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Lost Liberty Hotel Newsletter thread

Started by Dave Ridley, March 01, 2006, 02:16 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Plz post the latest Lost Liberty Hotel newsletters on this thread. 


From:    Logan Darrow Clements <newsletter@freestarmedia.com>      [Add to Address Book]    Flag Subject:       MARCH 14: YOUR CHANCE TO FIGHT BACK
Date:       Feb 28, 2006 9:26 AM

Perhaps you think the Lost Liberty Hotel project is dead. Well, as Mark Twain said?"The report of my death was an exaggeration".

The Lost Liberty Hotel project seeks to end eminent domain abuse by applying the law to those who advocate or facilitate it. We want to build hotels on the lands of all five Supreme Court Justices who voted in favor of the Kelo decision. Our first location is Weare, New Hampshire were we would like to build a country inn on the property of David Souter.

Souter's friends sabotaged our petition by changing the language after it was signed. However, the petition was only a symbolic gesture. On March 14 something more important could happen. Two supporters of the project could be elected to the five person Board of Selectmen (Town Council) in Weare, N.H.

Keith Lacasse and Joshua Solomon are both well-qualified candidates for Weare Selectman and they also support the Lost Liberty Hotel project. Your donation to their campaigns will have a big impact and could even make the difference between victory and defeat. In the March 2005 election a candidate for Selectman was elected with only 794 votes.

Your donation will go a long way toward buying signs, bumper stickers, and flyers. Will YOU help Keith and Joshua win or will you allow the wildfire of eminent domain abuse to continue without fighting back?

Only fourteen days remain until the vote. Please donate right now using the link below. This will take you to the Freestar homepage. Scroll down to find links to the donation pages for Keith, Joshua and the Committee for the Protection of Natural Rights.
Click here to donate to Keith and Joshua


Buy t-shirts, mugs and other items

Hear the song against eminent domain

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Join our mailing list!
email: newsletter@freestarmedia.com
web: http://www.freestarmedia.com

Dave Ridley

March 6 LLH newsletter:




WE NEED YOU THIS WEEK! The Supreme Court's Kelo vs. City of New London decision destroyed your property rights. But this week you can fight back. Help us call voters in the Town of Weare, New Hampshire and encourage them to vote for the two people running for town council who support the Lost Liberty Hotel project, Keith Lacasse and Joshua Solomon.

This project seeks to end eminent domain abuse by applying eminent domain law to those who advocate or facilitate it. We want to build hotels on the lands of all five Supreme Court Justices who voted in favor of the Kelo decision. Our first location is Weare, New Hampshire were we would like to build a country inn on the property of David Souter.

The Town of Weare, New Hampshire has 5,500 registered voters. The two town council members who were elected last year had margins of only 137 and 203 votes. So your phone calls will make a big difference.

We need 100 volunteers from across America to place 55 calls over the next five days. That's just 11 calls a day which you could probably do in about 30 minutes. IT'S NOW OR NEVER. If you believe in this project please volunteer today. March 14 is election day in Weare, N.H.

To volunteer send an e-mail to logan@freestarmedia.com by clicking the link below.


In the body of your e-mail put: 1. Your first and last name, 2. Your phone number, 3. Your address (or at least city/state).

We will e-mail back your list of the phone numbers of 55 voters in Weare, N.H. plus information about the candidates so you know what to say. Keith and Joshua would make great leaders of any town as they support limited government, low taxes and property rights. Help introduce these two fine candidates to voters of Weare so they can make an informed decision on March 14. How many times have you stood in the voting booth and looked at a list of candidates you know nothing about? Help the voters of Weare learn that they have two great leaders in their town that they should consider for Town Council (Board of Selectman).
Click here to be a phone volunteer



Gee, this could be an opportunity for those opposed to Clement.  >:D

Dave Ridley

april 17 LLH newsletter



Remember Elian Gonzalez? By surrounding his home Elian's supporters made everyone aware of his plight.

