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Vermont to Secede from Bush's America?

Started by jcpliberty, December 28, 2004, 08:55 AM NHFT

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Vermont to Secede from Bush's America? "Middlebury Declaration" Calls for Secession from Bush's America.

Should Vermont secede from the USA and declare itself independent agains (as it was from 1777 to 1791) under the Second Vermont Republic? This question was posed to attendees at a conference and town meeting, both held in Middlebury, VT, on the weekend after the national election, Nov. 5-7; and in both cases the answer was a nearly-unanimous YES.


Delegates to Rad.Con 2 came from England and other faraway places. The neighboring state of New Hampshire sent a delegate from their own Free State Project, a Libertarian-inspired political scheme aimed at greater local autonomy and perhaps secession.

Read full article at: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php?story=04/12/12/7231195

Russell Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

The Northeast Kingdom area of Vermont has threatened to suceed for a number of years, I think we should go after them.  The added advantage is that area of Vermont is near Lancaster, NH, Porcfest Central!


This really isn't a bad idea! If we can reach out to these people like we have in the past like with Killington, we could make a huge impact methinks.

Vive la revolution!


Mike Lorry is the point man for anything relating to the Vermont issue(s). He'd be the best guy for anyone interested in working on that to get hold of.


Russell Kanning

I also like the idea of VT seceeding itself not just people moving to NH. Maybe they could try a socialist utopia and we could welcome refugees. :)


Not a bad idea! Good secession stuffs can be found at libertarian Carol Moore's website: www.secession.net


Russell Kanning


That would rock, totally. Even as the previous poster said, should Vermont try to become a socialist workers paradise, NH would be blessed with an influx of asylum seekers.


There is a movement in VT to secede. My friend Domi and I were in VT yesterday and there are signs in people's lawns that said "Free Vermont".

It was neat.

Jim P.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: russellkanning on December 30, 2004, 07:33 AM NHFT
Very cool. 8)

Indeed. THis is also cool: we're the only two shmucks on this board with TWO stars... granted Kat has FIVE...

Jim P.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: katdillon on December 30, 2004, 07:38 AM NHFT
I didn't earn my stars, though  :P

Well, if my theory is correct, you have earned 2 at least. I think they give you an extra one when you hit 50 posts.

Jim P.


From The Union Leader (12/27)

Couple wants Vt. independence day
MONTPEILIER, Vt. (AP) - An Essex Junction couple who can trace their family heritage back to the 14 years Vermont was an independent republic are lobying to declare Jan. 15 as Vermont Independence Day.
Linda and John Whitney say such a state holiday would promote the state's unique history and could increase tourism.  They wouldn't mind if it also led to renewed independence of Vermont, but they're happy for now just seeking a day to recognize the streak of independence that gave the state its start.
"There are a lot of people who have no idea that Vermont was an independent republic," Linda Whitney said.
The idea has gained quick acceptance. Rep. Anne Donahue, R-Northfeild, learned of the idea from a constituent and thought it made sence.
So, there's expected to be a bipartisan resolution introduced in the Leegislature's opening days that would declare Jan. 15 Vermont Independence Day.