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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free Russell Rally

Started by Kat Kanning, August 01, 2006, 01:09 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Same to you Mr. Beacon of Freedom Radio Man. ;D

Maybe Dave's press release for the backside...

If so could somone point me to the version to use... the research time I don't have. :)


Yeah, it's coming up on 4 years of doing this show for free.  Maybe I'll turn a profit in year number five.   ::)

Kat Kanning

It sounds like where I was planning on being.  It also sounds suspiciously like a free speech zone.  No one is going to be in the road, though.


Quote from: Roger Grant on August 04, 2006, 10:31 AM NHFT
Modified the flyer idea...

I like that one a lot better. Drops the controversial images.


Ruger Mason

I agree, it is better.  However, can you replace the instances of "we" in the letter with the actual perpetrator, the United States government.  We must be concious of the fact that "we" and the state are not one and the same.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on August 04, 2006, 10:33 AM NHFT
I look forward to the day when Pro-Libery video production WILL be a paying gig.   ;D
I seriously think CopWatch will be.

Recumbent ReCycler

I just talked to the sheriff again, and we will be meeting later this afternoon to figure out the best area for the rally to happen.  He said that he is willing to cordon off part of the parking lot for us so that we can use an area without people parking in it.  We will try to get the optimal area that does not restrict traffic in and out of the jail.

Tom Sawyer

The sheriff is an elected position... if this man is as considerate of rights as he seems, count me in on helping him get re-elected. :)

Thanks for doing this work DoL.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Ruger Mason on August 04, 2006, 11:22 AM NHFT
I agree, it is better.  However, can you replace the instances of "we" in the letter with the actual perpetrator, the United States government.  We must be concious of the fact that "we" and the state are not one and the same.

I'm going with the exact flyer her tried to deliver...  :)

Can someone please point me to Dave's press release that would be best to use for the backside. I've got several irons in the fire... I'll be up late and gettin up early to prepare for 2 shoots tomorrow.


"When this happens in China, Many more people get upset."

Recumbent ReCycler

My meeting with the sheriff went really well.  He introduced me to one of his sergeants (a nice guy) who will be there tomorrow.  The sheriff suggested that we use the (wide) sidewalk right next to the main entrance if the group is small.  If the group is larger, then we could move to a very nice large grassy area at the end of the parking lot right next to the road. (People would have to drive or walk past us to get to the prison).  If someone is on Russell's visitor list, then they might be able to visit him.  The superintendent said that he will have the list tomorrow.  The superintendent of the jail said that if anyone causes trouble or obstructs traffic, then he will ask that everyone leave and nobody will be able to visit Russell.  He also said that nobody is to take a sign into the building.  I think that it would be best if only people who are on the list even consider going into the building.  He also told me that it is the jail policy that letters must be sent through the postal service, and cannot be hand delivered.  The sheriff told me that they will not put up jersey barriers, ropes, or any other objects that would impede movement, but they would like us to stay within the designated areas, which will probably be marked with orange cones in the corners.  They said that they anticipate a lot of visitors tomorrow.  I think it would be best if we were all to park along the grass near the entrance to the parking lot.  The sheriff and his officers plan to just hang back and observe as long as things remain peaceable.  Based on past experience, I anticipate that everyone will remain peaceful and just have a good time socializing while holding signs, but if one person starts to act up, I will take them aside myself if I have to.  I believe that we can police ourselves.  It would be in EVERYONE'S best interest if the rally were to remain friendly.  Also, from what I learned today, it would not be a good idea for us to go behind the jail to where Russell could see us, because it could cause problems for Russell.  I think it would be better if we were to take some nice photos of the group, print them out, and mail them to him.

Recumbent ReCycler

The rally seemed to go pretty well.  Nobody was arrested while I was there.  I was the first to show up, because I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.  I left after the rally was over, a little after 1800.  We hung out and talked for a while after the rally was over, and Kat read the non-mushy parts of her letters from Russell.  As I was getting ready to leave, some of the folks decided that they wanted to go for a walk.  I reminded them not to bring the signs with them because of something that Sergeant Williams had told me.  (I had told some people earlier that it would probably not be a good idea to walk around to behind the jail.)  I got in my car as they started walking down the side of the road.  As I started pulling out of my parking spot, I noticed that some of the cops had gotten into their cars and were heading toward the group who were walking, so I decided to pull down the road that they were on so that I could observe.  When I passed the group, there were 3 police cars behind me.  I drove down to the Humane Society parking lot and turned around.  As I was approaching the group, I saw one car pull in front of them to block their path, and another one stopped in the road closer to me.  I slowed down as I passed that car, and the cop in it yelled at me "You were asked to stay on the grass!" and something like "now go back".  The group of walkers were turned back, and another cop was stopped in my lane.  After he moved out of my way, I said goodbye to the group and drove off.


     Heck...I thawt them there folks at the jail were 'cordin me with that movie camera cuz they never seen a midwestern farmboy.  Wait till I
tell my momma 'bout this!  My family had trouble with them revenuers a time or two down in Ar kan saw.  Some of 'em left and I guess somebody
somewheres called the law back in town.    We mean yer no harm, and were yer neighbors n all.   :pitchfork: :tiphat:                                                                                       

       The "or this is an unlawful assembly!" guy DID remind me of the captain from "Cool Hand Luke".  At least the other personnel were
reasonable. Thanks to Def Of Lib.  for talking to them ahead of time to let them know we were peaceful, and everybody who participated to show support for Russell.   


What we got heah... is a failure to have a lawful assembly.

Thanks for your thoughts MrAAron.  Nice to see you here.

We had a fun time at the jail picnic ground.  Even though they didn't want us to walk around, or hold signs where inmates could see them, or use the bathroom. 

Tom Sawyer

Nice party... my only complaint is that Russell was rude and didn't come out and party with us.