In the same spirit Freestar launches Project Frontline. First we will create a calendar of the eviction dates of victims of eminent domain abuse (EDA). This calendar will let everyone know whose home or business is about to be bulldozed next.

Second, we will organize a band of people ready to walk, drive or fly to the frontline and surround this property on eviction day. It will be the human embodiment of the U.S. Constitution. We may even create a travelling caravan of musicians to visit these sites throughout the summer?sort of like Woodstock on wheels. If you would like to lead such a caravan please e-mail logan@freestarmedia.com.

If you or someone you know has lost every appeal in an eminent domain battle and now faces eviction please let us know your story and your eviction date. And visit www.freestarmedia.com to see the calendar as it grows.

I'm close to being evicted, help me 


Freestar is making a movie about eminent domain abuse. As part of that movie it plans to have a collage of EDA victims all saying the same basic sentence with different specifics. If you or someone you know has been a victim of EDA please send us a videotape of them saying this sentence with the specifics of their case.

"MY NAME IS (your name here), THE GOVERNMENT OF (your city and state) (is taking or has taken) MY (home, business, or land) FOR A (shopping mall, condo development, etc.. keep it < 5 words).

For more details on the specifications for your video and where to send it...

visit www.freestarmedia.com 


To fans of Lost Liberty Hotel project, stay tuned. Plan B is currently being researched and it won't need approval from the Town of Weare, New Hampshire.

Dave Ridley

From Logan:


Logan Darrow Clements here, reporting from an undisclosed location on the East Coast: The adrenaline is still pumping through my veins. Today, my camera crew and I attended a street fair in Piscataway, New Jersey. Our purpose was to ask Mayor Brian C. Wahler why he is using eminent domain to take away a family farm from its rightful owners?the Halpers.

We found Mayor Wahler and started questioning him. He walked away. We followed him and kept questioning him. Within a few moments police officers confronted us. The mayor kept walking away and I kept asking him questions. He stopped again and I asked him once more why he was taking the Halper's farm. Wahler's answer was that the farm was being taken for "open spaces". When I indicated that a farm is already an open space he walked off again.

Now a large group of police officers surrounded my two cameramen and myself. The police formed a circle around us and demanded our identification papers. We refused. One of the officers grabbed my arm as if to take me away. Other officers did their best to block the cameras. Someone at the street fair turned up the music to try to ruin our audio. (The song lyrics, by some amazing coincidence were, "It's getting hot, hot, hot") Now the police tried to separate me from the camera men. I guess their plan was divide and conquer.

By now we were surrounded by an even larger swarm of police officers that were demanding our identification papers while at the same time demanding that we leave. I made reference to a once-popular document called the Constitution with its provisions of freedom of the press and freedom of speech. This was of little interest to the police officers surrounding us.

"I'm going to count to twenty and you'd better be out of here" said one officer.

I responded, "I'm going to stay all day at this fair! We are standing on public ground, in public place, and we are representatives of the media covering a story about a public official. Leave us alone!" (or something to that effect, you'll see it in the movie)

The police officers were getting more and more aggressive. Then they switched their tactics. They were determined to detain us! All this time they kept demanding our identification papers. Now I realized we had to get out of there. We had cameras?they had guns. Given the behavior of this mob of police officers it wouldn't surprise me if threw us in jail, took our cameras, or worse yet?got the tapes.

Through careful discussion on my part, and confusion on their part, I negotiated our release. We walked at a brisk pace out of the fair. Once we got behind some trees and out of sight of the police we ran to our cars. I knew they would try to get the tapes. One cameraman and I jumped in the car. The other cameraman got to his car.

Sure enough an officer started running toward our cars. We put the car in gear and peeled out of the parking lot. As we pulled onto the street another police officer ran towards us as if to block our escape. We made it past him. As I looked back in my rear view mirror I could see the officer standing in the middle of the road writing down my license plate number.

But that didn't matter?got the tapes out!

