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Police Torture Man To Death For Fun

Started by Silent_Bob, May 10, 2012, 01:58 PM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

Torture doesn't serve any other purpose than the satisfactions of the tormentor.

Tom Sawyer

Fullerton police officer Jay Cicinelli

One-Eyed Cop In Fullerton Beating Death Emerging As "Very Scary Individual"

QuoteWith his glaring glass eye and imposing presence, Fullerton Police Officer Jay Cicinelli walked up to Kelly Thomas after he had already been savagely beaten and dropped his knee on him.

The one-eyed police supervisor then began striking the mentally ill homeless man repeatedly with the butt of his Taser, concentrating on a front portion of Thomas's face.

Witnesses say he did this with the cold precision of a surgeon.

That's the story that was pieced together by citizen journalist George Hemminger in the above video after he spoke to numerous people who witnessed the July 5 police beating of the 37-year-old drifter.

Hemminger's reenactment of the incident begins at 4:25 in the video.

"He proceeded similar to what a construction worker would proceed with hammering a hammer," Hemminger demonstrated in the video.

"It's very precisioned, very skillful, like he was trying to do damage to a certain part of the face."

Man that is some seriously disturbing behavior. The victim was trapped on the ground, not any kind of threat at all. Psychopaths with badges doing what they do, because... well they can.

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

I guess this was some sort of dream come true for him to experiment on that kid.