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Report from my "raid" on Nashua PD

Started by Dave Ridley, August 26, 2006, 03:35 PM NHFT

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QuoteHe maintained a polite demeanor but said basically:  "Well you can feel free to demonstrate on the sidewalks out by the road and all, but you can't stay here.  It's a place of business and I"m going to have to ask you to leave.  I appreciate what you're trying to do.  But this could be considered criminal trespass and I could arrest you.   I don't know if that's what you want... I hope not because I have an easy day ahead of me and don't want to have to go to the trouble."

it is interesting how this is similar and different than Russell's action.

#1 similarities...

once again a public official confirming that you don't have a free speech right in collectively owned building where you may potentially disrupt the business being transacted there - while you do out on the sidewalk as we all have an equal access right of way in common which allows all the other common rights - speech, assembly, passage, etc.

#2 differences...

not announcing publically what you are going to do...
not being purposely disruptive...

did you carry the sign in openly?

I wonder what would happen if you had the same printed material on a t-shirt as you did on your sign and you just took off a coat and stood there...

if you look at what Medea Benjamin (code pink) did at the Iraqi president's address - she just stood up and took off her coat with a message printed on the front of her t-shirt for everyone to read.

it was only when the authorities came to take her away she started shouting...


"did you carry the sign in openly?

Love that question!   :)


Realy, the question made my day.
Frank, thanks for being here.  That was GREAT.


hmmm...I wonder if he was openly carrying too!


Standing in the middle of a police department carrying a sign isn't disruptive, but walking up the stairs to hand out a handful of flyers at an IRS building is?  Frank . . . .

Tom Sawyer

Did Frank say something... I can't seem to hear him... the ignore feature is working fine. ;D



Quote from: Braddogg on August 29, 2006, 10:26 PM NHFT
Standing in the middle of a police department carrying a sign isn't disruptive, but walking up the stairs to hand out a handful of flyers at an IRS building is?  Frank . . . .

if Dada had publically announced what he was going to do and when then he would not have been allowed to...

Dave Ridley

<< Did Frank say something...

He said "This user is currently ignored"


Thanks Dada. I was wondering when I would finally get to smite you.
It is only by listening carefully to the well-intentioned arguments of those who disagree with you that you can more effectively bolster your own position.

It would be one thing if Frank were falling into name-calling and appeals to emotion... but he's not.
He's making the same points over & over, but how different is that from this "pro-choice on every issue every time" stance you and I take?

Money Dollars

Quote from: d_goddard on August 30, 2006, 07:03 AM NHFT
"pro-choice on every issue every time" stance you and I take?
You are pro-choice on rape and murder?  :o


Quote from: Money Dollars on August 30, 2006, 07:07 AM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on August 30, 2006, 07:03 AM NHFT
"pro-choice on every issue every time" stance you and I take?
You are pro-choice on rape and murder?  :o
I said, well-intentioned arguments.
And besides, you knew the answer before you hit "post": by definition, one of the parties in rape and murder cases did not make a voluntary choice. If they did, we'd be talking about "consensual sex" and "euthanasia", which most libertarians (myself included) do believe should not be illegal.


Quote from: d_goddard on August 30, 2006, 07:03 AM NHFT
Thanks Dada. I was wondering when I would finally get to smite you.
It is only by listening carefully to the well-intentioned arguments of those who disagree with you that you can more effectively bolster your own position.

It would be one thing if Frank were falling into name-calling and appeals to emotion... but he's not.
He's making the same points over & over, but how different is that from this "pro-choice on every issue every time" stance you and I take?

Karma to Dada. And everyone else who openly admitted they were Ignoring Frank.
That's what your suppost to do with trolls that continuously hijack threads. :)



Dave Ridley

Update:  I got a call from Mike Gannon telling me he heard all about this demonstration within three days...so word must have gotten around fast.  Only three people even saw what I was doing, that I was aware of at least.

He said someone called him and said "there's was a guy at NPD with a sign about and he won't talk to the cops!"