I'm scheduled to appear on FoxNews Channel's Hannity and Colmes program this Monday 5/15. On the show I plan to play short clips of my movie-in-progress. The day before we were in South Bound Brook, New Jersey and caught the police on video right at the moment that they evicted a man from his house and changed the locks. His house will be demolished for a shopping center. Even if you don't have cable TV you can always watch Hannity & Colmes on their website http://www.foxnews.com/hannityandcolmes

However, I might get bumped off the Monday schedule by other stories. If you'd like to see me on Hannity & Colmes please send an e-mail with the subject line, "We want Logan on Monday!" to Colmes@foxnews.com and also to...

Russell Kanning

the constitution is dead .... the guy had to run from the police.


Sounds like this hotel deal is dead in the water?


Quote from: russellkanning on May 15, 2006, 03:10 AM NHFT
the constitution is dead .... the guy had to run from the police.

Police generally don't take silly 230 year old commandments into consideration when they're busy flexing the long, musclular, insurmountable arm of the law.


QuoteI made reference to a once-popular document called the Constitution with its provisions of freedom of the press and freedom of speech...We are standing on public ground, in public place, and we are representatives of the media covering a story about a public official.

I always find it odd that people who want to get rid of all public ground/places then use it as a defense for their rights being violated along with another individual right held in common (freedom of speech)...


Quote from: FSP-Rebel on May 15, 2006, 02:24 PM NHFT
Sounds like this hotel deal is dead in the water?

Considering the Justice's property abuts flood control land this statement might prove to be quite profound.

Dave Ridley

This was cancelled but I'll post it anyway
From logan:


Halper Invite

The Halper Family of Piscataway, N.J. has issued an urgent request for help from the American public. The family invites RV owners and campers to establish "Camp Halper" starting this Saturday June 27, 2006 on their 79 acre farm to stop the government of Piscataway from taking their home. Will Camp Halper be more like Valley Forge, Woodstock or The Burning Man Festival? You decide. We need YOU to camp-out and stop eminent domain abuse.

The purpose of the camp is to call attention to eminent domain abuse nationwide and also to put an end to the condemnation action against the Halpers. They hope that opponents of eminent domain abuse will form a human wall around their home to stop the government from seizing it.

Spend memorial weekend fighting for freedom. Park your RV, pitch a tent and camp out with fellow Americans who believe in freedom, property rights and the U.S. Constitution. The farm has plenty of space for you to camp for free. You can enjoy horse rides, music and all the traditional enjoyments of camping without crowded expensive campgrounds. Be a part of history and help end eminent domain abuse by taking a stand at Halper Farm.

Location: 4 Bella Drive, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854. Enter on South Washington Ave.

Directions: From New York City take 95 south, take exit 10 to 287 north, on 287 north take exit 6 to South Washington Avenue, head south, enter the Halper farm by turning left on to the Halper Farm before you reach Metlars Avenue.

Date: Starting Saturday, May 26, 2006 and lasting until the Town of Piscataway stops trying to seize the Halper's Farm. You may arrive as early as Friday, May 26 after 4 pm (the family needs until then to prepare for your arrival).

Information: for information updates click on the link at the bottom entitled "Camp Halper".

Spread the Word! Help us contact talk radio hosts, journalists, bloggers, RV owners, campers, Civil and Revolutionary War reenactors and political organizations. Spread the word by e-mail and phone. Help us take a stand against the injustice of eminent domain abuse. This event will only be successful if YOU pitch in to spread the word.

CAMP HALPER" CANCELLED: extension granted

The Halper Family of Piscataway, N.J. was today issued a 90 day extension of their eviction date. "Camp Halper", an invitation to camp-out on their land to protest eminent domain abuse, is hereby cancelled.

The extension was granted around 12:15pm EST on Friday, May 26, 2006

(Also note that the start date had been incorrectly noted in our prior eNewsletter as "June 27" when in fact it would have been May 27.) In any case, "Camp Halper" is cancelled.

Pat McCotter

What is public right to private property?

IN PISCATAWAY, the town took the Halper property, a 75-acre parcel, to put an arboretum, gazebos, dog park, tree nurseries and jogging and bike paths on the former farm.
Township officials have been trying to take the land since the 1990s. They began condemnation proceedings in 1999 and seized it in 2004. Early this year a jury assessed the land at $18 million, a decision the township appealed.

