminar, May 21, 1992

Representative Cases:
North Bay Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America v. Bruckner, 563 A.2d 428 (N.H. 1989)
In re Estate of McCool, 553 A.2d 761 (N.H. 1988)
Appeal of Committee to Save the Upper Androscoggin, 466 A.2d 1308 (N.H. 1983)
Professional Associations and Memberships:
New Hampshire Bar Association, 1991 - 1992

New Hampshire Bar Association, 1989 - 1990

New Hampshire Bar Association, 1990 - 1991
President Elect

New Hampshire Medical Malpractice Stabilization Reserve Fund Trust, 1988 - 1992
Member; Chairman, 1991-1992

University System of New Hampshire, 1986 - 1994
Board of Trustees

University System of New Hampshire, 1991 - 1994
Vice Chairman

University System of New Hampshire, 1987 - 1991
Legal Advisor

New Hampshire Army National Guard, 1980 - 1987

New Hampshire Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct, 1989 - 1990
Member/Ex Officio

New Hampshire Supreme Court Ethics Committee, 1984 - 1986

American Bar Association

National Conference of Bar Presidents

Association of Trial Lawyers of America

New Hampshire Trial Lawyers Association

Merrimack County Bar Association

District of Columbia Bar Association

New Hampshire Judicial Council, 1991 - 1992
Vice Chairman

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

New Hampshire Historical Society

Concord Country Club

Challenger Center for Space Science Education
Board of Directors

Past Employment Positions:
Gallagher, Callahan, Gartell, P.A., Concord, New Hampshire, 1980 - 1992

New Hampshire National Guard, Judge Advocate, 1979 - 1988

Office of New Hampshire Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, 1977 - 1980

United States Army Reserve, 1977 - 1980

United States Army, Judge Advocate General's Corps, 1973 - 1977

Birth Information:
1948, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America
