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Upcoming NHPR story

Started by jgmaynard, July 25, 2006, 01:41 PM NHFT

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I just got a call from a reporter from NHPR who is looking to do a story on Freestaters running for office. Let me know if anyone is both and I can put you in touch with her.


Kat Kanning

I don't think there are currently any freestaters running for office  ::)


I take the term "Free-Stater" to mean: anyone who is fighting to keep NH Free.

That means the paltry few of us Free-Staters who moved to NH in the past 2 years are insignificant in number compared to the thousands of Free-Staters who have run for office, written LTEs, voted pro-Liberty, resisted taxes, printed underground newspapers, or generally just complained about tha gubbamint to their friends, over the past 200 years.

Free-Staters running for office? Well, that's easy: there's Gallus, Marple, Babiarz, Kahn, .... ;)


Quote from: d_goddard on July 25, 2006, 02:58 PM NHFT
I take the term "Free-Stater" to mean: anyone who is fighting to keep NH Free.

That means the paltry few of us Free-Staters who moved to NH in the past 2 years are insignificant in number compared to the thousands of Free-Staters who have run for office, written LTEs, voted pro-Liberty, resisted taxes, printed underground newspapers, or generally just complained about tha gubbamint to their friends, over the past 200 years.

Free-Staters running for office? Well, that's easy: there's Gallus, Marple, Babiarz, Kahn, .... ;)


Quote from: katdillon on July 25, 2006, 01:43 PM NHFT
I don't think there are currently any freestaters running for office  ::)

aren't...Dawn, JP, Dave Mincin, & Jane too...

Kat Kanning

I thought all the NHLA guys were running.


Isn't there a two-year residency requirement?

Kat Kanning

For state rep, yes.  Several of us have now been here two years.


Well, if you want a little stealthiness,... you say that most freestaters moved in last year, so they can't run for rep yet! ;)


We moved in 2005, so we can't run this November.
However... Irena plans to run in 2008. Yep, she's our family's "designated runner".
It helps that she volunteers at the Concord Library, and with the Concord Republicans (mostly to help steer them in a pro-freedom direction).
Plus, she's prettier than me, and is generally just much nicer and less curmudgeonly than me :)

Seriously... if you think at any point you might want to run for State Rep., you should get out there and volunteer for something... anything... ASAP! If your neighbors know you as the nice person who helps at the soup kitchen, reads books to children at the library, etc, then they will be much more likely to listen to what you have to say, and to trust you to represent them.

Actually, Kat and Russ (and much of the NH underground), you guys get huge kudos... you folks do so much community-service work, it is truly inspiring. From roadside cleanups, to your work in "Freedom Park", and so many more than I can name... just being Good Neighbors and Good People. What a great example you're setting -- even for the "politicos" :D


Yeah, I had heard that there were 12 FSP members running for state rep alone. Hmmm.


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: jgmaynard on July 28, 2006, 09:38 PM NHFT
Yeah, I had heard that there were 12 FSP members running for state rep alone. Hmmm.


I heard it was 17 but I think it might actually be 18.


Quote from: Keith and Stuff on July 28, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
Quote from: jgmaynard on July 28, 2006, 09:38 PM NHFT
Yeah, I had heard that there were 12 FSP members running for state rep alone. Hmmm.


I heard it was 17 but I think it might actually be 18.

We need a list. Some might not want to be associated with the radicals, so we could redact Sethanyone who prefers to go it alone.



In the papers it sounded like the head of the DEM wanted to find out and campaign AGAINST them.  So you may have a tough time finding out which ones are running as DEMs.  GOP may be the same thing but I haven't heard anything for sure.

If you really want to know I am sure you can PM some people to find out.

Some campaigns need cash.
Some campaigns need volunteers.