Pat McCotter

(Note: The trust account is the money the town is putting up for the property. It is not the Halper family money.)

Court freezes Halper farm trust account
Home News Tribune Online 05/16/06

PISCATAWAY ? In the latest wrinkle to the long-running Halper farm saga, the state Supreme Court has frozen $8.6 million being held in trust until another court definitively rules on how much the 75-acre property is worth.

That could take more than a year, an attorney for the Halper family said yesterday. In the meantime, the family ? which is under an order to vacate the property by May 25 ? has filed a motion to stay on the farm.

"We have managed to keep the Halpers in possession of the property, and we are most hopeful that we'll be able to keep them in possession," said Edward McKirdy of Morristown-based McKirdy and Riskin.

The battle over the Halper property began in 1999, when Piscataway moved to condemn and seize the land at the corner of Metlars Lane and South Washington Avenue. Officials said they feared development on the tract and wanted to preserve the area as open space, for ballfields or other recreational uses.

In a series of court decisions over the years, the township won the right to take possession of the property, but the Halper family, which had owned the land since 1922, has continued to battle in court over how much it should be paid.

The Halpers were given about $4.4 million in 1999, which Piscataway argued was an accurate estimate of the parcel's worth at the time. The family, however, claimed it was owed at least $12.9 million, the amount of an appraisal announced at the end of last year.

A court fight sought to resolve whether the Halpers were owed what the township said the land was worth in 1999 or what it would have been worth in 2004, when the land formally was seized.

In January, a judge sided with the Halpers and ordered the township to put up about $8.6 million more ? the difference between the figure already paid out and the new estimate. A few days after that decision, a jury ruled the actual value of the land is $18 million.

On May 5, the state Supreme Court ruled that the additional $8.6 million the township was ordered to pay must remain untouched in the bank until the township's appeal of the land's value can finally be decided.

Mayor Brian Wahler yesterday described the court's decision to freeze the money as a practical one. The township already has paid the Halper family millions, and wants to be sure a final value for the land is set before any additional money is released.

McKirdy said that, since the state's highest court has ruled the money should stay where it is, the Halpers are filing papers asking that they be allowed to remain on the property until the case is concluded.

"We don't get our money, that's fine . . . but then at least until the Appellate Division rules and we get our money out of the court (account), we should not be compelled to leave," he said.

Dave Ridley

From Logan:

Eminent domain movie: watch clips
eminent domain movie

Logan Darrow Clements, who attempted to build the Lost Liberty Hotel on the property of Supreme Court Justice David Souter, is currently producing a movie about eminent domain abuse. Clips of this movie-in-progress will be shown at the Objectivist Center conference at Chapman University in Orange, California on Thursday, July 6 at 6:45 pm.

The deadline for registering for the conference is officially Friday, June 16 at 5:00 pm EST. However if you phone the Objectivist Center at 1-800-374-1776, you can register as late as Monday, June 19 at 12 noon EST.

If you register for the full week, please ask for the "$20 Logan Discount". If you register for one day please ask for the "$10 Logan Discount".
See clips of the eminent domain movie

Form a "Human Constitution" to stop EDA evictions

Several victims of eminent domain abuse are about to be evicted. The U.S. Constitution should have protected their homes but now it is up to you.

Stop the government from committing theft. Join us in creating a "Human Constitution" (shield) around the properties of these victims on eviction day. We cannot succeed unless you join in. Don't assume "others" will do it. Eminent domain abuse is wrong and governments are out of control. Only prevent it from getting worse.

Be sure check www.freestarmedia.com for any last-minute changes.

Dates are as follows: June 27,

2006: Bob Blue's building near the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine. July 10, 2006: The Halper Family is scheduled to be evicted from their family farm in Piscataway New Jersey.
Latest info on eminent domain evictions...

Concerts and Camping to fight EDA

To draw enough people to form a Human Constitution around the victims of eminent domain abuse (EDA) Freestar has proposed two initiatives: Concerts and Camp-Outs.


