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Keene News

Started by Kat Kanning, February 12, 2005, 07:31 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

There is a meeting at the Keene library tonight about a proposed roundabout at 101/Winchester. 

Tues, 2/15

Airport Advisory Commission

12:00 pm

Airport Terminal, Conference Room


Traffic Study Committee

4:00 pm

Public Library, Kay Fox Room


Council-NHDOT Workshop re Bypass

7:00 pm

Library, Kay Fox Room




Wed, 2/16

Trustee of Trust Funds

9:30 am

3rd Floor, Conference Room




Thu, 2/17

City Council

7:00 pm

Council Chambers, 2nd Floor




Fri, 2/18
Nothing Scheduled












Mon, 2/21
Holiday ? Washington?s  Birthday





Tues, 2/22

Keene Area Radio Emergency Squad

7:00 pm

Court Conference Room, 2nd Floor


Library Board of Trustees

4:30 pm

Trustees? Room, Public Library




Wed, 2/23

Municipal Services, Facilities & Infrastructure

6:00 pm

Council Chambers, 2nd Floor


Planning, Licenses & Development Committee

7:00 pm

Council Chambers, 2nd Floor




Thu, 2/24

Finance, Organization & Personnel Committee

6:30 pm
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor

Pat K

Wow that is a long roundabout way to get to the roundabout.

Dave Ridley

sent to the GM at above addie.  Also heard back from John thanking us for the support.

Dear Mr. Lyons:

I just heard about John Oliphant's run-in with the Inspection Thugs...and I want you to know how proud I am that someone from my favorite radio station is standing up to the government!   I hope that you will support him as appropriate or at least not hold this act of resistance against him as he continues to do a great job behind your microphone.   


Dave Ridley



Thanks for readin the paper! ;)  Guess I need to check this thread more often!  Sorry I missed the roundabout meeting.  I'm not terribly fond of roundabouts.  I'm thinkin extra lanes would do the trick, be cheaper, and safer.  But what do I know?!?  I'm just a big-city slicker ;)

Would love to hear if there's any news on the outcome of that meeting.  Guess we'll have to get more papers over your way, huh? ;)


Kat Kanning

I received this by certifiied mail today.  Any idea what the heck they're talking about?  Why'd they send it certified mail??  Are they going to demolish my house to do this or something?


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held before the Keene City Council relative to Ordinance O-2003-08-C - an Ordinance Relating to Excavation or Movement of Earth Materials and Ordinance O-2003-26 - an Ordinance amending the Natural Resources Chapter. The amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is to incorporate a new Article X - Earth Excavation, to include Division 1 through Division 5. The intent of this amendment is to establish an Earth Excavation Overlay District and to set forth permit requirements and standards for operation and reclamation of earth excavation sites. Ordinance O-2003-08-C also establishes a proposed overlay district, which provides reasonable opportunities for the excavation of earth materials from land situated within the City. Ordinance O-2003-26 repeals certain sections from Chapter 54, Natural Resources, Article II, Land Filling and Excavating. A copy of these Ordinances and map are available for public review in the City Clerk's Office, 3 Washington Street during normal business hours.

HEARING DATE: March 3, 2005
HEARING PLACE: Council Chambers, Keene City Hall

Per order of the Mayor and Councilors of the City of Keene, New Hampshire, this seventeenth day of February, two thousand and five.
City Clerk


Quote from: katdillon on February 21, 2005, 12:05 PM NHFT
I received this by certifiied mail today.  Any idea what the heck they're talking about?  Why'd they send it certified mail??  Are they going to demolish my house to do this or something?


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held before the Keene City Council relative to Ordinance O-2003-08-C - an Ordinance Relating to Excavation or Movement of Earth Materials and Ordinance O-2003-26 - an Ordinance amending the Natural Resources Chapter. The amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is to incorporate a new Article X - Earth Excavation, to include Division 1 through Division 5. The intent of this amendment is to establish an Earth Excavation Overlay District and to set forth permit requirements and standards for operation and reclamation of earth excavation sites. Ordinance O-2003-08-C also establishes a proposed overlay district, which provides reasonable opportunities for the excavation of earth materials from land situated within the City. Ordinance O-2003-26 repeals certain sections from Chapter 54, Natural Resources, Article II, Land Filling and Excavating. A copy of these Ordinances and map are available for public review in the City Clerk's Office, 3 Washington Street during normal business hours.

HEARING DATE: March 3, 2005
HEARING PLACE: Council Chambers, Keene City Hall

Per order of the Mayor and Councilors of the City of Keene, New Hampshire, this seventeenth day of February, two thousand and five.
City Clerk

Maybe one of your neighbors reported you for planting geraniums without a permit. :)


Weird that you got mail....

Presidents Day Holiday

Today is Presidents Day. It is a holiday for many workers. Many government offices will be closed.

Courts, state and federal offices, and the Division of Motor Vehicles will be closed.
Hillsborough County offices will be closed. Most town and city offices will be closed.

Post offices will be closed and there will be no mail delivery except for express mail service.

Most schools and banks will be closed.

Dave Ridley

GovSpeak is so incomprehensible...

Russell Kanning

They seemed to be handing these out to everyone on our street the mailman was going up to each door.
Hey Maynard and Varrin...did you get one of these?

Pat K

The excavation has something to do with a huge driveway in Keene. I heard you will be able to see it from space when it's done.


 ;D ?????? ??????? ???????!!  ;D


I hope my driveway permit isn't that complicated... ;)


Kat Kanning


Yup. I did not get one, so (and I talked this over with Pat), you are likely an abutter to the property where the work is being done. SOP.


Dave Ridley

The Keene BOE or some educrats acting without authority have put out some kind of mailing that looks like a newspaper and tells keene residents how to vote on the warrant articles.

Also there are these radio ads running....  Kat you have a copy of the "paper" , got any quotes for us from it?