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Report from my "raid" on Nashua PD

Started by Dave Ridley, August 26, 2006, 03:35 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Hard to take photos of oneself.  He wasn't speaking to the police to ask if they would snap a photo  ;D


Quote from: d_goddard on August 27, 2006, 09:55 AM NHFT
As John C said when he called in to FTL the other night, upset citizens are definitely going to be bringing this up to the legislature next session. Abuses happen in all states; this is the state where we draw the line in the sand and get things FIXED.

This certainly needs to happen, though prepare to be opposed by the Chiefs of Police.

Dave Ridley

with the idea that cameras are a must have...

well no, the only thing that is a must have is A PERSON and A SIGN.


But thanks for the kind words mr g


Quote from: FTL_Ian on August 27, 2006, 10:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on August 27, 2006, 09:55 AM NHFT
As John C said when he called in to FTL the other night, upset citizens are definitely going to be bringing this up to the legislature next session. Abuses happen in all states; this is the state where we draw the line in the sand and get things FIXED.

This certainly needs to happen, though prepare to be opposed by the Chiefs of Police.

At least in NH, cops (including Police Chiefs) are real people to.
I suppose one question to ask them when they testify is weather they have a personal opinion; or are they simply presenting the official line of their assosiation.

REGARDLESS, this MUST NOT stand.  It is an asault on Justice.

As an aside:  It's strange that, in the case of the confiscated CDs, it is the Concord PD.  The Concord PD has been at least - and maybe well above others - as respectful to those of us who have demonstrated/visited there.  AND - FOR ONE - I NOTICE THEIR CIVILITY.

(I would not expect this - normal - level of respect in any other "country," I mean community  ;D" than in NH.

Dave Ridley

looks like all i need to do next time i'm in concord is replace the NPD with a CPD on my sign, and the "Gannon" name with whatever the other mike's last name is. LOL   this is seriously getting efficient!

Don't take this as a promise to act tho , It may be a while before I can get around to this and go up there, by then the circumstances may have changed.

So ...how deep and wide is cpd's invovement?
How many months till i can thro snow balls at fed bldg?   

Michael Fisher

Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 26, 2006, 03:35 PM NHFT
I showed him a piece of paper I had prewritten that said "I have the right to remain silent. *You* have the right to question NPD's violations of the Fourth Amendment"  At the bottom it had my name in case he asked who I was (but I didn't carry any id).

Excellent idea. 8)

Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 26, 2006, 03:35 PM NHFT
Then, I began backing away from NPD at a rate of about 20 feet per minute with the sign aimed at them.   It took a while LOL.   There were lots of windows facing me so i'm assuming a few more folks got to see the sign while pretending not to be looking out the windows.  :)

Excellent strategy! They can't say you weren't leaving the property.  ;D


Wow, this is an awesome strategy.  Damn, you guys are smart!

Kat Kanning

You can do super-soakers long before snowballs are available.

Dave Ridley

not comfortable aiming any type of gun at them. 

Kat Kanning

Roger said he talked to the feds about it and they weren't worried.

Dave Ridley

hmmm maybe i should buyy a super soaker then.   never seem to have one on hand when i'm in concord

despite what one fed said, I think the whole idea of aiming water weapons at them is just not half as appealing as the snowball.

Kat Kanning

Yeah, I liked the water balloons better.


I'm sure you guys already thought of this, but if using water baloons, be sure to pick up the remnants after throwing or it could be considered littering.

Russell Kanning

I might be willing to risk being called a "litterer". We are going up against a government that kills people.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 29, 2006, 01:36 PM NHFT
I might be willing to risk being called a "litterer". We are going up against a government that kills people.
Guilt by association?