We would like to recruit musical groups who can draw large crowds to play on the last day before these evictions are to take place. The locations for these concerts: Bob Blue's building in Hollywood California near the intersection of Hollywood and Vine (date: June 27), The Halper Farm in Piscataway New Jersey (date: July 10). The Kelo neighborhood in New London, Connecticut (date: unknown). WE NEED SPONSORS. If we can find sponsors (consumer products advertisers) or even just cash donors we can make these concerts happen.


The Halper's have a large farm in Piscataway, N.J. about 45 minutes southwest of New York City. They would like to invite you to camp out with RV's and tents starting a few days before their eviction date of July 10th. Also, do you know people that reenact Revolutionary War or Civil War battles? Perhaps we could reenact a battle at the Halper Farm.

Dave Ridley

From Logan:


Lost Liberty Airport logo

An undisclosed New Hampshire town is considering applying the Supreme Court's "Kelo vs. City of New London" decision on those justices who voted for it on the one year anniversary of the ruling.

The Lost Liberty Airport is the latest project by Logan Darrow Clements to fight eminent domain abuse. It arrives on the June 23 anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that set loose a wave of home and land seizures across America.

A Selectman for the town that is considering the proposal said, "The Supreme Court's Kelo decision was abhorrent. We are slowly losing our individual rights through bad legislation and a misguided judiciary. Perhaps the only way we can stop this trend is to have the people who create and sustain these laws live under them. That's why I as a Selectman in a New Hampshire town will do my best to get my town to support and carry out the plan for the Lost Liberty Airport."

According to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in "Kelo vs. City of New London" a government may use eminent domain to seize homes and land to promote economic development or increase tax revenue. Meanwhile, New Hampshire statute XXXIX chapter 423 allows a town to seize land for an airport outside its border. Since this statute does not require the land to be adjacent territory any town in New Hampshire could seize land inside any other town. Thus any town in New Hampshire could seize David Souter's land in Weare, N.H. or Stephen Breyer's land in Plainfield, N.H. for the creation of an airport. Both Souter and Breyer voted in favor of the Kelo ruling.

The airports will be operated by a victim of eminent domain abuse. Thor Solberg owns a private airport in Readington, N.J., which could soon be taken by eminent domain using the logic of the Kelo ruling. On May 16, 2006 the voters of Readington approved a bond authorizing the acquisition of Thor's land. Solberg's Airport, which was built by his father, hosts one of the largest hot air balloon festivals on the East Coast.

Said Solberg before the vote, "If the government takes my airport by eminent domain I am ready, willing and able to run the Lost Liberty Airports in New Hampshire. Our annual hot air balloon festival has been remarkably successful. Thousands of people from all over the country attend annually. It could be a real asset to the local economy and it's guaranteed to put your town on the map."

Said Clements, "An airport makes a great anniversary gift for a Supreme Court Justice who likes eminent domain." The motto for the Lost Liberty Airports will be "Live Free or Fly."

A video about the planned airports will be distributed by satellite to TV newsrooms across the nation as follows:Time: Friday, June 23, 2006, 04:00 A.M. ET:Satellite: IA6/21C: SubCarriers: 6.2/6.8: Downlink Frequency: 4120MHz (V) The video will also be made available for download on the Internet. Instructions will appear at http://www.freestarmedia.com when they are ready.

On June 23 arrangements will also be made so that reporters can verify the authenticity of the Selectman via a reputable law firm. The Selectman wishes to remain anonymous until he can rally a majority of his town to support the Lost Liberty Airport project.

REFERENCES http://www.solbergairport.com http://www.freestarmedia.com N.H. statues: TITLE XXXIX AERONAUTICS, CHAPTER 423 AIRPORTS http://www.usnewswire.com
click for updates on Lost Liberty Airport


You can make a difference. Logan has set up a e-mail address where you can write to the Town Council (Selectmen) and the regular voters of the anonymous New Hampshire Town that is considering going ahead with the Lost Liberty Airport.

Write to them at "newhampshiretown@hotmail.com" or click the link below.

Tell them about your eminent domain story. Mention all the ways that we are losing our freedom. Explain that making judges live under their own bad rulings is the most appropriate response we can offer.

Your letters will be read by the supportive Selectman, the undecided Selectmen and the voters of the town. Hopefully they will see that The Lost Liberty Airport is just as appropriate a response to our loss of liberty as the Boston Tea Party.
Click here to ask the Town to Support the Airport


Several victims of eminent domain abuse are about to be evicted. The U.S. Constitution should have protected their homes but now it is up to you.

Join us in creating a "Human Constitution" (shield) around the properties of these victims on eviction day. June 27, 2006: Bob Blue's building (Bernard Luggage Company, 1642 Vine Street, L.A., CA 90028) near the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine. Show up around 8:30 am but later may be ok. We plan to have a rock band play on the roof at noon.

July 10, 2006: The Halper Family is scheduled to be evicted from their family farm at 4 Bella Drive, Piscataway, NJ 08854. The Halper's invite you to camp out on their farm with RV's or tents starting on Friday July 7th.

Volunteers are needed to help with arrangements and publicity. You can do this from anywhere in the USA where you have a phone and Internet connection. If you can help please e-mail logan@freestarmedia.com with the Subject line: "Volunteer". Put your name and phone number in the message.
click for up to the minute info on evictions...


Friday June 23rd marks the anniversary of the Kelo decision, when the Supreme Court put every home, business, church and farm up for grabs to the highest bidder. This week, property owners and activists nationwide are rallying against the abuse of eminent domain. Here are the locations of those rallies; we encourage you to attend to protest the abuse of eminent domain in solidarity with your fellow property owners nationwide!

Hollywood, June 23, 4 p.m., Bernard Luggage, 1642 N. Vine Street Contact: Ziggy Kruse, ziggykruse2005@yahoo.com
San Bernardino, June 23, 7:30 p.m., Victory Chapel, 1156 North F. Street Contact: Deanna Adams, deannahelena@earthlink.net
Moorpark, June 23, 4 p.m., Cactus Patch, 197 East High Street Contact: Jillian Clark, I2Angel@aol.com

Derby, July 27, Classic Counter Tops, 176 Main Street Contact: Carl Yacobacci, classictops@sbcglobal.net

Riviera Beach, June 23, 5:30 p.m., Ocean Reef Park, 3860 N. Ocean Drive, Singer Island Contact: Martha Babson, sisu@bellsouth.net

Olathe, June 23, 11 a.m., Gazebo between Johnson County Courthouse at 100 North Kansas and the County Administrative building Contact: Mike Kerner, Mike4freedom@everestkc.net

St. Louis, June 23, 11:30 p.m., St. Louis City Hall, 1200 Market Street (at Tucker Boulevard) Contact: Jim Roos, neinc@sbcglobal.net
Norborne, June 24, 8 a.m., 407 E. 2nd Street Contact: Rod and Diana Cowsert, dcowsert@greenhills.net

Lancaster, June 23, 3 p.m., Roger?s Campground, 10 Rogers Campground Road Contact: Kat Dillon, bookish_lass@yahoo.com

Asbury Park, June 23, 11 a.m., City Hall, One Municipal Plaza (Press Conference) Contact: Kerry Butch, kerrymbutch@yahoo.com
Long Branch, June 23, 6:30 p.m., March begins at 38 Ocean Terrace Contact: Bill Giordano, rvswg@aol.com
Westville, June 23, 4 p.m., Grabbe?s Seafood Restaurant, 19 Delsea Drive Contact: Al Achilles, alachilles@comcast.net

Brooklyn, July 16, 2 p.m., Grand Army Plaza (Prospect Park West and Union Street) Contact: Develop Don?t Destroy - Brooklyn/Daniel Goldstein, contact@developdontdestroy.org

Columbus, June 22, 12:30 p.m., Westside of Statehouse (by McKinley Monument) Contact: Robert Butler, hq@lpo.org